Altoona High School

1938 Horseshoe


Altoona, Blair County, PA



A Project of Blair County USGenWeb Archives




Raymond L. Achatz
Eloise Adams
Helen L. Adams
Edward M. Aigner
Betty J. Alberts
M. Suzanne Albright
James G. Alexander
Madeline M. T. Allemann
J. Harding Allison
Ida M. Allison
Irene B. Alloway
Clair O. Ammerman
Marian L. Anderson
Fred W. Anske
L. Max Anspach
Morris I. Antikol
Alanda T. Anzalone
Harry H. Arble
E. Louise Ashburn
Michael J. Astore
Lois J. Attig
Donald E. Aurandt
John H. Austin
D. Romayne Ayle

Edwin J. Baer
Merle W. Bair
Marion L. Baish
Max A. Baker
Walter E. Ball
Edna P. Balliet
William B. Barclay
William E. Barclay
Charles T. Bare
Lenetta Barger
Ellen I. Barley
Richard G. Barnes
Robert B. Barnhart
Dorothy J. Barr
Donald J. Bathgate
Marjorie E. Batrus
Louise C. Baumann
Robert P. Beahm
Paul L. Beale
Anna M. Beamer
Dorothy M. Bechtel
Joseph F. Becker
Richard M. Bell
William C. Bell

E. Jane Benden
Nathan M. Benjamin
Virginia A. Bennett
Leonard I. Beerman
Helen K. Berry
John C. Bertram
John W. Biggard
Idabelle Bittner
Ronald J. Black
Robert E. Blair
Robert H. Blair
Marjorie C. Blake
Delmar T. Boatman
Betty M. Boehm
Jane E. Boggs
Charles O. Bohner
Dorothy L. Bohner
Howard J. Bohner
Ethel M. Boldt
Nannie E. Bollinger
Emmabelle G. Bookhamer
Betty R. Boslet
William J. Boslet
Lois F. Bottenfield

Jack Bowen
Jack E. Bowers
John A. Boyd
Mary I. Boyd
Wilma J. Boyer
Mary L. Boyles
Phyllis M. Bradley
Richard E. Bradley
George E. Bragonier
Richard I. Brandt
Paul A. Branic
John A. Bravin
Yolanda M. Bravin
T. Marjory Bressler
Gerald M. Brett
Pauline Briggs
Anna E. Brooks
Helen E. Brooks
David L. Brown
Gerald F. Brown
Helen S. Brown
R. Kenneth Brown
Althea F. Brubaker
Dorothy H. Brumbaugh

James A. Brumbaugh
Robert J. Brumbaugh
Harold C. Bryant
Frank A. Buchanan
Russell P. Burchfield
Ruth E. Burd
Robert E. Burgoon
Donald F. Burk
Marjorie M. Burke
Margaret G. Burket
Dorothy L. Burkhart
George E. Burley
Rose M. Burns
Wilbur D. Bush
Clara E. Bussick
Eugene P. Butler
Richard A. Butler
K. Willard Butterbaugh
Clement A. Cafasso
Arthur S. Calvert
A. Joseph Campbell
James R. Campbell
Mary B. Canole
Betty J. Caputo

Richard R. Caraher
Betty M. Carl
Geraldine R. Carl
Virginia K. Carles
Angeline M. Carmosina
Richard S. Carolus
Mary J. Carter
Mildred L. Cassady
Gerald J. Cassidy
Bart J. Castrochine
Robert C. Caswell
Alfred A. Cataldo
A. Elizabeth Caum
Albert L. Cellini
Helen R. Centobene
Mary T. Centobene
Warren J. Chambers
Anne E. Cherry
M. Evalyn Cherry
Clair D. Chevalier
Elizabeth C. Chiarieri
P. Thomas Chiarieri
E. Jean Chilcote
Fred J. Chirdon

