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Suffolk County MA Archives History - City .....Roxbury Directory, Names M - Z 1852
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Book Title: 

MABRY NATHANIEL, teamster, house High, n. Wash.
Maccarty Wm.F. clerk at C. G. Bird & Co.'s
Mace Abel B. cooper (B.), house Webber
Machino John, trader, house Island
Mack Jane Mrs! house 19 Sumner
Mack Nehemiah, blacksmith, house Centre, c. School
Mack Patrick, laborer, house Milldam
Madden Martin, house 20 Adams
Maguire William jr. grocer, 136 Wash, house do.
Mahan Daniel, house Orange, cor. Factory
Mahan Michael, carpenter, house Orange, c. Factory
Mahar John, cabinet maker, boards 20 Washington
Mahony Dolly, widow, house 121 Washington
Mahony Elizabeth, widow, house 133 Washington
Mahony John, rope maker, house r. Eaton, near East
Mahony Patrick, harness maker, house 140 Washington
Mair Rebecca Mrs. house 15 Washington
Mair Wm. W. book keeper, 15 Pearl (B.), h. 15 Washington
Maley James, laborer, house Ruggles, near Vernon
Mallard David T. hostler, h. Wash. n. Mechanics' Hotel
Malloy Paul, rope maker, house Mechanic
Malone James, laborer, house Milldam
Maloney Charles, laborer, house Milldam
Maloney Mary, widow, house Washington
Maloy Thomas, steward, house Cunard
Maltby Robert K. Mrs. boarding house, Wash. n. Pearl
Malverney Morris, laborer, house Highland
Manahan'James, laborer, house Orange, near Factory
Manahan Michael, laborer, house Highland
Manckel John, musician, house 14 Adams
Mannahan James, grocer, 152 Tremont
Mannex Timothy, grocer, 24 Washington, house do.
Manning Margaret, widow, h. Northampton, near the line
Manning Patrick, laborer, house foundry-house, Lowell
Manning Patrick, laborer, house Washington
Manning Thomas, rope maker, house Dallas place
Manning William, grocer, Davis, near East, house do.
Mansfield Edward, farmer, house Warren, near Grove Hall
Mansfield Nancy, boarding, 226 Wash. opp. Norfolk House
Marble David, gate keeper, Heath st. cros'g, h. Centre, n. do.
Maroney John, moulder, house Orange
Marr William, printer (B.), house 30 Yeoman, c. Adams
Marriott William, weaver, house Clay, near Simmons
Marsh Chas. druggist and crockery ware, 55 & 57 Wash. h. do.
Marsh David S. machinist, boards Bradford place
Marsh John, stationer, 77 Wash. (B.), house Elm
Marsh Jonathan P. piano-forte (B.), house Dedham turnpike
Marsh Oliver B. machinist, house 12 Eaton
Marsh Samuel W. merchant (B.), house Vernon
Marsh Warren, mason, house 50 Zeigler
Marshall David, book binder, 60 Washington
Marsters Richard, clerk at R. Hunting's, b. 169 Wash.
Marston John M. {Perry &; il£), h. Linden Park, opp. Ruggles
Marston Wm. currier, b. Washington, near Linden Park
Martin Ellen, widow, house Ruggles, cor. Water
Martin Henry A. physician, 47 Warren, cor. Dudley
Martin Robert, carpenter, house 51 Williams
Mason James, silk weaver, house 37 Cunard
Mason Lydia J. millinery, 49 Wash, house do.
Mason Nicholas, stove dealer (B.)> house Reed's court
Mason Win. H. pattern maker, h. Proctor, n. East
Mathes Albert R. livery stable, 125 Wash. cor. Vernon, house Auburn 
Mathes Charles L. grain dealer (B.), h. Vernon, c. Williams
Mathes William J. livery stable, Wash. opp. Norfolk House, h. 11 Centre 
Mathews George R. watchman, b. 11 Warren
Mathon Ozias H. house Dale
Maxfield Samuel, house Warren, near St. James
Maxfield Samuel jr. painter, house Clift place
Maxwell Charles, currier, house 20 Chestnut, c. Vine
Maxwell Henry, merchant (BO, boards Norfolk House
Maxwell William M. currier, Proctor, h. 20 Chestnut, c. Vine
May Edward T. house Warren, near Rockland
May Gilbert S. morocco dresser, h. rear Dudley, n. Greenville
May Harriet A. Mrs. house Warren, opp. Dennis
May Henry K, at Cus. House (B.),h. Warren, n. Rockland
May John W. (Hilliard & M.)} boards at J. G. Torrey's
May Robert S. cabinet maker, house 6 Pevear court
May Wm. B. broker, 9 State (B.), house 51 St James
Mayall Miles (Sherman and Mayall)y h. Cabot, n. Ruggles
Mayhew Nathaniel, ship broker (B.),h. Kenilworth, n. Dudley
McAndrews Edward, plasterer, house High, near Orange
McAnenty Charles, laborer, house Tremont, n. Cabot
McAnenty Hugh, grocer, Tremont, n. Cabot
McAvby Edward, rope maker, house Mechanic
McBurney Charles, 37 Milk (B.)> house Vernon, n. Ruggles
McCaffrey Francis, mason, house Dudley place
McCardle Michael, laborer, house Milldam
McCarey John, laborer, house Factory, near Tremont
McCarty Cormick, tanner, house Texas ct.
McCarty Cornelius, tanner, house Plymouth, near Eustis
McCarty Jeremiah, tanner, house Plymouth, near Eustis
McCarty John, coachman, boards at City Hotel
McCarty John, laborer, house rear 126 Washington
McCarty Michael, laborer, house 6 Lowell
McCarty Michael, house Factory, near Orange
McCarty Peter, house Adams, near Yeoman
McCere Michael, grocer, house 314 Washington
McChuen Francis C. leather dresser, boards Williams
McClarn David, carpenter, house 42 Eaton
McCloud George, rope maker, house Ruggles, n. Tremont
McClure Columbus, engineer, house Orange ct.
McColgan Tristram, laborer, boards Belmont
McCombs Samuel, weaver, house Tremont place
McCormick Patrick, boiler maker, house Ruggles, c. Water
McCowan James, trader, house Proctor
McCracken James, house Factory, near Orange
McDavitt Patrick, laborer, house Orange, cor. Clay
McDermott Andrew, gardener, house Proctor
McDermott Patrick, laborer, house East, near Island
McDermott Patrick, laborer, house Orange, near Factory
McDill Isaac, laborer, house Water, near Auburn
McDonald David, provisions, 7 Yeoman, house 2 Reed's ct.
McDonald Hugh, currier, house Hunneman
McDonald James, laborer, house Centre, n. railroad crossing
McDonald James, currier, house 4 Spring court
McDonald John, laborer, h. 39 Union
McDonald (Michael) & Kivelehen (Peter), W. I. goods, 126 Parker, house 128 do.
McDonald Thomas, laborer, house Tremont place
McDonnough Michael, grocer, Tremont
McDonough Edward, coachman, house Parker, near Heath
McDonough Matthew, wire dresser, house Milldam
McDonough Patrick, house 135 Washington
McElroy John, grocer, Clay and Factory, house 6 Clay
McElroy John, grocer, 114 Washington, house do.
McGarvey Alexander, stone cutter, house 31 Yeoman
McGee John, rope maker, house Webber
McGee John, laborer, house Fellows
McGee Patrick, laborer, house Fellows
McGee William, rope maker, house Webber
McGell Patrick, laborer, house Tremont, near Ruggles
McGettrick Matthew, groceries and provisions, 137 Wash. h. do.
McGinty John, house rear 11 Washington
McGoverin James, laborer, house Belmont
McGrath Wm. harness maker, boards at J. E. Adams's
McGuire Patrick, house Belmont
McGuire Patrick, house Milldam
McIntire Oren, at Franklin House
McIntire Daniel, house 139 Tremont
McIntire Samuel, mason, house 2 Magazine
McIntosh Aaron S. (W. H. & A. S. McI.), bds. Allen place
McIntosh Henry M. (M. McIntosh & Son), b. Fac'ry, c. Orange
McIntosh M. & Son (H. M. McIntosh), steam power blind, hinge and fastening
     factory, Orange, n. Factory, house Factory, cor. Orange
McIntosh Samuel, provision dealer, house Rockingham place
McIntosh William H. provisions, Bartlett, opp. Guild's building, house 22 Clift
McKean John, grocer, 156 Tremont
McKeever Bernard, laborer, house Warren
McKellar John, carpenter, house Marcella
McKelvey Robert, clerk, Davis, c. East, boards Yeoman
McKenna John, house Highland, near Centre
McKrey William, gardener, house 3 Washington
McLane Andrew, blacksmith, house Tremont, near Clay
McLaughlin James, lead maker, boards Belmont
McLaughlin James, laborer, Russell ct.
McLaughlin Malcom, variety store, Tremont, near Clay
McLaughlin Michael, house 20 Eaton   .
McLaughlin Richard, laborer, house Centre, n. railroad cros'g
McLaughlin Thomas, house Highland, near Centre
McLoon Andrew J. machinist, b. r. Tremont, n. Ruggles
McMahan Patrick, house Cabot
McMalady Michael, mason, house Clay
McMorrow John, mason, house Fellows
McNair David, supt. carpet factory, Water, h. Smith
McNeal James, gardener, house Forest avenue
McNiel Patrick, laborer, house Bower, near Walnut
McPartland Owen, gunsmith, house Orange, n. Factory
McPherson Hugh, blacksmith, boards 28 Davis, c. Binney pl.
McRea William, gardener, house 59 Elm
McShea Richard, stone layer, house Milldam
McSweeny Dennis, gardener, house Webber, c. Fellows
McTaggart William, gardener, house East, near Warren
McVee John, plumber, 36 Washington
Mead Hugh, laborer, house 118 Washington
Mead John D. provision dealer, house Reed's court
Mecuen Francis, currier, boards Williams
Mee Hubert, laborer, house 142 Washington
Mee John, laborer, house Lowell
Merriam Benjamin jr. nursery, Marcella, h. Ded. turn. n. Oak
Merriam Charles, stable (B.), house Dale
Merriam Hannah, boards at Richard White's
Merrifield Jacob, laborer, boards East, cor. Adams
Merrifield John, house Centre, near Chemical Works
Merrill Calvin, patent leather, boards 68 Williams
Merrill Cyrus S. boot maker, Ruggles, n. Tremont, h. Russell ct 
Merrill John J. steam planing, Parker, near Ruggles, house
Vernon, near Ruggles
Merrill Gyles, supt. Lead Works, house 70 Vernon
Merriman Benjamin, farmer, house Dedham turnpike, n. Oak
Merritt Franklin S. patent leather dresser, boards 140 Eustis
Merry William, teamster, house Belmont
Meserve Isaac H. supt. Alms House, Highland
Messer William W. merchant (B.), house Dedham turnpike
Messinger Wm. shoe dealer (B.), h. Walnut, opp. Rockland
Miers James A. Mrs. house 10 Reed's court
Miers James H. mariner, boards 10 Reed's court
Mighill Stephen, physician, Tremont, corner Ruggles
Miles Sarah E. widow, house Walnut, near Bower
Miller Elias P. cooper, house 38 Eaton, near Yeoman
Miller George, laborer, house Reed
Miller James G. carpenter, house 38 Eaton, n. Yeoman
Mills John O. clerk (B.), house Walnut
Minton Ann, widow, house Northampton, c. Davis
Minton Bernard, grocer, Plymouth, n. Eustis, house do.
Minton Michael, house East, near Adams
Mitchell James, laborer, house Sumner, n. Washington
Mitchell James, carpenter, house 120 Tremont
Mitchell John, laborer, house Tremont place
Mixter George, h. Bower, c. Walnut
Molineux Robert W. clothing and furnishing goods, 83 Wash. h. Wash, n. Parker 
Monahan Barney, laborer, boards Rockingham place
Monahan Thomas, laborer, house Rockingham place
Montgomery Richard, laborer, house Davis, n. East
Montgomery William, patent oakum manufactory, Norfolk av.
     house 13 Bradford place
Moody Henry H. piano-forte maker, house r. 24 Davis
Moore Alexander, house 59 Orange
Moore Ann, widow, house Milldam
Moore Ann M. Mrs. fancy goods, 86 Washington, house do.
Moore Augustus M. baker, house 18 Davis, near East
Moore Charles, house Simmons
Moore Charles H. collector, house Belmont
Moore Daniel C. grist mill, Milldam, house in Boston
Moore Jacob B. coachman, house r. Turnpike, near School
Moore Josiah H. Mrs. house 92 Washington
Moore Page, leather dresser, house Williams
Moore William, weaver, boards 190 Tremont
Moore William C. gilder, house 128 Eustis, opposite Vine
Moran John, laborer, house Centre
Moran Michael, laborer, house Parker, n. Alleghany
Moran Patrick, laborer, house Milldam
Morey Francis F. (W. P. & F. F. Morey), house High
Morey Michael, carpenter, house Rockingham place
Morey Patrick, mariner, house foot of Milford place
Morey Patrick, laborer, house Parker, near Alleghany
Morey Wm. P. & F. F. job wagon, Wash. opp. Norfolk House
Morgan Robert, piano-forte maker, h. 24 Yeoman, n. Adams
Morgan William, laborer, house Sumner, n. Washington
Morrill George, counsellor, 64 Wash, house Suffolk place
Morrill Joseph, soap and candle dealer (B.), house Suffolk pl.
Morrill Joseph jr. candle and soap works, High, n. Orange,
     house Dudley place
Morris Apollos, surveyor, house Warren, opp. Mt, Vernon pl.
Morris Barney, tailor, house Rockingham place
Morris Mrs. widow, house Sumner, near Short
Morrow Francis, butler, house Milldam
Morse Aaron jr. distiller, house 1 Greenville
Morse Albert, house Ruggles, near Vernon
Morse Amos Mrs. house 65 Zeigler
Morse Chester H. tallow chandler, house Short
Morse Elijah, merchant (B.), house Walnut, opp. Bower
Morse Ezra, soap manufacturer, Davis, house Zeigler
Morse Ezra jr. boards at Ezra Morse's, Zeigler
Morse Harford, house 30 Warren, n. Washington
Morse Henry, house 30 Warren, near Washington
Morse Horatio G. physician, Zeigler, n. Warren, house do.
Morse Josiah G. hack driver, boards at City Hotel
Morse Lucy, widow, house 30 Warren, n. Washington
Morse Luther, house 72 Zeigler
Morse Mary Ann, widow, house 7 Luteman place
Morse William, merchant (B.), house Walnut, opp. Bower
Morse William, carpenter, house r. 24 Davis, n. Yeoman
Morsgrove Robert, laborer, house Water, near Cabot
Morton John E. carpenter, house Allen place
Morton William, grocer, Rugbies, c. Water, house do.
Mott David, weaver, house 3 Tremont place
Moulton Jonathan, lamp lighter, house 122 Parker
Mulcock James, laborer, house Milldam
Mulharen Ann, grocery, 118 Tremont
Mulheren Julia Mrs. house Rockingham place
Mulheren Luke, laborer, house Swett
Mulheron John, laborer, house Cherry, near East
Mulheron William, laborer, house Cherry, near East
Mulky Timothy, laborer, house Dedham turnpike
Mullane Dennis, grocer, Plymouth, c. Hunneman, house do,
Mullen William, teamster, house Ruggles, near Tremont
Mulligan James. W. I. goods, 153 Tremont, house do.
Mulligan Michael, laborer, house Milldam
Mulliken Ephraim S. coach manufacturer, Pearl, h. Orange ct,
Mulray Michael, grocer, Tremont, c. Houston place, house do.
Mulrey Timothy D. marble worker, 127 Wash, house Belmont
Mulvay Patrick, laborer, house Lowell, opposite the tannery
Munroe Benjamin, morocco dresser, house 110 Washington
Munroe Charles W. tailor, 105 Washington, house Vernon
Munroe Francis, morocco dresser, house 110 Washington
Munroe George D. stock broker (B .), house St. James
Munroe James, morocco dresser, house Williams
Munroe Josiah J. painter, house rear Warren
Munsey Ebenezer, teamster, house Silver
Murdock Joseph, book keeper (B.), house Walnut, cor. Dale
Murnane Edward, laborer, house Milldam
Murray Alfred C. upholsterer (B.), house r. Edinboro', n. Oak
Murray America, carpenter, house Ruggles
Murray Edward, boards 30 Eaton, corner Yeoman
Murray Patrick, laborer, house rear 36 Washington
Murray Patrick, laborer, house Rockingham place
Murphy Bridget, widow, house Proctor, corner Adams
Murphy* Cornelius, weaver, boards 190 Tremont
Murphy Edward, carpenter, house Water, near Ruggles
Murphy Francis, grocer, 113 Washington, house do.
Murphy John, laborer, house Island, near East
Murphy John, laborer, house Milldam
Murphy John, laborer, house Hunneman
Murphy John, blacksmith, house Webber
Murphy John, tanner, house Plymouth, near Eustis
Murphy Martin, laborer, house 39 Union
Murphy Mary Mrs. house 1 Pearl
Murphy Michael, gardener, house East
Murphy Patrick, laborer, house Milldam
Murphy Thomas, laborer, house Milldam
Murtaugh Patrick, laborer, house 1 Lowell
Myers Clement, blacksmith, house Russell court
Myers Henry J. V. police officer, h. Sumner place

