PA USGenWeb Archives












Indiantown Gap National Cemetery Records
were contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Joy Fisher July 2006
File Name Surnames Starting With
itgap-a-am.txt A-Am
itgap-an-ay.txt An-Ay
itgap-ba.txt B-Ba
itgap-be.txt Be
itgap-bi-bon.txt Bi-Bon
itgap-boo-brk.txt Boo-Brk
itgap-bro-brz.txt Bro-Brz
itgap-bu-by.txt Bu-By
itgap-ca.txt Ca
itgap-ce-cl.txt Ce-Cl
itgap-co.txt Co
itgap-cr-cz.txt Cr-Cz
itgap-d-dek.txt D-Dek
itgap-del-di.txt Del-Di
itgap-do-dz.txt Do-Dz
itgap-e.txt E
itgap-f-fe.txt F-Fe
itgap-fi-fo.txt Fi-Fo
itgap-fr-fy.txt Fr-Fy
itgap-g-gh.txt G-Gh
itgap-gi-go.txt Gi-Go
itgap-gr-gw.txt Gr-Gw
itgap-h-han.txt H-Han
itgap-har-haz.txt Har-Haz
itgap-he.txt He
itgap-hi-hop.txt Hi-Hop
itgap-hor-hy.txt Hor-Hy
itgap-i-joh.txt I-Joh
itgap-jol-ka.txt Jol-Ka
itgap-ke-ki.txt Ke-Ki
itgap-kl-ko.txt Kl-Ko
itgap-kr-ky.txt Kr-Ky
itgap-l-leh.txt L-Leh
itgap-lei-ll.txt Lei-Ll
itgap-lo-ly.txt Lo-Ly
itgap-m-mar.txt M-Mar
itgap-mas-mcc.txt Mas-McF
itgap-mcd-mcw.txt McD-McW
itgap-me-miller-i.txt Me-Miller, I
itgap-miller-j-mo.txt Miller, J-Mo
itgap-mor-my.txt Mor-My
itgap-n.txt N
itgap-o.txt O
itgap-p-pa.txt P-Pa
itgap-pe-pl.txt Pe-Pl
itgap-po-q.txt Po-Q
itgap-r-rei.txt R-Rei
itgap-rem-roc.txt Rem-Roc
itgap-rod-rz.txt Rod-Rz
itgap-s-schu.txt S-Schu
itgap-schw-shel.txt Schw-Shel
itgap-shem-sj.txt Shem-Sj
itgap-sk-sm.txt Sk-Sm
itgap-sn-sq.txt Sn-Sq
itgap-st-stom.txt St-Stom
itgap-ston-sz.txt Ston-Sz
itgap-t-th.txt T-Th
itgap-ti-ty.txt Ti-Ty
itgap-u-v.txt U-V
itgap-w-was.txt W-Was
itgap-wat-whel.txt Wat-Whel
itgap-whis-will.txt Whis-Will
itgap-wils-wy.txt Wils-Wy
itgap-y.txt Y
itgap-z.txt Z
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