Lois E. Clare
Janet E. Clark
William J. Clendenin
Charles A. Closson
Marilyn L. Clugh
Myrtle L. Cochran
Aileen E. Coffman
Martha L. Cohn
Julia S. Colabove
Elizabeth M. Coley
Alfred J. Columbo
Dorothy V. Colyer
Mildred G. Confer
Evelyn B. Conley
Mary S. Contakos
Kathryn A. Coon
Clayton R. Copenhaver
James F. Copenhaver
Ruth N. Copenhaver
Rosella M. Corbin
Jean A. Corboy
Betty L. Corcelius
Patricia J. Corless
Clara J. Corman

Jack B. Covert
Paul E. Cox
R. Marie Cox
Edna A. Craggs
Ernest H. Craiger
John E. Cramer
Virginia E. Cramer
Elsie A. Crider
Harold D. Crider
June W. Crist
Elizabeth M. Cross
Marion E. Croyle
Richard J. Crozier
Lois C. Cump
Edna M. Cutshall
F. Jane Dale
Josephine M. Damiano
Mario A. Damiano
Howard J. Darr
Viola E. Daughenbaugh
Edward E. Daugherty
Dorothy E. Davis
Helen E. Davis
Jack M. Davis

Jane E. Davis
Margaret L. Davis
Rita J. Davis
Sylvia Davis
William C. Davis
Alfred J. DeBernardis
Sadie Debo
Betty K. DeBray
John R. DeHaas
Joseph P. DelCoco
George H. Dell
L. Josephine Delo
Beatrice C. Delozier
K. Elaine Delozier
Lee C. Delozier
Martha J. Delozier
Michaelangelo A. DeMattis
William E. DeMuth
Pauline R. Dengler
Lucy A. DeStadio
Lewis C. Detrich
Audrey N. Detwiler
Helen L. Detwiler
Ray S. Detwiler

Herbert R. Dey
Helen L. Dickey
Margaret N. Diehl
Virginia R. Diehl
Helen V. Dietrich
C. Robert Dietrick
Michael J. DiNicola
James S. Dodson
Victoria C. Donoway
Duane C. Drake
William W. Dublin
Richard E. Duffy
Grace G. Dumm
Paul G. Dumm
Dennis H. Duncan
Lillian A. Duncan
Gertrude H. Dunlap
Marie E. Dunn
Virginia B. Dunn
Paul J. Durbin
Robert H. Ebersole
William L. Edmiston
Dorothy S. Edwards
James K. Egan

Marlin R. Eichelberger
C. Wesley Elberty
Naomi J. Ellstrom
Charles E. Emerick
Ruth L. Endress
Edna R. Enzbrenner
J. Leslie Ehringer
Olive M. Estright
Florence M. Evangelista
Bernadine J. Evans
Thomas J. Evans
Naomi P. Evey
Ruth C. Farabaugh
Vincent G. Farabaugh
Betty J. Fasick
Margaret D. Fay
Edmund B. Fideli
Mary V. Feeney
Earl W. Feese
John E. Ferry
Bette J. Fields
M. Voyce Fields
Eleanor L. Fiester
Clary R. Figard

Edwin E. Figart
D. Lois Fink
Joan M. Finnegan
John J. Fiore
M. Kathryn Fisher
Marian G. Fleck
Margaret A. Fliegerbauer
Jeanette E. Fluke
John L. Fluke
Angelina M. Folcarelli
Howard D. Force
Barbara M. Foster
Marie R. Foster
P. Virginia Fowler
Victoria E. Fox
Helen R. Franklin
Leonard E. Franks
M. Beth Frederick
Shirley M. French
Alfred H. Frezza
Lois D. Fry
M. Betty Funk
Genevieve E. Funk
Dorothy M. Fuoss

Rose E. Furrer
Gracetta V. Gaenzle
Rose Galantucci
James R. Gardner
Emory E. Garthoff
Franklin B. Gates
Margaret E. Gates
Dorothy A. Gearhart
E. Ila Gearhart
Jack I. Gearhart
Chester R. Geddes
Peter L. Gentilcore
Thelma O. Gentsch
William George
William C. Gerst
Dean M. Gettemy
Vernon C. Gibosn
Janet E. Gift
Vala A. Gillaspie
Marie K. Gillespie
Louise M. Gilliland
Albert H. Gindes
Evalyn R. Gingrich
Ernest P. Girardi

