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Orange County NcArchives Wills.....Strowd, Bryant August 27, 1857
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Ben Franklin May 2024

Source: Loose Will, NC Archives CR 073.801, Will Book Volume H, page 95
Written: August 27, 1857
Recorded: Feb 1875
Testator: Bryant Strowd


        In the Name of God Amen

    I Bryant Strowd a citizen of Orange County
In the State of North Carolina being advanced
in years and being Feeble in body.  Knowing
that is is appointed for all Men Once to die

    And now believing that I do possess my
com[m]on reason and understanding, thanks be to
my blessed savior for all his Mercies confer[r]ed on
so unworthy a being as I conceive myself to be and
thereby Enabling me to dispose for what worldly
substance the Lord in his goodness has been pleased
to bless me with do hereby make and Ordain this
to be my last Will and Testament.  In manner
and form following

    First believing in the Immortality of the
Soul do recommend my spirit into the hands of
my blessed Redeemer who gave it to me and my
mortal body to the dust from whence it came, to
be decently Burried, at the discretion of my Execu
-tors hereafter to be Mentioned.

    It is my will and desire that all my Just debts
should be first paid, of which there are but few.

    My will and desire is that at my decease that all
my first lot of Negroes Viz. Worrick. Sam. Ned. Dave Jin
-ny. Feby and her three children Cornelia. Alvis and
Harriet. and Eliza and little first Mariah & all there In
-crease to be Equally divided by lot or by Sale, between
my six oldest children or their representatives, share
and share alike, and Also to avoid any misunder-
-standing my five oldest sons is still to hold and Keep
and possess, and continue to possess all the property both
real and personal which I gave to them when they
commenced house keeping, and as regards my oldest
daughter Martha Ann Ward wife of John R. Ward she
is to retain as a loan during her Natural life and no

[page 2]
-further the following property which my said daughter
Martha and Ward has now in her possession viz. my
Negroe girl Caroline and her two Children Henry
and Green and all their Increase.  As also the Sole
and entire use and benefit of one hundred and fifty
acres of land Including the land where she now lives
Known as the David Durham lands and as much adjoin
-ing the same to be taken from the Levi Andruss land
as will make the above one hundred and fifty acres
of land and it is my will and desire that at the decease
of my said daughter Martha Ann Ward that the above
Negroes Caroline & her two children with all the Increase
as also the above named Tract of land be equally di-
-vided between the children of my said Daughter
Martha Ann Ward and furthermore it is my Will
that my Executors do sell at private or public sale
as the case my best suit for selling my Tract of land
of one hundred and twenty eight acres known as the
Durin Hatch land lying on the head Waters of the
Wild Cat branch Deeded John R Ward and that my
Executors pay over the proceeds arising from the sale
of the last mentioned one hundred and Twenty eight
acres of land to my daughter Martha Ann Ward, as she
may need it.  The sale of which is one and two years cred
-it Interest from sale.

Now for the more comfortable support and main
-tainance of my beloved wife Martha Strowd I do
lend her during hir natural life or widowhood the
following named negroes my boy Doctor and Two
Young Negroe girls Dicey & Betty, and also in like
manner I do lend to my said wife Martha Strowd
the use and benefit of Two hundred acres of land
to be in such manner as will include to her my
dwelling house and other buildings, I also lend her
the use of all my household and kitchen furniture
to my said wife Martha and also as much of my

[page 3]
Stock of Cattle horses hogs sheep &c as she may seem
sufficient for her and her families use, and also one
hundred dollars in money at her own disposal; and at
the deceased of my wife or widowhood, the above loaned
property and all its Increase is to be equally divided
between my Three youngest children namely John
W. Strowd. William F. Strowd and Emmalina
T. Strowd. Except The two hundred acres of land
is to be the property of my son William F. Strowd at
his mothers death or at the expiration of her wid

My will and desire is that all my Negroes which I
have not disposed of in the foregoing Items ["shall" x-out]
["at my decease" x-out] namely Nelly, Rachel, Bob, Doctor Major
Nat. Lydia, Lucy, Rhoda Anthony Seaborn, Carolina,
Dicy, Hannah, Betty. Aaron, Mary, Cathron, and Peggy,
and all their Increase shall be equally divided by lot or by
sale as they may best choose between them, my three youngest
children aforesaid John W. Strowd. William F. Strowd
and Emmalina T. Strowd share and share a like
nevertheless If Either of my Three youngest children
should die leaving no living children, all the property ["which" x-out]
which I leave to either of them whether real or perish
-able shall return back to my youngest living children or their
legal representatives

