20th Century History of New Castle and
Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens


[p. 646] manager and assistant vice president of the Tindel Morris Company, one of the important enterprises of Lawrence County, with plant at Ellwood City, is a native of Lawrence County and is a son of H. W. and Emma B. (King), Reed.

The father of Mr. Reed was a carpenter by trade and he followed the same at New Castle, where he died in 1894. He was twice married, the two sons of his first union being deceased. The mother of George B. Reed survives and resides at Ellwood City, he being an only child.

George B. Reed attended school in Butler County and in Ellwood City, but put his books aside when he was fifteen years of age in order to accept office work with the Pittsburg Company and he continued with that concern for three years, leaving in February, 1898, in order to come to the present plant as its superintendent. Later he was advanced to be chief clerk and in 1903 was made manager. The Tindel Morris Company was organized in 1862, at Frankfort, Philadelphia, and was first known as the Frankfort Steel Company and later as the Frankfort Steel and Forge Company. In the spring of 1895 the plant was erected at Ellwood City and in 1898 the business was incorporated. The space occupied is two acres, and employment is afforded 200 men. The products are machine tools, gas and steam engines and automobile parts. The officers are: Adam Tindel, president and treasurer; L. I. Morris, vice president; Lincoln W. Gruber, secretary; and George B. Reed assistant vice president and manager.

In politics, Mr. Reed is affiliated with the Republican party. He was reared in the faith of the Methodist Episcopal Church and is a member of this body at Ellwood City. His fraternal relations are with Ellwood Lodge, No. 599, F.&A.M., New Castle Lodge of Perfection; Glen Park Lodge, No. 1016, I.O.O.F., of Ellwood City and he belongs to the beneficiary order of Protected Home Circle. He is one of the city's recognized young business men of ability and is a member of the Board of Trade.

20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908

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