NASH JACOB L. wheelwright, Walnut, n. Seaver, h. Seaver
Nash Silas, commission merchant (B.), house 96 Eustis
Nason Andrew, machinist, house Orange court
Nann Hugh, coachman, house 8 Union
Nann Owen, hostler at Franklin House
Neal John W. printer (B.), house 114 Eustis
Neenan Joseph, rope maker, house Ruggles, near Water
Neenan Jeremiah, rope maker, house Ruggles, near Water
Neff Frederick, carpenter, house Magazine, near Norfolk av.
Neisse Bonaparte, basket maker, house Reed, corner Island
Neisse John, basket maker, house Plymouth, near Hunneman
Neveali Jacob, laborer, house Milldam
Nevers Benj. M. coal, 48 Hanover (B.), house 26 Chestnut
Newburgh Francis, house Tremont, near Texas avenue
Newcomb Danforth P. (F. H. M., Boston), house Binney place
Newcomb James, morocco dresser, house Washington
Newell Charles W. agent Roxbury Trading Union, 47 Washington,
     house 4 Clift place
Newell Willard, patent leather worker, house Adams place
Newman Andrew W. blacksmith, Eustis, c. Mall, h. 32 Eustis
Newton Antipas, provisions, 120 Wash, h. Warren, n. Dudley
Newton Elizabeth, widow, house Warren, near Dudley
Newton John F. Ill Washington, boards at S. Wiswell's
Nichols Charles, house 11 Centre
Nichols Charles C. merchant (B.), house Walnut, c. Curcuit
Nichols Isaac, mason, house Ruggles, foot of Vernon
Nichols Michael, moulder, house Lowell, near foundry
Nichols P. L. jr. physician, house Dudley, near Elm
Nichols Richard, boot maker, house Clift
Nichols Robert C. book keeper (B.), boards 72 Zeigler
Nichols William S. mess. Globe Bank (B.), house 26 Greenville
Nickerson David, carpenter, boards 26 Smith
Nickerson Seth, carpenter, house Smith
Niles Daniel, carpenter, house 74 Zeigler
Nolan James, laborer, house Highland
Nolen John, house 17 Union
Nolen Patrick, laborer, house 39 Union
Norris John W. carpenter, house Walnut
Norton Edward, laborer, house Tremont, opp. Tremont place
Norton James, laborer, boards East, corner Adams
Norton John, laborer, house Ruggles
Norton John, laborer, house Rockingham place
Norton John, hostler, house Washington, n. Mechanics' Hotel
Norton Mathias, shoe maker, Proctor, corner Adams
Norton Patrick, house Union, near Warren
Norton Patrick, laborer, house Proctor, corner Adams
Norton Thomas, currier, house 2 Davis
Norton Thomas, laborer, house Island
Norton Thomas, laborer, house Smith, r. Washington
Norwood George M. book keeper Men Bank (B.), h. 39 Elm
Nowland James, laborer, house Water
Noyes Benjamin S. boots and shoes, 131 Tremont, house Vernon, corner Ruggles
Noyes E. Wight, merchant (B.), house St. James
Noyes George W. painter, East, near Eaton, and Warren, cor. Walnut,
     house Circuit, near Walnut
Nugent Ellen, widow, house Sumner, near Short
Nute Nathaniel, spinner, house Milldam
Nute Timothy R. physician, house Ruggles, foot Vernon
Nye Joseph, iron founder, house 8 Davis

