20th Century History of New Castle and
Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens


[p. 653] president of the Mt. Air Elgin Creamery Butter Company, is a well-known resident of Little Beaver Township, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, where he owns a fine farm of eighty acres, located about eleven miles soutwest of New Castle. He was born on his father's old home place in Little Beaver Township, January 12, 1847, and is a son of Allen and Margaret (Aughenbaugh) McCown.

James McCown, grandfather of Daniel L., was one of the pioneers of Little Beaver, having crossed the Alleghenies and located in the woods at a time when it still formed a part of Beaver County. He was blind during the latter years of his life, and lived just six hours after the death of his wife, Margaret. They were parents of ten children, eight sons and two daughters. The sons were: Samuel, James, Joseph, John, Allen, William and Thompson, twins, and Harvey.

Allen McCown was born on the old home place in Little Beaver Township, in 1812, and lived there all his life except for one winter spent in Wisconsin. He was first married to Margaret Aughenbaugh, who was born in Little Beaver Township, and was a daughter of John Aughenbaugh, who was a soldier in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War, having walked to Erie to enlist. Mrs. McCown died at the age of thirty-eight years, leaving the following children: John, Addison, Daniel Leisure, James D. and Alexander W. Allen McCown formed a second marital union with Rebecca Young, of Beaver County, whom he also survived some years. He died on his farm in 1896 at the age of eighty-four years.

Daniel L. McCown spent his boyhood days on the farm and received a meagre educational training in the public schools. After working a few years in the oil fields he learned the trade of a blacksmith, which he followed successfully some twenty-eight years, having his shop on the farm. He also worked in New Castle for a time. He purchased his present farm from his father's estate, it being known as the Widow Faddis Farm. Mr. McCown has followed general farming and has prospered beyond the average. He was one of the organizers of the Mt. Air Elgin Creamery Butter Company, of which he was made president in 1908, and is also a stockholder in the Citizens Telephone Company.

On May 13, 1875, Daniel L. McCown was joined in the bonds of matrimony with Miss Claude Carmina Crill, a daughter of William Crill, and they became parents of six children: William C., who married Ola Johnson, and has two children, Mary E. and Anna M.; Charles A., who married Marie Avery and has two children, Wallace and Lloyd; Clara, wife of George R. Andrews, by whom she has three children, Ruth, Hazel and Arthur; Roy, who married Ruth, Dunnan; Glen, and Guy. Religiously, Mr. McCown is a member of the United Presbyterian Church. Politically, he gives earnest support to Prohibition principles.

20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908

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