Marjorie E. Glenn
V. Jane Glenn
Charles I. Glunt
Irvin Goldfarb
Florence L. Gonter
Susan L. Gority
Eunice L. Gorsuch
Hazel R. Grace
Annamary Gracey
Annabelle Graffius
Mary E. Grannas
Edwin E. Grant
Martha Green
Rae J. Greenwood
Harold C. Griffith
Alma A. Grimme
Francis P. Grimme
Donald L. Grimminger
Anna M. Grove
M. Louise Gruber
William A. Guiliano
Endolina E. Gulino
George A. Gutshall
Marian G. Guyer

Wilbur I. Haight
Frances B. Haines
Melvin E. Hale
Alton T. Hall
Ellsworth L. Hall
Nellie M. Hall
Robert F. Haller
Vivian L. Hamel
Arthur L. Hammaker
Mary E. Harkenrider
Irvin M. Harkless
Claude L. Harr
Betty G. Harris
Lois E. Harris
Frances A. Harshbarger
Sara E. Harshbarger
Dorothy R. Harter
Charles E. Hartz
Alton L. Harvey
Jack R. Hauser
John A. Hauser
Lucille F. Hecker
Charles A. Heim
Jack S. Heinbaugh

Mary I. Heinsling
Rose H. Heinzman
Enid M. Heiple
John F. Heiss
Margery A. Heiss
Rita L. Heiss
Marian B. Helms
Donald E. Helsor
Betty M. Hench
Robert J. Hermesky
Virginia L. Herr
Anaclare Hersperger
M. Jane Hewitt
Sara E. Hileman
Monroe W. Hill
Emma J. Hine
Robert R. Hiner
Betty M. Hippo
Betty M. Hirst
Ethel F. Hite
Geraldine E. Hite
Joseph A. Hite
M. Jane Hittinger
Olive M. Hoenstine

Harold K. Hoffman
Alma P. Hoffner
Bruce B. Hofmann
E. Jeanne Hogue
Mary A. Holderman
Ruth E. Hollingsworth
John M. Hollobaugh
Olive V. Hook
Dorothy M. Hoover
Evelyn L. Hoover
Fred G. Hoover
Laura M. Hoover
Robert H. Hoover
Joe J. Horner
Thomas E. Horner
Lois M. Hostetler
Twila M. Hostetler
Robert C. Houpt
Dale F. Housner
Kitty A. Hower
Joseph C. Hrzic
William Hudak
Helen M. Hughes
Eleanor S. Humer

Arthur M. Hunter
Enid L. Hunter
Lois Jane Hunter
Rachel A. Hunter
G. Louise Hurst
Robert H. Hurst
William C. Ickes
Melvin F. Ingold
V. James Inzoline
May M. Ireland
C. Larhue Irvin
Victor W. Irvin
H. Arlene Isenberg
Bertram M. Isenberg
Edwin G. Isenberg
M. Alice Ivory
Shirley J. Jaap
Bernard L. Jackson
Robert I. Jackson
Helen C. Jarkiewicz
Betty M. Jenkins
Blaine F. Johannides
June L. Johnson
Robert G. Johnson

Thelma J. Johnson
Anna M. Jones
Dorothy F. Jones
Millicent P. Jones
Oliver H. Jones
Robert Jones
William P. Jones
Edward C. Kabella
Nellie R. Kachele
Miriam C. Kanarr
John W. Kane
Pauline M. Karstetter
A. Jeanne Kauffman
Ralph C. Kearns
Janet E. Keech
Edna M. Kehoe
Harry S. Keith
Mildred R. Keller
Sara E. Kelly
Virginia V. Kemmler
David Kenepp
Elizabeth G. Kenner
David A. Keown
Everett R. Kester

Raymond F. Kibler
Kenneth W. Killian
Betty J. Kime
Martha A. Kimmel
Madaline L. Kinch
Margaret M. Kinser
Harry F. Kipple
Glen A. Kiser
Virginia L. Kiser
Frank B. Kiszka
Richard H. Kitting
Virginia L. Klahre
Abraham Kline
Ray M. Klinger
Anne Kluba
Sophie B. Kneidinger
M. Jane Knepper
M. Louise Kocher
S. Marie Kocoloski
Betty M. Koontz
Roger L. Kraft
John H. Krapf
Samuel H. Kreitzer
Ida D. Krug