O'BEIREN RICHARD, mason, house 142 Washington
O'Beirn Francis, mason, house 131 Washington
O'Beirn John, house Magazine, corner East
O'Beirne Patrick Rev. pastor St. Joseph's church, house Cedar,
     corner Dedham turnpike
O'Brien James, starch factory, boards 190 Tremont
O'Brien James, laborer, house 142 Washington
O'Brien Jeremiah, mason, house 10 Prentiss, near Parker
O'Brien Michael, tallow chandler, house High
O'Brien William, laborer, house Milldam
O'Callahan Michael, laborer, house Milldam
O'Connell John, laborer, house Orange
O'Connell John, clock maker, house Norfolk ave. n. Magazine
O'Connell John, house Reed, near Island
O'Connell Michael, house High, near Orange
O'Connell Nicholas, shoe maker, house Hunneman
Odiorne George, iron dealer (B.), house 81 Zeigler, c. Warren
O'Donnfell Dennis, house Cabot, near Ruggles
O'Keefe William, currier, boards Ruggles, near Water
Oliver Abigail Mrs. house Warren place
Oliver William M. (White & Oliver), house Short, cor. Eustis
O'Maley John, rope maker, house Milldam
O'Maley Michael, rope maker, house Milldam
O'Neil John book keeper (B.), house 100 Eustis, n. Dudley
O'Neil John, lead maker, boards Belmont
O'Neil Peter, laborer, house Highland
O'Neil William, boards rear 11 Washington
Onion George {Cordwell & O.), b. 846 Washington st. Boston
Ordway Marietta, teacher private school, Warren, n. Dudley, h. 68 Zeigler
Ordway Moses, carpenter, Warren, n. Dudley, h. 68 Zeigler
Ortman Christian, grocer, 128 Tremont
Orton James, weaver, house 38 Tremont, near Boston line
Osborn Hannah, widow, house Dedham turnpike
Osgood George, hat dealer (B.), house Dana place
Osgood Isaac B. counsellor (B.), h. Washington, c. Putnam
Otis Theodore, counsellor (B.), house Lambert avenue
Ottignon John L. coach trimmer, house Dudley, near Elm

PACKARD OTIS, upholsterer (B.), house Edinboro'
Packer George, morocco manufacturer, Washington, corner
     Tremont, house Orange, corner Orange court
Page Daniel E. blacksmith, house Orange, near Washington
Page Holman, carpenter, house Norfolk, corner Highland
Page James B. wood and coal, Ruggles, n. Tremont, h. do.
Page John B. sawing and turning, Tremont, cor. Washington,
     house Russell court
Page Reuben, teamster, boards Mechanic, corner Ruggles
Page Samuel W. baker, house Cabot
Paine Elijah, shoe maker, 81 Eustis
Paine Joseph, cigar maker, 122 Washington, b. City Hotel
Palmer Adin, machinist, boards Milldam
Palmer Edward, house Avon place
Palmer Thomas, machinist, house Mechanic, cor. Ruggles
Palmer William H. provisions, 8 Warren, n. Wash. h. Auburn
Parker Abraham, mason, house Cabot, near Tremont
Parker Abraham G. steam sawing, Tremont, house Sudbury, corner Tremont
Parker Abraham S. steam sawing, Tremont, house Sudbury, corner Tremont 
Parker Anna, widow of John, house Parker Hill
Parker Asa N. iron founder, house 34 Eaton
Parker Caleb, grocer, 107 Washington, house Auburn
Parker David O. carpenter, boards Williams
Parker Eusebia, widow, house Washington, corner Gay
Parker George J. farmer, house Brush Hill
Parker Isaac, house Walnut, cor. Rockland
Parker John, gilder, house 31 Union, near Short
Parker John W. merchant (B.), house Wash. n. Dudley
Parker Samuel F. house rear 15 Washington
Parker Solomon B. cooper, house Reed's court
Parkhurst Henry, piano-forte maker (B.), house 83 Warren
Parkhurst Henry, piano-fortes (B.), house Dedham turnpike
Parkinson James, piano-forte and organ manuf. 20 Davis, h. 26 Yeoman, near Adams
Parrium Alden B. architect, boards Williams
Parsons Abby, milliner, 117 Washington
Partridge John W. clerk (B.), house Clift
Partridge Sylvester E. omnibus driver, house Rockland
Patrick Robert, weaver, boards 198 Tremont
Patten Asa, refrigerator and cabinet manufacturer, Cedar, cor. Dedham turn,
     order box 12Cornhill (B ), h. Cedar sq.
Patten William, currier, house 29 Washington
Payne James, box maker, house East, corner Eaton
Payne Oliver P., Boston and Roxbury express, h. 11 Warren, near Washington
Payson Samuel, piano-forte maker (B.), h. 190 Washington, opp* Washington place 
Payson Samuel R. merchant (B.), house 32 Chestnut
Peabody Augustus Mrs. house 9 St. James/
Peabody Owen G. counsellor (B.), house 9 St. James
Pearce Nelson, mason, house Seaver
Pearson E. Mrs. mesmeric examiner of diseases, 27 Warren
Pearson James B. druggist, boards 1 Greenville
Pearson Jeremiah, leather dresser, house Lambert
Pearson John, provisions (B), house 20 Eustis
Pearson Samuel, house rear Webber, opp. Fellows
Pearson Thomas, omnibus driver, boards at J. Keen's
Pearson William, printer (B.), boards 2 Washington place
Pearson William G. mesmeric physician, 27 Warren
Peck (Moses) & Dana (James B ), curer of hams, Washington, corner Heath,
     house do.
Peck Solomon, sec. Baptist Miss. Union, house 22 Elm
Peck William, house 19 Eaton, near Yeoman
Pedder James, ed. Boston Cultivator, h. 28 Warren, n. Union
Peirce Bradford K. Rev. house Bradford place
Peirce Charles H. bookstore (B.), house LaGrange place
Penniman Edward M. brass founder, h. 21 Yeoman, n. Adams
Perkins Benjamin, merchant (B.), house Highland
Perkins Charles, boards 4 Magazine
Perkins Daniel, card manufacturer, house Clift place
Perkins Edward L. card manufacturer, Dale, house do.
Perkins Misses, house Lambert avenue, cor. Cedar
Perkins Merrill, boards 47 Sumner
Perkins  William W.  sash  and blind maker,  Dudley, near
Warren, house r51 Dudley
Perrin David, boards at Mrs. M. G: Atkins's
Perry Almon, carpenter, boards 169 Washington
Perry (Benjamin F.) & Marston (John M.), carpenters, East,
     cor. Norfolk ave. house East, cor. Adams
Perry Chipman C. grocer, East, corner Adams, house do.
Perry Edward, tailor, house Adams place
Perry Joseph F. carpenter, house 171 Washington
Perry Levi, cabinet maker, house Cunard, cor, Tremont
Perry Lucius M. sofa and chair manufacturer, h. Winthrop pl.
Perry Stephen, boards 10 Magazine
Perry William, coach driver, boards at Mechanics' Hotel
Perry Zebedee C. teamster, boards 4 Adams
Peters John, mariner, house Short, cor. Sumner
Pettes Henry & Co. {Joseph Lovejoy), carpet manuf. Orange, c. Simmons,
     house Hawthorn, c. Cedar
Pettes John, laborer, house Davis, near East
Pettes Samuel, house Washington, cor. Pearl
Pevear Bradbury, shoe maker, Warren, n. Dudley, h. 8 Pevear ct.
Pevear Charles B. shoe maker, 128 Wash. h. 42 Williams
Pevear Daniel S. shoe maker, Dudley, near Greenville, h. do.
Phelps Asahel, house Dedham turnpike, near Cedar
Philbrook Levi, 2 Fan. Hall market (B.), h. Williams court
Phillips Flavel, merchant (B.), boards Highland
Phillips George A. house Highland
Phillips James jr. merchant (B.), h. 163 Dudley, n. City Hall
Phillips Joseph, house Highland
Phillips Samuel M. merchant (B.), house Highland
Phinnon Martin, laborer, house Rockingham place
Phipps William, merchant (B ), house Elm, near Chestnut
Pickens John, boards Ionic Hall
Pickering Henry W. broker (B.), house Walnut, c. Rockland
Pier Philip, brush maker, boards at Mrs. Hazlett's
Pierce Dean, grocer, Centre
Pierce Eliza, widow, house 4 Washington
Pierce Fidelia, book folder, house 4 Washington
Pierce G. W. & H. W. provisions. City Hall market, h. Porter
Pierce Horace W. (Gr. W. & H. W. Pierce), house at Brighton
Pierce James, weaver, house Crawshaw place
Pierce Jonas jr. tanner, house Bartlett
Pierce Lydia, widow, house 31 Union, opposite Short
Pierce Otis S. mason, house Binney place
Pierce Samuel, omnibus driver, boards at J. Pierce jr.'s
Pierce William P. house Eustis, near Dorchester line
Pierpont William A. brass founder (B.)» house Edinboro*
Pike Benjamin F. piano forte maker (B.), house Ciift
Pike George H. teamster, house 14 Yeoman
Pike Gilman L. patent leather, boards 64 Vernon
Pishot William, machinist, boards Ruggles, near Water
Plimpton Charles P. merchant (B.), house 35 St. James
Plummer John L. merchant tailor (B.), house Auburn
Plummer Leonard, carpenter, boards Mechanic
Plunkett George, laborer, house Milldam
Plympton Jeremiah, teacher Dudley School, h. Hawthorn
Polechio Joseph, painter, Eustis, c. Mall, h. rear 3 Dudley
Pollard Abner W. merchant tailor (B.), house 4 Washington
Pollock Allan, house 116 Eustis, near Dudley
Pollock Andrew F. merchant (B.), boards 116 Eustis
Polsey Arlon M. balance maker, house East, near Yeoman
Polsey John, supt. balance manuf. house Bradford place
Pompowter Peter, house 8 Tremont place
Pond Joseph A, stove dealer (B.), house 18 Clift
Poole Charles H. surveyor, Guild's building, b. at L. W. Reed's
Poole Samuel, blacksmith, Seaver, house do.
Poor Alexander, house Cunard
Pope Francis H. student (B.), boards Dedham turnpike
Pope Holly K. house 28 Chestnut
Porteous John, carpenter, boards 53 Dudley
Porter George, house Orange, near Washington
Porter Walden, 13 Doane (B.), house 24 Chestnut
Potter James C. machinist, house Milldam
Powell Charles T. (Elliot # Powell), 62 Washington
Powers Peter, baker, boards Eustis, near Zeigler
Pratt Ebenezer, painter, house Williams, near Water
Pratt Hannah H. vest maker, house rear 15 Washington
Pratt Hannah S. Mrs. house rear 15 Washington
Pratt Henry, gun and lock smith, Dudley, n. Kenilworth, h. do.
Pratt Jerahmeel C. machinist, Cabot, near Ruggles, house Ruggles, near Cabot
Pratt Segur, cigar dealer (B.), boards Norfolk House
Pray Lewis G. house 83 Eustis
Prentiss Caroline, widow of Henry, house Kenilworth
Prentiss Nathaniel S. boards at Mrs. H. Ware's
Prescott Charles P. clerk (B.), boards Ionic Hall
Prescott Gardner, omnibus driver, boards at M. A. Prescott's
Prescott Jane M. Mrs. house Washington (Ionic Hall)
Prescott Jonas G. furrier, house Texas avenue
Prescott Mary Ann Mrs. house 237 Wash.
Prince Thomas, book and job printer, Wash. cor. Dudley, h. 8 Seaver pl. (B.)
Prince Thomas, colorer, house Orange, near carpet factory
Proctor Thorndike, captain, house Porter
Proegler Frederic, cabinet maker, house Webber
Prouty James L. shoe maker, 103 Wash, boards rear Vernon
Pulsifer Rebecca H. milliner, 81 Washington, h. 68 Williams
Purchase William, currier, boards Wash. n. Linden Park
Putnam Allen, coal, wood, lime, &c. foot Davis, cor. Swett,
     house 138 Eustis, near East
Putnam George Rev. D. D. house Highland

