20th Century History of New Castle and
Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens


[p. 653] whose valuable farm of eighty-five acres is situated about one mile west of Westfield Church, in North Beaver Township, was born in Little Beaver Township, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, March 1, 1856, and is a son of William and Elizabeth (Woodworth) Clark.

William R. Clark was reared in Little Beaver Township and in his boyhood obtained the usual common school education available to country-bred youths. Along with this was the practical training that developed him into a careful and intelligent farmer. After his marriage he lived for four and one-half years at Newburg, in Little Beaver Township, moving to his present farm, March 31, 1886. This property was formerly owned by N. D. White, who, at death, left it needing a large amount of improving. This Mr. Clark has been more or less engaged in ever since coming here. In 1904 he remodeled the old residence and built an addition and in 1901 had torn down the old barn and erected the present substantial one. Mr. Clark has now a very attractive place and nice home, while the land, under his careful cultivation, produces fine crops and gives plenty of rich pasture for his dairy cows.

Mr. Clark was married to Lucy H. White, who is a daughter of the late N. D. and Sarah White, and they have three children, Vallaise Evelyn, Bessie Doris and Raymond M. They belonged to the Bethel United Presbyterian Church, in which he served thirteen years as an elder, and is a deacon in the Westfield Church, which he and family now attend.

20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908

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