I leave to my son John W. Strowd the follow-
-ing described Tracts of land (To Wit) The Tract of
land known as the Charles McCauley Tract lying
on Phills Creek containing Four hundred and
Sixty six and one half acres more or less Deeded
by James C. Turrentine Shff, also one other Tract
adjoining the above containing seventy acres on the
south West on the head waters of Tyrrels Creek
deeded by Peter Willis and also the one half of
a Fifty Acres Tract known as a part of the Archa[?]
Durham old place adjoining Quincy Loyd Joseph
Ivey and others Deeded by Cannon Bowers to
him & his heirs forever

[page 4]
I leave to my son William F. Strowd all my
home lands and plantation whereon I now live
containing about Five hundred and fifty acres
adjoining Wilson Atwater on the south and on
the East by the prong of Tyrrels Creek called the east
fork of said creek and on the north by Quincy Loyd
and Isaac Strowd, & on the west by Wards and
Andress lines and the Hillsborough road on the
extreme West; and also the one half of a Fifty
acres Tract known as the Archa Durham old
place Deeded by Cannon Bowers and adjoining Quincy Lloyd & others
to him and his heirs forever.

It is my will and special desire that my daughter Em
-malina T. Strowd young & Single Woman to have
& to hold for her sole and special use benefit and profit
during her natural life all the Identifyed and
described Tra[c]ts of land as follows Viz The Tract of
land known as the Winningham plantation lying on
both sides of Nevill's Creek containing six hundred
& fourteen acres more or less as for deeds from the
heirs of the last Thos. Winningham, decd. And also two
hundred acres of land on the East end of the tract known
as the Mill Tract on Tyrrels Creek and adjoining the lands
of Wilson Atwater, The Chatham County line & others
the said quantity to be ascertained by measurement
to be made hereafter, and also one other Tract of land
lying on the waters of Prices Creek known as the Meeting house
Tract of land containing one hundred acres more or less (Excepting
and reserving two acres of land to be laid off by the
Deacons or their successors for the special use and
benefit of the Christian Church at Damascus to be
laid off as aforesaid to suit the best convenience
of the Christian church at that place with the pri[v]
-alege of my water for the use of the said christian
denomination, and now it is my sincere will and
desire that my said daughter Emmalina T. Strowd
shall continue to hold retain and possess the foregoing

[page 5]
foregoing[sic] several Tracts of land as described in this Item
during her natural life, and after her decease it is
my will and desire that all the lands mentioned and
described in this Item shall be equally divided be-
-tween the living children of my said daughter Emmalina
-T. Stroud if she should have any, & If she should not
leave no child or children, then and in that event it
is my Will and desire that these three several Tracts of land
shall revert and return back to my lawful heirs & their
representatives to be equally divided among them all and further
my said daughter is to have my large Family Bible and
my Will is that my Executors purchase out of my effects
a well bound Family Bible for each one of the rest
of my Children.

My will and desire is that my grist Mill on Tyrrels
Creek be sold by my Executors on a credit of one and
two years with Int. from sale, with all its fixtures and
Mechenry attached thereunto, with eighty six acres of
land more or less lying [on] both sides of said creek & adjoin
-ing to the Mill, and the proceeds ariseing from this sale
is to be equally divided amongst my six oldest children
namely John S. Strowd, Charles P. Strowd Green M Str
-owd, Bryant M. Strowd, Manly D. Strowd & Martha Ann
Ward be equally divided share and share alike

    My will is that all my stock of horse or Mule kind, cat
-tle, sheep hogs one waggon farming utensils &c after re
-serving to my wife Martha Strowd whatever she may
reasonably Judge to be necessary for her support and
her familys support, Then the remainder of the above
effects to be sold on a credit of twelve months, and out of
the proceeds of this Item or other moneys I desire that my
three sons, Charles P. Strowd, Bryant M. Strowd and
Manly D. Strowd have two hundred dollars each,
without Interest