QUIGLEY JOHN, iron founder, boards 10 Davis
Quigley Michael, house Orange, n. carpet factory
Quigley Patrick, laborer, house Washington, n. Lowell
Quigley Thomas, laborer, house 1 Pearl
Quilo Joseph, carpet maker, house Belmont
Quimby John M. house 11 Reed's court
Quinn John, laborer, house rear 17 Union
Quinn Patrick, laborer, house Milldam

RAFFERTY FELIX H. painter, house Lowell
Ragin Cornelius, house Oxford
Rail Lewis, laborer, house Mechanic
Ramsay Royal {Hunt 8$ i2.), house at Charlestown
Ramsey George, laborer, house Northampton, c. Davis
Ramsey Matthew J. expressman, boards at Mrs. D. Green's
Rand Isaac, farmer, house East, c. Mt. Pleasant
Rand Obed, stone mason, house Simmons
Randall Elizabeth, widow, house East, cor, Eustis
Randall John N. druggist (B.), boards Norfolk House
Randall Nathaniel EL carpenter, house 68 "Williams
Randall William, baker, house 91 Washington
Ransom Chandler R. 7 State (B.), house 67 St, James
Raymond Francis, rope maker, house 127 Ruggles
Rea Archelaus, house Chestnut, near Vine
Rea John, provisions, house Ruggles, next railroad
Read {George) & Bronsdon {E. F.), auctioneers and real estate agents,
     50 Washington, house 198 Wash. n. Putnam
Readdy Arthur, mariner, boards at Henry Readdy's
Readdy Henry, fireman, house Parker, near Ruggles
Reaples E. Mrs. house Ruggles, near Tremont
Reardon Thomas, weaver, house Factory, n. Orange
Reckord Almira, widow, house Ruggles, n. Mechanic
Redding Charles, painter and glazier (B.), house 70 Zeigler
Reed Andrew, gardener, house Heath
Reed David, house 129 Washington
Reed F. D. office 70 State st. (B.), house Elm
Reed John, carpet maker, house Belmont
Reed Levi, principal Washington School, house Auburn pl.
Reed Loring W. paper hanger, h. Linden Park, c. Ruggles
Reed Lucy, widow, house 129 Washington
Reed Sampson, boards Smith
Reed William, bleacher and dyer, house Mechanic
Reed William, house Elm
Remick Ai {Wm. Rumrill & Co.), h, Warren, n. Rockland
Reynolds Charles G. book keeper (B.), house Kenilworth
Reynolds Mary, widow, house 138 Washington
Reynolds Wm. J. book seller (B.), house 100 Warren
Rhodes A. H. house Putnam
Rice John Edward, carpenter, boards 34 Davis
Rice Richard H. stair builder, house 23 Yeoman, n. Adams
Rice Thomas, stair builder, house 34 Davis, near Yeoman
Rice William D. coppersmith (B.), house 127 Eustis, n. Vine
Rice William D. carpenter, boards 34 Davis
Rich (Napthali D.) & Crosby (Benjamin), oysters, 140 Wash. h. Clift 
Rich Reuben, teamster, house Sumner, near Short
Richards Edward W. saddle and harness maker, 124 Wash. h. 
     1 Lyndeboro' place (B.)
Richards Geo. C. clerk, 3 Guild's building, house 54 Vernon
Richards Tolman C. coachman, boards City Hotel
Richardson Abijah, insurance agent, boards at  G. Frost's, Williams place
Richardson Augustus, house Oxford
Richardson Henry H. carpenter, Eustis, corner Zeigler, house Williams place 
Richardson James, painter, house 8 Adams
Richardson John S. steam planer, house r. Eaton, n. East
Richardson Josiah, merchant, house Sumner, n. Short
Richardson William, teamster, boards 10 Magazine
Richie John, laborer, house Davis, near East
Richmond Gideon B. (Crocker # i?.), house 12 Franklin place
Ricker Benjamin, house Washington, opp. Putnam
Rider John, machinist, house Eustis, near East
Rider John jr. hair dresser, Ruggles, c. Tremont, h. at Boston
Riddle Edward, baker, house 40 Adams
Riedel Philip, carpenter, house Franklin place
Rigg Robert, carpenter, house Northampton, c. Davis
Rignall John, laborer, house Highland
Riker Nathaniel H. cabinet maker, house Cedar square
Riley Charles, laborer, house Coventry
Riley James, laborer, house foot of Coventry
Riley John, blacksmith, boards 4 Adams
Riley John, laborer, house 48 Tremont
Riley Thomas, laborer, house Ruggles, near Vernon
Riley Thomas, laborer, house Tremont, cor. Cabot
Ring Wm. silversmith, house 18 Spring court
Ripley Nancy Mrs. widow of Wm. P. house Circuit
Rising Darius B. merchant (B.), house Vernon, n. Auburn
Risley Hollis, driver, boards 3 Washington
Ritchie Edward S. merchant (B.), house Dedham
Ritchie James, city missionary, City Hall, house Marcella
Roark Michael, laborer, house Washington, near Parker
Roark Patrick, boards 190 Tremont
Roark Thomas, laborer, house Tremont place
Robbins Alvin M. house foot of Williams place
Robbins Chandler, moulder, house Centre, near Dudley
Robbins -----, beer manufacturer (B.), boards 3 Washington
Robbins Joseph W. book keeper (B ), h. St. James, c. Regent
Robbins Peter G. physician, house 163 Wash. c. Williams
Robbins William, boards at A. Sanderson's
Robert David, house Parker, near Washington
Roberts Andrew J. shoe maker, Davis, opp. Yeoman, boards 4 Reed's court
Roberts Lewis A. book binder, boards 16 Linden Park
Robinson Dexter, blacksmith (B.), house Clift
Robinson Oilman B. coachman, boards Franklin House
Robinson Henry, waiter, house rear Davis, opp. Yeoman
Robinson Henry W. merchant (B.), house Oak
Robinson Jonathan P. merchant, 1 Commercial wharf (B.), h.
     Cedar, head Lambert avenue
Robinson Luther, teacher (B.)t house Mt. Vernon place
Robinson Wm. carpenter, house East, near Island
Roby Ebenezer, boards 3 Church place
Rockwell William A. clerk, house Centre
Rodgers Amnion, soap manufacturer, house 62 Zeigler
Roessle Christian, laborer, house Eustis, near Wash.
Roessle John, brewer, Washington, cor, Lowell, house do.
Rogers John, treasurer Vt. and Mass. Railroad Co. 11 R. R.
     Exchange (B.), house Cedar, near Highland
Rogers Joseph A. clerk at City Hotel
Rogers Patrick H. carpenter, house Smith, foot of Phillips
Rogers Russell, lamplighter, house Cabot, near Ruggles
Rogers Robert B. painter (B.), house 10 Sumner [Lambert av.
Rogers Shubael G. jr. secretary Firemen's Ins. Co. (B.), house
Roguski Theodore, laborer, house Davis, near East
Rollins Sarah, widow, house Tremont, near the factory
Ronimus Michael, laborer, house Reed
Rooney Luke, laborer, house rear 17 Union
Rook (Wm. H.) & Loring (C), manuf. Rook's patent looms, 39 Wash. c. Williams
     place, house Belmont
Ropes Benjamin H. confectioner and baker, 98 Wash. h. do.
Ropes Joseph JS. merchant (B.), boards at Mrs. Atkins's
Rose Samuel, bolt maker, house rear Eaton, near East
Roskeli George (J. § G. Roskeli), house 10 Washington
Roskell Gilbert, cabinet maker, house 18 Washington
Roskeli J. & G. cabinet makers, 10 Washington, house do.
Ross Jane W. dress maker, Mechanic
Ross Jeremiah, tailor (B.), house St. James
Ross John C, mason, house Mechanic
Roston James, baker, house Cunard
Roston James W. painter, house 6 Cunard
Roston Thomas, painter, house Cunard
Rourke James, milkman, house Rockingham place
Rourke Patrick, wire dresser, house Milldam
Rourke Roger, laborer, house Island
Rowlands Thomas, wool sorter, house 5 Water
Rowley Edward, patent leather, boards 64 Vernon
Rowley John, boarding house, 64 Vernon
Ruck Joseph, instrument maker, 14 Adams, near East
Ruggles Frederick, clerk, boards 226 Washington
Rumrell L. nurse, house Union, near Warren
Rum rill Ebenezer B. pattern maker, boards at J. W. Dudley's
Rumrill Wm. & Co. (A. Remick & J. L. Stanton), carpenters, Walnut, c. Warren,
     h. Blanchard place, c. Norfolk
Rusner John, weaver, house 10 Tremont place
Russell Thomas, counsellor, boards Montrose avenue
Russell True, carpenter, Dudley, near Warren, house 177 Washington,
     near Williams
Russell W. B. baker, boards Sumner, cor. Short
Rupp John, clerk Boylston Market (B.), house Linwood place
Rupp William, merchant (B), house Linwood place
Rutherford William A. clerk (B.), boards Allen place
Ryan Joanna, widow, house rear Short
Ryan John, laborer, house Plymouth, near Hunneman
Ryan Joseph, house 2 Davis
Ryan Patrick, carpenter, house 3 Yeoman
Ryan Richard, laborer, house Swett
Ryan William, laborer, house Milldam
Ryder Charles C. piano-forte maker (B.), house Akron
Ryder Wm. H. Rev. pastor Universalist Church, h. Kenilworth
Ryerson Eben. manuf. leather splitting machine knives, East, near Eaton,
     house 4 Reed's court

