Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897


[p. 101] Edwin Jacksonof New Castle, although not among the oldest practitioners of dentistry in the city, having located there in 1889, easily ranks among the first in skill and general ability in the line of his profession; by careful, conscientious work he has built up a practice which we may safely say, with no fear of successful contradiction, to be the finest in the county. He is up-to-date in his methods, extracts teeth painlessly, does exceptionally good work in filling and crowning, and is recognized as an expert in the manufacture of sets of false teeth, and in bridge work. His early education was received in the common schools of Cadiz, Ohio, where his boyhood years were spent; after completing the general course of studies prescribed there, he entered the Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery of Philadelphia, Pa., and graduated in 1889. He at once located in New Castle, of which city he has been a resident and prominent professional man ever since.

Dr. Jackson was born in Mercer Co., Pa., Oct. 25, 1865, and is a son of William P. and Susan (Strickler) Jackson, the former of Mercer County, and the latter a native of Connellsville, Pa. William Jackson, our subject's grandfather, was a farmer by occupation, and followed that vocation until his death, which occurred when he was a young man. He reared four children: Rachel; Hugh M.; H. Ferguson; and William P. They were United Presbyterians in religious belief. Dr. Jackson's father was educated in Mercer County, and learned the millwright's trade when a young man, and has followed that trade ever since; mill-owners, when desiring excellent work, have never failed to be thoroughly satisfied with his work. He is a stanch Republican, but could never have the term of office-seeker applied to him. His wife, who died in 1896, aged fifty-six years, left him seven children, all of whom have attained prominent places in life; they are as follows: Charles, who married Emma Vinton of Findlay, Ohio, and has two children—Clyde, and an infant; W. Edwin, our subject; Marguerite, who married Dr. H. M. Greissinger of Columbus, Ohio; Harry F., a surgeon dentist of West Jefferson, Ohio; Minnie A.; Jennie B.; and Daisy. In 1891 Dr. Jackson led to the altar Jessie Troutman of Sharon, Pa., daughter of Mrs. A. E. Troutman, and there mutual obligations of love were taken by each, and they were joined man and wife. Their only child, William F., was born March 30, 1893. They are Presbyterians in their religious belief. Dr. Jackson adheres strongly to the principles and political teachings of the Republican party.

The publishers of this Book of Biographies take great pleasure in presenting in connection with this narration of his life a portrait of Dr. Jackson, and we hold that he is entitled to a prominent place among Lawrence County citizens as the foremost dentist of the county.

Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897

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