20th Century History of New Castle and
Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens


[p. 670] a representative citizen of Ellwood City, who is prominent in its commercial activities, carries on a large business in coal and ice, two staple necessities of comfortable living. Mr. Blank was born in New Sewickley Township, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, May 2, 1880, and is a son of Augustus A. and Elizabeth (Hohmann) Blank.

Augustus A. Blank was a son of George Blank and he was born in Germany and was brought to America by his parents when six months old. He was reared in Beaver County and for years has been a farmer in New Sewickley Township. He married Elizabeth Hohmann, who is a daughter of Henry and Elizabeth (Hohmann) Hohmann, who were living, at time of death, in Allegheny County, and their burial was at Perrysville. Augustus A. Blank and wife had seven children born to them, five sons and two daughters, as follows: Fred, residing at Beaver Falls, married Josephine, daughter of Fred Yeager, who died in 1907, leaving two children; Elizabeth married John Fogel, residing in New Sewickley Township, Beaver County, and they have two children; Charles H.; Henry, residing in Economy Township, Allegheny County, married a Miss Rosa Kretzler; George, engaged in the plumbing business in Ellwood City, and Matilda and Edward, being unmarried, reside at home.

Until he was sixteen years of age, Charles H. Blank attended school regularly and then went to work in the oil fields, where he continued until 1904, when he came to Ellwood City and embarked in the coal and ice business. He has met with more than ordinary success in his business enterprises and has invested at various times in property. He owns three houses and lots and owns one and one-half acres which is utilized for his coal and ice warehouses, the latter being situated on the corner of Eighth Street and Factory Avenue. His beautiful residence is located at No. 730 Crescent Avenue. Mr. Blank is also more or less interested in city real estate as a dealer.

Mr. Blank was married to Miss Mary Miller, who is a daughter of Charles and Caroline Miller, of Beaver County. They are members of the Lutheran Church of Ellwood City. In his political views he is very liberal, but always may be found on the side of law and order. He belongs to a number of fraternal organizations: Ellwood Lodge No. 420, Knights of Pythias; Lodge No. 464, Knights of the Golden Eagles, of Ellwood City; Lodge No. 300, Knights of the Maccabees of Ellwood City, while both he and Mrs. Blank are members of the Ladies and Knights of Honor. Mr. and Mrs. Blank make frequent automobile journeys in their large motor car.

20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908

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