SAMPSON JOSHUA, tin-plate worker, house Norfolk
Sanborn Greenleaf C. carpenter, Highland place
Sanborn Solomon, mason, house Eustis, opp. Zeigler
Sancry Charles T. machinist, bouse Tremont, near the factory
Sancry Francis, cabinet maker, house Ruggles, n. Water
Sanders Charles F. teamster, boards Mechanic, cor. Ruggles
Sanderson A., Union House, Tremont, corner Oxford
Sanford John, house Perkins, J. P.
Sanger Charles Dexter, soap maker, house 18 Davis
Sapp Henry, hose maker, house Fellows
Sargent Epes, merchant (B.), house Cedar square
Sargent Epes jr. editor Transcript (B.), house Highland
Sargent Horace B. house Seaver
Sargent Lucius M. counsellor (B.), house Seaver
Sargent Lucius M. jr. house Seaver
Sargent William P. coachman, house Orange, near the factory
Savage Patrick, laborer, house Milldam
Savage Patrick jr. laborer, house Milldam
Savels John A. clerk (B.), house Bartlett, n. Guild's building
Savels John H. expressman, h. Bartlett, n. Guild's building
Saville James H. clerk, 79 Eustis, cor. Elm, boards Bartlett
Sawtell Isaac B. house Luteman place
Sawyer Antonio, laborer, house Avon place
Scandlan Edward, laborer, house Webber
Schaeffer John, butcher, house rear Ruggles, near the railroad
Schayer Arthur, laborer, house 6 Spring court
Schell Michael, turner, house Ruggles, near Tremont
Schmitter Jacob, tanner, house rear Lowell, opposite tannery
Schnapp Carsmas, laborer, house Reed
Schneider Peter, rope maker, house Webber, near Fellows
Schneider Valentine, instrument maker, 16 Adams, house do.
Schumaker Rudolph, house Orange, corner Factory
Schuming Jacob, house Mechanic
Schwab Francis, chair maker, house Dallas place
Scollay John, house 2 Pearl
Scott Charles C. tailor (B.), house Dedham turnpike, n. Oak
Scott Ebenezer B. plumber, 45 Wash, house foot Williams pl.
Scott Edwin B. plumber, 45 Wash, house foot Williams place
Scott E, G. baker, Union, near Warren, house 4 Union
Scott Henry W. clerk, boards at E, B. Scott's
Scott James, laborer, house upper end East
Scott John A. carriage smith, house 40 Adams
Scott John, morocco dresser, boards 130 Washington
Scott Thomas A. coach driver, house Orange, near Wash.
Scudder Charles, merchant (B), h. Warren, 6pp. Rockland
Sculley Nicholas, laborer, house Highland
Sears Paul jr. trader (B.), house Mall
Seaver Eben. assist, supt. Norfolk County R. R. h. Milford pl.
Seaver John, undertaker, house Gay, near Washington
Seaver John C. sexton, house Zeigler, near Warren
Seaver Joshua, 63 Wash. h. Sumner pl. n. F. W. B. church
Seaver Thomas S. baggage wagon, house Norfolk
Seaver William, grocer, Tremont, cor. Ruggles, house Ruggles, near Tremont
Seaver William D. supt. Boston Japan Leather Co., Eustis, c. Plymouth, h. Mall 
Selfridge Thomas O. captain, house Highland avenue
Sellinger Clemens, cabinet maker, house 29 Yeoman, n. Adams
Severance E. H. book keeper, Mer. Bank (B.), house Highland avenue
Sewall, Day & Co. cardage manuf. Parker, n. Ruggles
Sexton John P. paper hanger, house Coventry
Shailer Charles A. house Linden place
Shailer Julius S. Rev. house 7 Linden Park
Sharkey Patrick, brick maker, house 42 Adams
Sharkey Patrick, laborer, house East, near Island
Sharkey Peter, laborer, house Swett
Sharpe James, house Lambert avenue
Shattuck Mary, widow, house Washington, near Parker
Shaw Jesse, house 136 Eustis
Shaw Joseph P. merchant ((B.), house Heath, near Cross
Shaw Thomas L. cigar maker, 101 Washington
Shea Daniel, laborer, house Washington, cor. Pearl
Shea Mary, widow, house High, near Orange
Shea Michael, milkman, house Milford place
Shea Peter, laborer, house Ruggles, cor* Mechanic
Shea Thomas, tanner, house Lowell, opposite tannery
Shed Henry P. boards 37 Warren place
Shed Joseph G. clerk (B.), boards Dudley, cor. Warren
Shed Samuel A, house Dudley, corner Warren
Shedd Philip, laborer, house Avon place
Shelhammer George, founder, house Plymouth, n. Eustis
Shepherd Edward, stone cutter, house High
Sheridan Barney, laborer, boards 12 Lowell
Sheridan Bernard, clerk, house rear 153 Tremont
Sherman {Amory F.) & Mayall (Miles), machinists, Tremont, near Ruggles,
     house Washington, near Parker
Sherman George L. engineer, house Ruggles, cor. May place
Sherrive George, currier, house Short
Short Charles, teacher, house Rockland avenue
Shove Nancy, widow, house Orange, corner Washington
Shove Stephen, clerk, house Dudley
Shromm J acob, laborer, house Webber
Shuley Patrick, laborer, house Milldam
Shurtleff Joseph, blacksmith, boards at N. Mabry's
Shurtleff Samuel A. (Boioers, Pratt 8$ Co.), h. 3 Linwood pl.
Sietel Martin, house Pearl
Sigourney Daniel, clerk (B.), house Davis, corner Mall
Sigourney Daniel A. cash. Wash. Bank (B.),h. Davis, c. Mall
Simmons David A. counsellor (B.), house Highland
Simmons George A. merchant (B.), house Highland
Simmons Thomas, merchant (B.)J house Highland
Simpson David, carpenter, Wash. cor. Ruggles, house do.
Simpson Freeman, wheelwright, house Highland
Simpson Horatio G. carpenter, house Hollis place
Simpson Robert, marble worker, house Suffolk place
Sinclair William R. carpenter, house Silver, near the railroad
Sisler Jacob, shoe maker, Tremont, near Tremont place
Sittel George, weaver, house Church place
Skinner James (B. B. Tilt $ Co.), house Cunard,n. Tremont
Sleeper Charles JF. architect (B.), house 111 Eustis, n. Dudley
Sleeper John H. engineer, house Eustis, near Dudley
Sleeper John S. editor Journal (B.), house Eustis, n. Dudley
Sloman John, laborer, house Sumner, near Washington
Smallwood George T, upholsterer (B.), house Reed's court
Smith Albert L. machinist, h. r. F. W. B. church, Ruggles
Smith Cyrus, merchant (B.), house St. James
Smith David, house Orange, opp. the carpet factory
Smith Daniel, omnibus driver, boards Mechanics' Hotel
Smith Edward L. painter (B.), house 17 Eaton
Smith Elisha, blacksmith, house East, near Lead Works
Smith George T. carpenter, 8 Davis, near East, house do.
Smith Henry M. stoves and tin ware, East, cor. Davis, house 1 Oneida, (B.)
Smith Hilliard, piano-forte maker (B.), house 1 Wash, place
Smith James, blacksmith, house 34 Warren
Smith James B. jr. baker, 25 Washington, house do.
Smith James H. blacksmith, Warren, c. Dudley, h. 34 Warren
Smith John, house Highland, near Centre
Smith John, rope maker, house Silver
Smith John, laborer, house Ruggles, cor. May place
Smith John R. designer, houseSufFolk place
Smith John T. blacksmith, Felton place, house do.
Smith Julia, dress maker, Dudley, opposite the market
Smith Maria, widow, house Milidam
Smith N. Mrs. house 140 Eustis, near East
Smith Nathan P. captain, house Zeigler
Smith Phinehas B. blacksmith, h. Centre, n. railroad crossing
Smith Sidney P. manuf. Bell's paste blacking, 10 Davis, h. do.
Smith Sumner, farmer, house Warren, n. Dorchester line
Smith Susan, house Eustis, near East
Smith Sydney P. shoe maker, house 10 Davis
Smith William, laborer, house 10 Adans
Smith William A. designer, house High
Smith William E. machinist, house Sudbury
Smith William H. house Circuit, near Walnut
Snow Gideon, house Elm, corner Chestnut
Snow Nathaniel, merchant (B.), h. Warren, near Forest av.
Soesman Isaac J. carriage painter, house rear Vernon
Sole Otis, teamster, boards 4 Adams
Soley John J. broker (B.), house Dorr
Soil Caspar, carpenter, house 26 Eaton
Somes Mrs. widow, boarding, house 2 Hollis place
Soren John J. cashier Boylston Bank (B.), h. 19 Greenville
Southack George, currier, house Greenville, n, Dudley
Spalding Charles, house Rockingham place
Spalding Jeremiah, captain, house Montrose avenue
Spear Susanna R. widow, house Wash. cor. Parker
Spelman I. M. house Cedar, corner Highland
Spencer A. W. boards at Mrs. M. G. Atkins's
Spingler Francis, house Belmont
Sprague William, painter, house 19 Bradford place
Stackpole Reuben M. merchant (B.), h. Williams, c. Vernon
Stacy John, weaver, house 170 Tremont
Staniels Rufus P. patent leather, boards 64 Vernon
Staniford Daniel, merchant (B.), house Bartlett
Stanton John, grocer, Tremont, opposite Cunard
Stanton John L. (William Rumrill & Co.), house Davis
Stanwood Henry B. merchant (B.), house Parker, c. Wash.
Staples Hiram, clerk, house Mechanic
Starbird Joseph, laborer, house Reed, near Swett
Starkweather Joseph, daguerrean artist, 79 Washington
Staton Samuel, stone cutter, house Milldam
Stearns John E. laborer, house Eustis, corner East
Stedman Martha Mrs. teacher private school, Washington,
opposite Norfolk House
Steele E. F. piano-forte maker (B.), house 125 East
Steele Joseph, sea captain, house 20 Warren place
Steele William, weaver, house Tremont, n. Texas avenue
Steger Joseph, machinist, house 8 Davis
Stetson dishing, merchant (B.), house Cedar, n. Centre
Stetson John, blacksmith, boards Proctor, near East
Stevens Amos, merchant (B.), house Bartlett, n. Dudley
Stevens Joseph F. blacksmith (B.), house 51 Zeigler
Stevens Lorenzo, provision dealer, house Cross, n. Heath
Stevenson Robert, house Washington, near Hunneman
Stevenson Robert jr. blacksmith, house Bailey's court
Steward John, currier, house Belmont
Stiles James, gardener, house Smith, near Phillips
Stillman James, merchant (B.), house Wash- n. Highland pl.
Stillman Samuel, Washington, near Heath
Stimbry Jacob, laborer, house Plymouth, c. Hunneman
Stockman John, carpenter, house Parker place
Stockman William, apothecary, 129 Tremont, house do.
Stoddard Enos, ice dealer, Sumner, c. Eustis, h. 47 Sumner
Stodder Almira, millinery, 96 Washington, house do.
Stodder Asa A. hair dresser, 110 Wash, boards Williams place
Stodder Wm. H. livery stable, Dudley, n. Guild's building, h. Dudley,
     near Bartlett
Stone Azel, keeper Boston Iron Works, house Milldam
Stone Baman, cashier People's Bank, Guild's building, house Auburn, near Vernon
Stone Charles F. watch maker, 71 Wash. b. 22 Adams pl.
Stone Ebenezer W. druggist (B ), house 52 Vernon
Stone Edward, baker, boards Eustis, cor. Zeigler
Stone Nathan, provisions, Tremont, n. Washington, h. do.
Stone Nathan jr. painter, 175 Tremont, house do.
Storey Charles W. counsellor, 24 Court (B.), h. 8 Chestnut
Stratton Edward, waiter, house Milldam
Stratton Sarah, widow, house 27 Warren, opp. Zeigler
Streck Joseph, house Cabot
Strecker John Henry, cooper, house Fellows
Streeter Joseph H. physician, house Dudley, opp. Kenilworth
Strench John, gardener, house 20 Eaton, near Yeoman
Strouss S. watch maker, 71 Wash, h, 16 S. Cedar st. (B.)
Stubbs Simeon, blacksmith, East, n. Eaton, h. East, c. Eaton
Stump John, tailor, house Fellows
Sturgis James, merchant (B.), house Walnut, corner Bower
Sturgis Nathaniel R, house Auburn, near Vernon
Sturgis William Mrs. house Montrose avenue
Sugent Richard, blacksmith, boards Felton place
Sullivan Dennis, rope maker, house 19 Tremont place
Sullivan Jeremiah, iron moulder, house Milldam
Sullivan Michael, rope maker, house Bills court
Sullivan Timothy, clerk, Pine Island
Sumner Arthur, house Walnut
Sumner Arthur jr. job wagon (B.), house 38 Adams
Sumner Austin, merchant (B.), house Highland
Surr David, house Mechanic
Sutherland Allen, weaver, house Tremont place
Sutherland Thomas, weaver, house Tremont place
Sutherland Wm. baker, Tremont, c. Cunard, boards do.
Sutton Samuel, house Heath, near Washington
Sutton Samuel jr. stocking manuf. Heath, ii. Wash, house do.
Swain {Charles D.)  & Richards, grocers, 3  Guild's building,
house Greenville
Swain John H. merchant (B.)9 house Centre avenue
Swain Joseph, morccco dresser, house 196 Washington
Swain Joseph H. clerk, 3 Guild's building, boards at J. Swain's
Swan Horace B. teamster, house Marcella
Swaswilder George, currier, house Tremont place
Swazey Alexander, baker, boards Eustis, cor. Zeigler
Swazey Emanuel, house 9 Eaton street place
Sweat Joseph W. blacksmith, house foot of Milford place, n. the railroad 
Sweat Thatcher, carpenter, Water, near Ruggles, h. Ruggles, n. Tremont 
Sweeney Edward, h. Sumner, n. Washington
Sweeney Michael, house 138 Washington
Sweeney Myres, laborer, h. r. Wash. opp. Norfolk House
Sweetser Amos Mrs. house Franklin place
Swett Jeremiah M. machinist, house Russell ct. 
Swett Thomas, painter, Tremont, cor. Houston pl. h. Smith, ft. Phillips 