Betty D. Kuhn
John J. Kuhn
Rosalia J. Kuhn
Walter F. Kuhn
Edward J. Kung
Paul A. Kwolek
Steve J. Lach
Marjorie J. Lafferty
Carmello M. Lamancusa
Alma L. Lambour
Anna P. Laratonda
Hymen Lasser
Edna M. Laughlin
Liberty Launi
Dorothy L. Lebo
Roy L. Leedy
Frances M. Lehman
Dowlea J. Leoras
Danny E. Lepore
Marion J. Leslie
Thelma J. Leslie
Chester A. Lickel
John C. Liddle
Jeanne N. Lindaman


Mary M. Lindsay
Betty L. Ling
Mary L. Linn
Ethel E. Lippincott
Edna M. Little
Carl C. Long
Edmund W. Long
S. Eleanor Long
Fred E. Long
Charles J. Lopresti
O. Adele Lotz
Virginia F. Loucks
Elizabeth R. Louder
Joe P. Loudon
M. Dean Love
William K. Love
Joseph T. Luciano
H. Louise Luckner
Hilda A. Lukens
J. Robert Lupfer
Belva M. Lutz
James A. Lytle
Helen E. McAlarney
Elizabeth A. McBurney

Betty J. McCahren
Elwood G. McCauley
Eugene F. McClain
Jane C. McClain
Sheldon P. McCloskey
John K. McCloskey
Ray E. McConnell
Clyde A. McCormick
John C. McCormick
Leon B. McCracken
Helen E. McCready
Kenneth L. McDermitt
M. Jean McElhinney
Fred McGarvey
Joan McGaw
Richard S. McGaw
Jean V. McGee
Ruth E. McGinnis
Evelyn R. McGirk
E. Grace McGlathery
Lois M. McGlathery
Alvenia D. McGlinsey
Laura H. McGraw
Milton R. McGraw

L. Jeanne McGregor
William C. McHugh
Isabel M. McIntire
Alex McLaughlin
Eleanor M. McNaul
Rita A. McNelis
Donald L. McQuade
Thelma G. McQuade
Donald R. Macdonald
Gladys M. Maddocks
Ruth J. Maddocks
Richard B. Magee
Edward J. Maillard
Eugene F. Maillard
Lucille A. Maines
Virginia E. Maines
John C. Maitland
Helen T. Majszak
Charles A. Malone
Theresa M. Mangia
E. Jane Manley
Martin J. Marasco
Athena M. Marcus
Helen R. Markland

Milton G. Markley
Mary J. Marks
Betty L. Marshall
Charles R. Marshall
Stephane T. Marshall
Nick Martellacci
Francis J. Martin
William R. Martin
Angelo Marzo
Anna E. Maschke
Helen M. Maschke
Harrison H. Maschke
Joseph A. Masciarelli
Louise F. Masterson
Samuel W. Materia
Ellen L. Mather
Wilbur J. Mathias
Lynn Matlack
Janet L. Mattas
Ruth E. Mauk
M. Gene Meckley
Lawrence W. Meckley
Mary L. Mehaffie
Margaret J. Meredith

Jack W. Merritt
Cleona R. Merritts
Anna M. Miller
Dean F. Miller
Dean G. Miller
W. Doran Miller
Paul E. Miller
Robert E. Miller
M. Yvonne Miller
Eunice I. Mills
Esther M. Misciagna
William C. Mock
Cleo F. Mole
Gerard Molica
Greg J. Monahan
Elsie M. Moore
George L. Moore
Mary L. Moran
Betty M. Morgan
Letty B. Morgan
Leora M. Morrison
William L. Morse
Ruthe V. Mort
Jennie R. Moschella