My will is that all my lands lying on the head waters of Col-
-lens Creek Included in several small deeds made to me by
Sidney Lloyd Trustee of Green Andress, Nancy Reeves.
                                    James C. Turrentinte Shff

[page 6]
James C. Turrentine & Elijah Andress, whereon little
Henry A. Cates now lives containing one hundred and forty acres
more or less adjoining Elijah Andress, Sidney Lloyd
G. Smiths heirs & others, be sold by my Executors to the
best advantage at private or public sale, and the proceeds
arising from this sale shall be equally divided be-
-tween my sons John F. Strowd, Charles P. Strowd, Green
=M Strowd and my daughter Martha Ann Ward share
and share a like.

    Now for a more clear and perfect understanding
with regard to my Three youngest children it is my
will that if either of them should die leaving
no child or children.  Then in that case it is my
will that the survivor or survivors of my said youngest
Children is to Inherit the deceased one estate, so far
as respects what is contained in this bequest, attending
to their negro property

    As it is probable that some one of my oldest
Children may become the owner of my servant boy
Ned, and I having much regard for him as a
trustworthy servant, and for his good conduct
heretofore, and hopeing that he will continue to con
-duct himself with fidelity and good Faith. If so
I sincerely hope he may never be mistreated nor wrongfu
=lly abused: and that he have Ten dollars given
to him out of my estate, as a reward for his good
behavior heretofore, and if my old Black woman
Nancy should become chargeable, It is my desire
that all my children without Exception bear an equal
part of all the expenses that my accrue on her

    And my will is that after discharging all
the foregoing Tenure of this my last Will & Testament
which I desire to be done fully and with satisfac-
-tion to all my beloved children, and as I am Im
-pressed with a feeling and parental sensation on
this most solemn occasion for the present and future
wellfare, of all my children & posterity.  I Will drop
                                            a word

[page 7]
A word and say my hope and prayer in there may
never no never exist a single note of discord or dis-
quietude among my beloved children.

    And it is my will that If I should have any
notes or money or debts or accounts of any descrip-
-tion whatever on hand at my decrease over and
above what will be sufficient to comply and discharge
the foregoing Items. Then and in that case, it is
my will and desire that all the remainder of such
moneys notes debts accounts &c be equally divided
between my Three youngest children, namely John
W. Strowd, William F, Strowd and my daughter
Emmaline T. Strowd, share and share alike.

    And in conclusion of the foregoing I desire
to return my heart felt Thanks to my blessed savior for
all blessings common and special

I do now nominate constitute and appoint my two
sons John F. Strowd and John W. Strowd Execu-
-tors to this my last will and Testament revoking
all other wills by me heretofore made, In Teste-
-money whereof I the said Bryant Strowd doth
hereunto set my hand and affix my seal. This
27th day of August AD. 1857.  Interlined by
                      myself before assigned in every letter
Signed & sealed          }
In ["in" x-out] Presence }       B. Strowd (seal)
Test Wesley Atwater
     Wilson Atwater
     Jehiel Atwater

    Wher[e]as I Bryant Strowd have made
my last Will and Testament in writing bearing
date on the 27th day of August AD. 1857.  and have
thereby made sundry devises and bequests according
to them Existing circumstances of my estate but which
circumstances have mater[i]ally changed.  I do by this my
writing, which I hereby declare to be a Codicil to m[y]

[page 8]
 said will to be taken and construed as a part thereof
will and direct that the two hundred acres of land
adjoining to Wilson Atwater and Chatham County line on the south
side of Tyrrels Creek, which is expressed in my foregoing
will to be the property of my daughter Emmalina T. Strowd
she since being Married to William S. Petty, and in order
to make a more equitable disposition of my estate among
all my children I do hereby make this codicil apart
of my last will and Testament I do will and direct
that at my decease that my Executors do sell on a cred[it]
the two hundred Acres of land as refer[r]ed to on a credit of
one and two years interest from sale, and the proceeds
thereof to be Equally divided amongst all my chil
=dren share and share alike, of which this codicil
is hereby declared to be apart of my last will and
Testament, In testimony whereof I hereunto set my
hand and seal this 13th day of January A.D. 1860