TABER ELNATHAN, clock maker, 11 Union, n. Warrren, [sic] house 9 do.
Taber Harriet Mrs. widow, house 4 Centre
Taber Thomas, hardware manufacturer, 9 Union
Taft Geo. C. insurance agent (B.), house 19 Union
Tank John Henry Christian, cabinet maker, house Fellows
Tanzey Elizabeth, widow, house rear Clay
Tarbart Richard, boys' clothing and variety store, 89 Wash. h.
     4 Washington place
Taylor Daniel, laborer, house 12 Lowell
Taylor Henry R. cabinetmaker, 132 Washington, and Vernon, n. Wash. h. Clift 
Taylor Lewis, tailor, house Franklin place
Taylor Moses M. Rev. house Cabot, opposite Cunard
Teak Jacob, butcher, house Avon
Tebbets Enoch, grocer, East, c. Eustis, house 165 Eustis
Tenney James, pedlar, house Clay
Tenney Nathaniel F. merchant (B.), house 19 Chestnut
Tenney W. D. B. merchant (B.), house 47 Dudley
Teulon Edward A. engraver (B.), boards 177 Washington
Thatcher Joseph, cutter, house Milldam
Thatcher Thomas, merchant (B.), h. Alleghany
Thatcher Thomas jr. bookkeeper, Fulton I. Foundry (S. B.), b. Alleghany 
Thayer Abigail G. widow, house 13 Greenville, n. Dudley
Thayer Frederick W. apothecary, 4 Guild's building, b. Norfolk House
Thayer Robert H. merchant (B.), b. 13 Greenville, n. Dudley
Thing John, teamster, boards 30 Eaton, c. Yeoman
Thing Samuel, patent leather, boards Auburn
Thomas Charles, teamster, house 35 Cunard
Thomas Henry, carriage smith, boards Felton place
Thomas John, baker, 86 Washington
Thomas John, blacksmith, house Proctor, corner East
Thomas John B. clerk (B.), house 10 Centre
Thomas Justin, foundry, boards at N. Mabry's
Thomas Lewis, moulder, boards at N. Mabry's
Thomas Martin, boards 10 Magazine
Thomas Stephen, moulder, boards at L* Tillson's
Thompson Albert, leather dealer (B.), house 20 Clift
Thompson Alonzo, agent, house Williams place
Thompson Augustus C. Rev. house Highland avenue
Thompson Benjamin, merchant (B.), Wash, corner High
Thompson Hamilton, boards 13 Orange
Thompson Samuel N. watch maker and jeweller, 71 Wash. h. 22 Adams pl.
Thurston John N. carpenter, Vernon, corner Wash, boards City Hotel
Thwing Supply C. merchant (B.), h. Highland, opp. Hawthorn
Tibbetts Joseph, ice dealer, Eustis, cor. Sumner, house do.
Tilden Thomas, mason, house Auburn
Tillson Benjamin F. baker, 86 Washington, house do.
Tillson Luther, moulder, house 124 Parker
Tilt B. B. & Co. (S. Edgerly, Anson Dexter, $ James Skinner), fringe, tassel,
     and silk manuf. Tremont, cor. Coventry, warerooms 38 Milk, Boston,
     and 91 Williams, N. Y. house at Brooklyn, N. Y.
Tilt John, weaver, house Tremont, near Boston line
Tirrell James, tanner, house Lowell
Tirrell Patrick, laborer, house Lowell
Tobey Elizabeth Mrs. house Belmont
Tobey Moses S, F. merchant (B.), house 71 Bartlett
Tobin James, grocer, house 220 Tremont
Tobin John, laborer, house Island, corner Reed
Tobin Thomas, laborer, house Island, corner Reed
Todd Francis, house Mall, corner Davis
Todd Frederick A. house Warren place
Todd William, nursery, Warren, house do.
Todd Enos, provisions, Tremont, n. Ruggles, h. 127 Tremont
Tolman James, tailor (B.), house Gore avenue
Tolman William, laborer, house Tremont, opp. the factory
Tomling Joseph, cabinet maker, house 14 Adams
Toomey Bridget Mrs. house Tremont, corner Cabot
Toomey Jeremiah, rope maker, house Mechanic
Tormey Owen, laborer, house Coventry
Torrey Joseph G. printer (B), house 94 Eustis, opp. Elm
Torrey Joseph W. printer (B.)v house 94 Eustis, opp. Elm
Towle Eustice, book binder, house 19- Union
Towle Orel, merchant (B.), house Zeigler, near Eustis
Townsend Catharine P. widow, house Walnut, near Rockland
Townsend John P. merchant (B.), house Rockland
Tracy Francis, house Northampton
Trafton Mark, clergyman, house Dana place
Train Horace D. physician, Bartlett, near Washington
Train Samuel F. merchant (B.), house Cedar
Train William G. merchant (B.), house 120 Eustis
Trask Caroline Mrs. house 10 Eaton street court
Trask Edward, leather dresser, boards Williams
Trask John, baker, 88 Washington
Trask Samuel, flat roof compositioner, h. Warren, c. Walnut
Trescott Elijah, merchant (B.), house Cross, near Heath
Trescott William, provisions, Davis, corner East
Troutt H. J; M. house 20 Cunard
Trowbridge Alpheus, grocer, Warren, cor. Wash, house rear 9 Greenville 
Trowbridge Lucius, clerk, Warren, corner Wash, boards rear 9 Greenville
Trowbridge Wm. H. patent leather dresser, Plymouth, corner Eustis 
Truna Samuel, carpenter, boards 177 Washington
Tuck Edward, restorator, East, near Adams
Tuck Jeremiah W. usher Wash. School, h. Dudley, n. Greenville
Tucker Edward, house 13 Smith
Tucker Joseph W. city clerk, City Hall, house 7 Lambert
Tucker Seth, bootmaker, Wash. opp. Tremont, house Wash. rear Faunce's store
Tufts Augustus, boards Short, foot of Union
Tully Lucas, machinist, house Webber, near Fellows
Tupper Eliakim E. carpenter, house 38 Adams
Turley Patrick, hostler, boards Sumner, near Washington
Turner Peter, weaver, house Cunard
Turner Richard, merchant, boards 19 Ruggles
Turner Robert, carpet dresser, house 19 Ruggles

UMBERHAND JOHN, clothing, &c. Tremont, cor. Ruggles, house 14 Cunard
Underwood Jesse, blacksmith, house Centre
Upton Daniel P. supt. Boston Lead Works, Swett, house 17 Bradford place
Upton Ebenezer P. house 1 Reed's court

VAN KURAN ISAAC, iron founder (B.), house 87 Eustis
Varnam N. G. currier, house Milldam
Vila James, merchant (B.), house Davis, corner Mall
Vila Joseph, merchant (B.), house Bartlett
Vila Luke, milkman, house Binney
Viles William E. book keeper (B.), house 44 Elm

WAIT THOMAS C. mason, house Highland place
Walber John, tanner, house rear Yeoman
Waldock James, draper and tailor, Tremont, near Washington, house Alleghany
Waldron Daniel B. carpenter, house Adams place
Waldron Jonathan W. teamster, house Warren, cor. Walnut
Walker George P. K. salesman (B.), boards Montrose ave.
Walker Henry A. house Ciift
Walker Isaac, copper smith, house Eustis, near Wash.
Walker John, gilder, boards at H. H. Richardson's
Walker Joseph, trader (B.), boards 42 Adams
Walker Mary, tailoress, house 1 Bailey's court
Walker Matthew, cabinet maker (B.), house 68 Zeigler
Walker Samuel, publisher and nursery, house Eustis, near Dorchester brook
Walker Samuel jr. publisher, house Montrose avenue
Walker S. C. house 49 Dudley
Wall Michael, laborer, house East
Wall Mrs. house 91 Washington
Wall Samuel (Barnard &W.), house Wash, near Parker
Wallace John, laborer, house Russell court
Wallack Henry, currier, house Pearl
Walley Samuel H. jr. treasurer Seamen's Savings Bank (B.), house Highland
Wallingford Samuel S. carpenter, Warren, n. Dudley, h. rear Dudley,
     near Greenville 
Walton Oliver, coachman, boards Franklin House
Walsh William F. gardener, house Warren
Ward Benjamin, blacksmith, 8 Washington
Ward Francis J. clerk (B.), boards Wash, near Parker
Ward James, house Washington, near Orange
Ward John, laborer, house Ruggles, near railroad
Ward Michael, machinist, house Rockingham place [Tremont
Ward Nahum, soap manuf. Parker, n. Ruggles, h. Wash. n.
Ward Richard, teller Atlantic Bank (B.), house Lambert ave.
Ward Sylvester L. overseer Ward's factory, house Brooks, n. Parker
Ward William H. teamster, house Brooks, near Parker
Wardwell William H. merchant (B.), house Dedham
Ware Harriet, widow, house 1 Linden Park
Ware Leonard, merchant (B.), house East
Ware Nancy, widow, house Rockingham place
Warner George L. clerk, 107 Wash, boards at C. Parker's
Warner James H. carriage painter, house 91 Wash.
Warren Abigail, widow, house Warren, near Walnut
Warren Joseph W. laborer, house Milldam
Washburn A. H. omnibus driver, b. at Mrs. M. A. Prescott's
Washburn Alexander C. counsellor (B.), house Cedar square
Washburn Elvira, milliner, 76 Wash, boards 22 Adams place
Washburn Geo. W. C. baker, Eustis, cor. Zeigler, house do.
Waterman Dependence S. clerk Boylston B'k (B.), h. Elm pl.
Waterman Isaac, house Circuit, near Dedham turnpike
Waterman Joseph S. cabinet maker, boards Circuit
Waterman Melzar, prop. Roxb'y Dye H. 129 Wash. h. 129 do.
Waterman Melzar C. milkman, house 45 Williams
Waterman Samuel A. 131 Tremont, hoards B. S. Noyes
Waterman Samuel, merchant, boards Vernon
Watkins John, steel traps, hinges, &c. 8 Wash, house do.
Watson George, house Warren, near Montrose avenue
Watson Harriet, house 42 Elm
Watson Joseph, at Dr. C. M. Windship's
Watson Matthew, laborer, house Tremont place
Watson Nathan, harness maker, 25 Warren, near Wash. h. do.
Watts Benj. flax dresser, boards at Henry Readdy's
Watt James, house Ruggles, near the railroad
Watt Robert, machinist, Tremont, opp the factory, house rear Ruggles,
     near the railroad
Watts William, laborer, house Mechanic
Waugh John, laborer, house Heath, near Parker
Waugh Varnum, farmer, house East
Way John M. broker (B.), boards Linden Park, c. Ruggles
Way Samuel A. merchant (B.), house Parker, n. Washington
Wayland John Rev. D. D. house Linwood place
Weathers John, machinist, house 29 Canard
Weaver Ann, house Washington, near Linden Park
Weaver Frederick, rubber factory, boards 196 Tremont
Webb Ebenezer, baker, 88 Washington
Webb Sarah M widow of William, house Franklin place
Webber Cushing, dentist, 82 Wash. c. Felton place, boards at Mrs. E. Everett's
Webber George E. dyer, house Proctor, near East
Webber James H. dentist, 82 Washington
Webber John, rope manufacturer, house 20 Greenville
Webber John jr. agent N. E. Cordage Co. house Mall
Webber John A. house Ruggles, near Vernon
Webber Moses H. rope maker, house 5 Greenville, n. Dudley
Webster George W. gilder (B.), house St. James
Weekes Richard, blacksmith, Centre, near railroad crossing, house do.
Weeks James E. P. house Washington, near Putnam
Weeks (Reuben) & Brock (William), blacksmiths and horse shoers, Washington,
     near Centre, h. Linden Park
Weigand Bernard, cabinet maker, house 33 Adams
Weinz Charles J. musician, house 39 Adams, opp. Proctor
Welch Francis, captain, boards at G. Domet's
Welch Martin, trader, house Avon place
Welch Mary, widow, house 133 Washington
Welch Patrick, wheelwright, house 135 Washington
Welch Robert, laborer, house 138 Washington
Weld Benjamin, house Centre, near Cross
Weld George, farmer, house 31 Warren place
Weld James W. merchant (B.), house St. James, n. Warren
Weld Nancy, house 31 Warren place
Weld Samuel, farmer, house 31 Warren place
Weld Samuel H. farmer, house Heath, near Cross
Wellington Henry W. merchant (B.), house Alleghany
Wells Catharine, widow, house Cedar square
Wells Jacob M. cabinet maker, house Cedar, n. Dedham turn,
Wells Thomas F. merchant (B.), house Highland
Welsh John, laborer, house Ruggles, near railroad
Welsh Patrick, tailor, boards 30 Davis
Welsh Win, carriage trimmer and harness maker, Pearl Street Coach factory,
     house 2 Pearl
Welton Thomas, carpenter, house Rockingham place
Wentworth Elizabeth M. M. house Centre, near Cross
Wentworth Mary E. milliner and dress maker, 76 Wash, h. Zeigler, near Warren
Wentworth Philip H. merchant (B.), h. Bower, n. Walnut
West Joseph N. carpenter, boards 117 Washington
West William S. watchman, Day's Ropewalk, h. 117 Wash.
Weston L. B. & O. E. publishers Norfolk Co. Journal, over Central Market,
     opp. Guild's b. h. 184 Har. ave. (B.)
Weston Oliver E. (L. B. & O. E. Weston), h. 184 Har. ave, (B.)
Wetherbee Eliphalet S. farmer, house Walnut
Wetherbee William, broker (B.)> house Ellis, n. Edinboro'
Wetherell John W. conductor B. & N. B. Railroad, house Milford place
Weymouth Wm. carpenter, Tremont, n. Ruggles, h. Cunard
Whalen Elizabeth, widow, house Eustis, near Washington
Wheeler Henry, engineer, house Milldam
Wheeler Joseph, weaver, house Church place
Wheeler Thaddeus, watchman, h. Washington, opp. Putnam
Wheeler Ward A. carpenter, house Pearl
Wheelwright Mrs. widow of William, house Porter
Wheelwright Ebenezer, merchant (B.), house Davis, opp. Mall
Wheelwright Geo. W. mer. (B.), h. Warren, n. Montrose ave.
Wheelwright Joshua, merchant (B.), house Porter
Whicher (William E.) & Baxter (Lewis jr.), provisions, 81 Eustis, near Elm,
     house Eustis, opp. Zeigler
White Benjamin F. wire worker, house 20 Ruggles
White Benjamin T. baker, 86 Washington, house Vernon
White Benjamin T. baker, house Vernon
White Charles A. merchant (B), house 53 Elm
White Charles A. merchant (B.), house South
White Edward, musical instrument maker, Dallas place
White Francis A. (Guild, White & Co.), h. 3 Centre, c. Wash.
White Henry, house Avon place
White Henry 2d, apothecary, Wash. opp. Norfolk H. h. do.
White Isaac D. currier, house Bartlett, near Guild Hall
White (Isaac H.) & Oliver (William), box makers, East, opp. Eaton,
     house 12 Eaton place
White James T. carpenter, house Washington, near Parker