Signed seald & dilived[sic] }
In presence of              }     B. Strowd (seal)
Wilson Atwater
Welsey Atwater

[Will Book Volume H, page 95]
           In the Name of God Amen
I Bryant Stroud a citizen of Orange County in
the State of North Carolina being advanced in Years
and being feeble in body. Knowing that is is appointed
for all men once to die and now believing that I
do possess my com[m]on reason and understanding, thanks
be to my blessed Savior for all his Mercies Confer[r]ed
on so unworthy a being as I conceive myself to be
and thereby enabling me to dispose for what worldly
Substance the Lord in his goodness has been pleased
to bless me with do hereby make and ordain this to be
My last Will and Testament. In manner and form following

    First believing in the Immortality of the Soul
do recommend my spirit into the hands of my blessed
Redeemer who gave it to me and my mortal body to the
dust from whence it came, to be decently buried
at the discretion of my executors hereafter to be

    It is my will and desire that all my Just debts
should be first Paid, of which there are but few

    My will and desire is that at my decease that all
My first lot of Negroes Viz. Worrick. Sam. Ned. Dave
Jinny. Feby and her three children Cornelia. Alvis
and Harriet. and Eliza and little first Mariah & all
there increase to be equally divided by lot or sale
between my six oldest children or their representatives
Share and share alike, and also to avoid any misunder=
Standing my five oldest sons is still to hold and Keep
and possess and continue to possess all the property
both real and personal which I gave to them when they
commenced house keeping, an[d] as regards my oldest Daughter
Martha Ann Ward Wife of John R. Ward she is to retain as
a loan during her natural life and no further the following
property which my said daughter Martha and Ward
has now in her possession Viz. My Negro girl Caroline
and her two Children Henry and Green and all their
increase. as also the sole and entire use and benefit
of one hundred and fifty acres of land Including the
lands Where she now lives Known as the David
Durham lands and as much adjoining the same to
be taken from the Levi Andruss land as will make the
above one hundred and fifty acres of land

[Will Book Volume H, page 96]
and it is my will and desire that at the decease
of my said Daughter Martha Ann Ward that the
above Negroes Caroline & her two children with all the
increase as also the above named Tract of land be
equally divided between the children of my said
Daughter Martha Ann Ward and furthermore it is
My Will that my executors do sell at private or
public sale as the case my best suit for selling my
Tract of land of one hundred and twenty eight acres
Known as the Durin Hatch land lying on the head
Waters of the Wild Cat branch Deeded John R Ward
and that my executors pay over the proceeds arising
from the sale of the last mentioned one hundred and
Twenty Eight acres of land to my daughter Martha Ann Ward
as she may need it. The sale of which is one and two
Years credit Interest from sale.

Now for the more comfortable support and maintainance
of my beloved wife Martha Stroud I do lend her
during her natural life or widowhood the following
named negroes My boy Doctor and two Young Negroe
girls Dicey & Betty, and also in like Manner I do lend
to my said Wife Martha Stroud the use and benefit
of two hundred acres of land to be in such Manner
as Will include to her my dwelling house and other
buildings. I also lend her the use of all my household
and Kitchen furniture to my said Wife Martha and [also] as
much of my Stock of Cattle horses hogs sheep &c as she
May seem sufficient for her and her families use.
And also one hundred dollars in money at her own
disposal. And at the deceased of my wife or widowhood
the above loaned property and all its Increase is to be
equally divided between my three youngest children namely
John W. Stroud. William F. Stroud and Emmaline T. Stroud.
Except The two hundred Acres of land is to be the property
of my son William F. Stroud at his mothers death or at
the expiration of her widowhood

My will and desire is that all my Negroes which I have
not disposed of in the foregoing Items Namely Nelly. Rachel
Bob. Doctor. Major. Nat. Lydia. Lucy. Rhoda. Anthony.
Seaborn. Caroline. Dicy. Hannah. Betty. Aaron. Mary.
Cathrine and Peggy and all their increase Shall
be equally divided by lot or by Sale as they may best
choose between them, my three Youngest children