White Joseph, cashier Atlas Bank (B.), house 53 Elm
White Lorenzo, cabinet maker, h. Tremont, n. Boston line
White Richard, prop. Roxb. gristmill, Wash. c. Tremont, h. do.
White Thomas, grocer, Tremont, corner Clay
White Thomas, house Warren, near Grove Hall
White Warren L. moulder, house 1 Orange
White William, laborer, house Highland
White William 1st, mason, house Zeigler, near Eustis
White William A. merchant (B ), house Wash. n. Ruggles
Whiting Persis R. widow of Moses, h. Dudley, n. City Hall
Whiting William, counsellor (B.), house Montrose avenue
Whiting William 1st, notary public, Guild's build, h, St. James
Whitmarsh Thomas, Custom House (B.), house Akron
Whitmore A. E. teller Suffolk Bank (B.), boards 226 Wash.
Whitney Charles, civil engineer, Guild's build, h. Kenilworth
Whitney Ephraim A. house Cunard, near Tremont
Whitney Martin, baker, house Factory, near Orange
Whitney Susan Mrs. female physician, house 73 Vernon
Whitney Sarah S. house Lambert
Whittemore Amos, house Allen place
Whittemore Samuel, currier, house 198 Tremont
Whittier Lucy, widow, house Buggies, near Tremont
Whitwell Catharine, house 134 Eustis
Whitwell Sarah, house 134 Eustis
Widger Joseph, painter, house Warren, corner Dennis
Wiggin Benjamin F. painter, boards at H. Y. Wiggin's
Wiggin George H. painter, boards Hollis place
Wiggin Henry Y. painter, house Hollis place
Wiggin Joseph, painter, Dudley, near Putnam
Wilbur Francis, carpenter, Edinboro', house do.
Wilcox John D. F. {Franklin & Wilcox), Sumner, corner Short
Wild Joseph, house Plymouth, near Hunneman
Wiley Adams, student, house 1 Chestnut
Wiley Thomas, house 1 Chestnut
Wilkinson Richard, laborer, house Plymouth c. Hunneman
Williams Alfred, clerk, boards at Mrs. Williams's, Williams pl.
Williams Nancy, widow, house Williams place
Williams Samuel S. clerk, boards Williams place
Wilkinson John G. trimming maker, house 10 Eaton, n. East
Willard Mary, widow, house Blanchard place
Willard Nahum, patent leather dresser, house Zeigler
Williams Aaron D. house Walnut, n. Seaver
Williams Aaron D. jr. farmer, house Walnut, near Seaver
Williams Anna, widow, house 77 Zeigler, near Warren
Williams Charles, supt, Rope Works, Parker, house Belmont.
Williams David W. merchant (B.), house Warren
Williams Dudley, looking-glass and picture frame manuf. 39
     Washington, house 104 Warren, near Warren place
Williams Eben, leather dealer (B.), house 21 Union, n. Short
Williams Emily, widow of Jos. D. house Rockingham place
Williams Franklin, gilder, house Zeigler, near Warren
Williams George, grocer, house Yeoman, cor. Eaton
Williams George W. G. book binder (B.), h. 8 Reed's court
Williams Horace, treas. Wor. R. R. house Mt. Vernon pl.
Williams James, house Francis lane, near Washington
Williams John D. W. house Warren, near Bower
Williams Joseph D. clerk, 47 Wash, house Rockingham pl.
Williams Louisa, widow, house Warren, opp. Mt. Vernon pl.
Williams Noah P. house Bartlett
Williams Samuel F. carpenter, boards at George J. Lord's
Williams Stephen, currier, Bartlett, house do.
Williams S. S. Mrs. house 1 Williams place
Williams Thomas, moulder, house 2 Lowell
Williams Thomas J. coachman, house Dorr
Williams Tillson, carpenter, Northampton, house 26 Davis, n. Yeoman 
Williams Wm. shoe maker, house Milldam
Williams Wm. H. confectioner, 66 Washington, h. Adams pl.
Willis Hamilton, broker (B.), house School
Willis Henry, house Washington, opp. Washington place
Willis Thomas, house Orange, near Factory
Williston Samuel, blacksmith, house Tremont, near Clay
Wilson Granville W. painter, Ded. turnpike, n. Oak, h. do.
Wilson John, marble worker, house Washington, cor. Lowell
Wilson Samuel, moulder, house Lowell, opposite the tannery
Winch John Henry, currier, house Fellows
Winchester Franklin, watchman, house Pine Island
Windship Charles M. physician, house 89 Dudley, n. Warren
Windship Charles M. jr. clerk (B.), house89 Dudley
Winslow Edward, merchant (B.), house Woodside, Walnut
Winslow Isaac, merchant (B.), h. Woodside, Walnut
Winslow John A. lieut. U. S Navy, house Mt. Vernon pl.
Winslow Joseph W. currier, Eustis, near Washington
Winslow Reuben, tanner and currier, Eustis, n. Wash. h. do.
Winsor Allen, keeper, 69 Wash, boards at Samuel Wiswall's
Winsor Joseph, house 24 Davis, near Yeoman
Wise Charles, tailor, boards 38 Eaton
Wiswall Richard H.   coach painter, Dudley, near Warren, h. Norfolk 
Wiswall Samuel, provisions, 111 Wash, house 15 Vernon
Wyman Anson, machinist, East, n. Yeoman, h. Harrison av. corner Dover place (B.)
Woodland William, laborer, house 10 Adams
Woodward W. Elliot, apothecary, Eustis, h. 1 Dudley, c. Eustis
Wood Hamilton jr. clerk (B.), house 4 Church place
Wood John, machinist, house Russell court
Wrint James, gardener, house Bartlett
Withers John, machinist, house Cunard
Wizner George, cabinetmaker, house 12 Franklin place
Woodsum Jonas H. (Coolidge 8$ W.)y house 3 Washington
Withington Alpheus M. carpenter, house Dudley, opposite Dudley Market
Wolcott John W. merchant (B.), house 5 Warren place
Wood Elijah R. boot and shoe maker, 31 Wash. h. Dana pl.
Wood Hamilton, carver, 22 Wash, boards 4 Church place
Woods Asenath, widow, house 28 Davis, cor. Binney place
Woodside Elbridge G. coach maker, house La Grange place
Woodside J. F. counsellor, 64 Wash, boards at Mrs. Atwood's
Woodward Henry A. coachman, boards Dale
Woodworth Eben. F. teamster, house 2 Washington place
Work Bethiah Mrs. house Centre, near Cross
Worley Bartholomew W. job wagon, house Binney place
Worsley James W. machinist, Walnut, cor. Warren
Worthen Nelson, clerk Union Store, Wash. cor. Suffolk place, house Milford place
Wright Frederick E. merchant (B.), boards at A. Bell's
Wright James, tanner, house 226 Washington
Wright James N. groceries, 9 Wash. (B.), house 846 Wash.
Wrightington Edward, moulder, boards 12 Lowell
Wrightington Joseph, boards 12 Lowell
Wyatt Charles E. cabinet maker, house 17 Adams
Wyatt Josiah, machinist, boards 17 Adams
Wyman Asa & Son (A. Wyman jr.), coal and wood, Northampton, boards 35 Zeigler
Wyman Asa jr. (A. Wyman £ Son), house 35 Zeigler
Wyman Edward, merchant (B.), house Rockland, c. Warren
Wyman Isaac, farmer, house Centre, near railroad
Wyman Justin M. turner, East, near Yeoman, h. 17 Reed's ct.
Wyman Rufus, house Rockland, corner Warren

YEAGLE JACOB, laborer, house Webber
Yendley Joseph, paper hanger, house Coventry
Young Benjamin F. tailor, house rear 25 Warren
Young Benjamin S. farmer, house Seaver
Young Daniel, boards at J. C. Averill's
Young Darius, merchant (B.), house 31 Centre
Young Darius F. clerk (B.), boards 31 Centre
Young Ezra, house Marcella
Young George, lead maker, boards Belmont
Young George, currier, house Warren, near Regent
Young Jacob, house Prentiss, near Parker
Young John D. house Eustis, opp. Zeigler
Young Joseph B. boots and shoes, 87 Washington, h. Clift
Young Lott, currier, Eustis, near Washington, house do.
Young William E. currier, boards at Lott Young's
Youlen Arena, painter, house Binney place

ZALPH HENRY, house Fellows
Zecher John, house Plymouth
Zimmerman Martin, house Oxford

Additional Comments:

Publisher of the Boston Directory, Massachusetts State Record and Business
Directory, etc. Office, 91 Washington Street, Boston.

Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1851, by
In the Clerk's office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts.

ABBREVIATIONS. St. street; pl. place; ct. court; sq. square; l. lane; n. near;
fr. from; r. rear; opp. opposite; c. or cor. corner; b. or bds, boards; h.
house; (B.) Boston.

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