[Will Book Volume H, page 97]
aforesaid John W. Stroud. William F Stroud and Emmaline T=
Stroud Share and Share a like nevertheless If Either of my three
youngest children Should die leaving no living children
all the property which I leave to either of them whether real
or perishable shall return back to my youngest living children
or their legal representatives

    I leave to my Son John W. Stroud the following described
Tracts of land (To Wit) The Tract of land known as the Charles =
McCauley Tract lying on Phillis Creek containing Four
hundred and Sixty six & one half acres more or less Deeded
by James C. Turrentine Shff, also one other Tract adjoining
the above containing Seventy acres on the South West
on the head waters of Tyrells Creek deeded by Peter Willis
and also the one half of a fifty Acres Tract known as a
part of the Archa Durham old place adjoining Quincy=
Loyd Joseph Ivey and others Deeded by Cannon Bowers
to him & his heirs forever

    I leave to my son William F Stroud all my home lands
and plantation whereon I now live containing about Five
Hundred and fifty acres adjoining Wilson Atwater on the
South and on the east by the Prong of Tyrells Creek called
the east fork of said creek and on the north by Quincy=
Loyd and Isaac Stroud & on the west by Wards and Andress
lines and the Hillsboro Road on the extreme West, and also
the one half of a fifty acres Tract known as the Archa Durham
old place Deeded by Cannon Bowers and adjoining Quincy=
Loyd & others to him and his heirs forever

    It is my will and special desire that my daughter
Emmaline T Stroud young & Single Woman to have &
to hold for her sole and special use benefit and profit
during her natural life all the Identifyed and described
Tracts of land as follows Viz. The Tract of land known
as the Winningham Plantation lying on both sides
of Nevills Creek containing Six hundred & fourteen acres
more or less as for Deeds from the heirs of the last Thomas=
Winningham decd. and also two hundred acres of land on the
East end of the Tract known as the Mill Tract on Tyrells Creek
and Adjoining the lands of Wilson Atwater. The Chatham County
line & others the said Quantity to be ascertained by Measurement
to be made hereafter and also one other Tract of land
lying on the waters of Prices Creek Known as the Meeting
house Tract of land containing one hundred acres more or
less (Excepting and reserving two acres of land to be

[Will Book Volume H, page 98]
laid off by the deacons or their successors for the
special use and benefit of the Christian Church
at Damascus to be laid off as aforesaid to suit the best
convenience of the Christian church at that place
with the privelege of my water for the use of the said
Christian denomination, and now It is my sincere will
and desire that my said daughter Emmaline T Stroud
Shall continue to hold retain and possess the
foregoing - foregoing[sic] Several Tracts of land as described
in this Item during her natural life and after her
decease it is my will and desire that all the lands
mentioned and described in this Item shall be equally
divided between the living children of my said daughter
Emmaline T Stroud if she Should have any & If she should
not leave no child or children, then and in that event
it is my Will and desire that these three several Tracts
of land shall revert and return back to my lawful
heirs & their representatives to be equally divided among
them all and further my said daughter is to have
my large family Bible and my will is that my
executors purchase out of my effects a well bound
Family Bible for each one of the rest of my children

    My will and desire is that my Grist Mill on
Tyrells Creek be sold by my executors on a credit of
one and two years with Interest from sale with all
its fixtures and Machinary attached thereunto. With
eighty six acres of land more or less lying [on] both sides
of said creek & adjoining to the Mill, and the proceeds
arising from this sale is to be equally divided
amongst my six oldest children namely John S Stroud
Charles P Stroud Green M Stroud, Bryant M Stroud
Manly D Stroud & Martha Ann Ward be equally divided
Share and Share alike

    My will is that all my stock of horse or mule kind
Cattle. Sheep. hogs. one Waggon farming utensils &c after
reserving to my Wife Martha Stroud whatever she may
reasonably Judge to be necessary for her support and her
familys support. Then the remainder of the above effects
to be sold on a credit of twelve months, and out of
the proceeds of this Item or other moneys I desire that
My three sons Charles P Stroud, Bryant M Stroud
and Manly D. Stroud have two hundred Dollars each
without Interest

[Will Book Volume H, page 99]
My Will is that all my lands lying on the head waters
of Collens Creek Included in Several Small Deeds made
to me by Sidney Loyd Trustee of Green Andruss, Nancy=
Reeves James C Turrentinte Sheriff James C Turrentine &
Elijah Andruss whereon little Henry A Cates now lives
Containing one hundred and forty acres more or less
adjoining Elijah Andruss, Sidney Loyd G. Smith[s] heirs
& others be sold by my executors to the best advantage
at private or public sale, and the proceeds arising from
this sale shall be equally divided between my Sons John=
=S. Stroud, Charles P Stroud, Green =M Stroud and my
daughter Martha Ann Ward Share and Share alike

    Now for a more clear and perfect understanding
with regard to my three youngest children it is my
will that if either of them should die leaving no
child or children. Then in that case it is my will that
the survivor or survivors of my said youngest children is to
Inherit the deceased one estate so far as respects what is
contained in this bequest, attending to their negro property
as it is probable that some one of my oldest children may
become the owner of my Servant boy Ned, and I having much
regard for him as a trustworthy Servant and for his good
Conduct heretofore and hopeing that he will continue to
conduct himself with fidelity and good Faith. If so
I sincerely hope he may never be mistreated nor wrong=
=fully abused, and that he have ten Dollars given to him
out of my estate. as a reward for his good behavior
heretofore. And If my old Black woman Nancy should
become chargeable It is my desire that all my children
without exception bear an equal part of all the expenses
that my accrue on her maintainance.

    And my will is that after discharging all the foregoing
Tenure of this my last Will & Testament which I desire
to be done fully and with Satisfaction to all my beloved
children and as I am Impressed with a feeling and
parental sensation on this most solemn occasion for
the present and future Well fare of all my children &
posterity I Will drop a word - A word[sic] and say my hope and
prayer in there may never no never exist a single note of
discord or disquietude among my beloved children

    And it is my will that If I should have any notes or
money or debts or accounts of any description whatever
on hand at my decrease over and above what will be Sufficient

[Will Book Volume H, page 100]
to comply and discharge the foregoing Items. Then
and in that case it is my will and desire that all
the remainder of such moneys notes debts accounts, &c
be equally divided between my three youngest children
namely John W. Stroud. William F. Stroud. and my
daughter Emmaline T Stroud. share and share alike

    And in conclusion of the foregoing I desire to return
My heartfelt Thanks to my Blessed Savior for all
blessings common and special

    I do now nominate constitute and appoint My
two sons John S Stroud. and John W Stroud Executors
to this my last will and Testament revoking all
other wills by me heretofore made In testimony
whereof I the said Bryant Stroud doth hereunto set
My hand and affix my seal This 27th day of August
AD 1857  (Interlined by myself before assigned in every letter)

Signed & sealed in }
the presence of    }              B. Stroud (seal)
Wesley Atwater     }
Wilson Atwater     }
Jehiel Atwater     }

    Whereas I Bryant Stroud have made my last
Will and testament in writing bearing date on the
27th day of August 1857 and have thereby made
sundry devises and bequests according to them
existing circumstances of my estate but which
Circumstances have materially Changed. I do by
this my writing, which I hereby declare to be a Codicil
to my said will to be taken and construed as a part
thereof Will and direct that the two hundred acres of land
adjoining to Wilson Atwater and Chatham County line on the
South side of Tyrells Creek which is expressed in my
foregoing will to be the property of my daughter Emmalina=
T Stroud she since being Married to William S. Petty
an[d] in order to make a more equitable disposition of my
Estate among all my children I do hereby make this codicil
a part of my last Will and Testament I do will and direct
that at my decease that my executors do sell on a credit the two
hundred acres of land as refer[r]ed to on a credit of one and two years
interest from sale

[Will Book Volume H, page 101]
and the Proceeds thereof to be Equally divided amongst
all my children share and share alike of which this codicil
is hereby declared to be a part of my last will and
Testament In testimony whereof I hereunto set my hand
and seal this 13th day of January AD 1860

Signed sealed and            }       B. Stroud (seal)
delivered in the presence of }
Wilson Atwater               }
Welsey Atwater               }

Additional Comments:
Will Book Volume H, page 95
Recorded Feb 1875

Loose will is in a folder labeled "Strowd, Bryant 1875" (note the transposed date).

No estate papers found.