Eugene F. Moses
Harry R. Mosher
Mary J. Moyer
Mary E. Mullen
Sue A. Musselman
Marjorie B. Musselman
William H. Musser
Fred R. Nale
Eleanor H. Nardella
Mary A. Nardella
Catherine A. Nardon
Ernest J. Nassif
Albert R. Neff
Jean M. Neff
Caroline M. Nelson
Charlot J. Nelson
Beatrice M. Neugebauer
Dorothy L. Neugebauer
John A. Nicodemus
Robert E. Noonan
Lois J. Norton
Mary E. Noye
Janet M. Nute
Homer L. Obenour

Carolyn M. O'Dell
Jane E. O'Donnell
Ted G. Olkoski
Nancy E. Olson
Mary J. O'Neil
Martha H. Orner
Shirley M. Orner
Julia R. Orr
Phyllis F. Orsena
Mildred G. Ott
Thelma M. Otto
H. Melvin Oyler
Anna L. Pacovsky
Helen D. Palmer
Vada Panos
Crist Pappas
Edith Parish
Paul E. Patterson
Thelma R. Paul
Margaret E. Peightal
James T. Penman
Madelene M. Pennington
John H. Perry
Laura M. Peterman

A. Jayne Peters
Virginia M. Peters
Joseph R. Pfeffer
Dorothy H. Phillips
Imelda R. Pielmeier
Carlo C. Pietropaulo
Clifford E. Pincher
Myra H. Piper
Donald E. Plank
E. Jane Plempel
William H. Plummer
Donald E. Plunket
Stephanie I. Podgorski
Mary T. Poeschl
Joseph R. Pompa
M. Adaline Porter
M. Elizabeth Potter
May L. Probst
Joseph P. Prugar
Louis F. Pruznak
Frank J. Pufka
Barbara E. Quarry
William L. Quiggle
Rebecca G. Quirn

Thelma B. Rabenstein
Richard C. Rabold
Walter B. Radwonski
Margery I. Raible
Harry C. Rainey
Gene S. Ramsey
A. Jane Ramsey
Mary E. Ramsey
Glenn H. Ranck
Marion E. Rath
Fred Ratowsky
Arthur L. Rauchle
Richard E. Reed
Eleanor F. Reese
Glenn N. Reffner
Marjorie L. Reid
John H. Reifsteck
Homer P. Reimer
M. Jane Ressing
Lillian Ressler
George D. Reynolds
Edna M. Rhodes
Raymond E. Rhodes
William T. Rhodes

Mary C. Rice
Mary A. Richards
George V. Richett
John A. Riley
Thomas W. Riley
Dorothy R. Ritchey
Pauline D. Ritchey
William M. Ritts
Joseph E. Robinson
Phyllis J. Robinson
Cleo J. Robison
Stanley L. Robuck
Kenneth H. Rockey
Phyllis C. Rodgers
Angeline Roefaro
Grace F. Roelofs
S. Louise Roland
Richard L. Romagna
Blanche M. Romerowicz
George L. Ronan
Mary E. Rorabaugh
Meyer Rosefsky
Paul H. Ross
Frank T. Rossbach

Bernadine L. Rossman
Betty M. Rouzer
Virginia L. Rouzer
William C. Rouzer
William L. Rowles
John J. Rudisill
Pauline R. Runk
Shirley M. Rupert
Goldie C. Rush
Edith B. Rutherford
Alfred A. Rutolo
David A. Rutolo
Pauline M. Ryan
Thomas C. Ryan
Charles A. Sabathne
Helen A. Sabatina
Josephine M. Salomie
Violet G. Sanders
Jean R. Sandrus
Helen L. Sanganera
Louis J. Santilena
Dorothy L. Satterfield
Jack E. Satterfield
Vernon W. Savage

Susan M. Sayers
Helen M. Saylor
Anthony J. Scarangella
Betty M. Schade
Marian J. Scheeler
G. Warren Scheffer
Marguerite E. Schiele
Marjorie L. Schilling
Kenneth N. Schmelzlen
George V. Schoch
James A. Scholl
Nevin D. Schuler
Lenore A. Schwartz
Leonard H. Schwartz
William A. Scott
Virginia M. Seitz
Bessie S. Sender
Edward J. Schaffer
Edward P. Schaffer
Helen L. Shaffer
Jean D. Shaffer
Gilbert H. Sharer
Janet E. Sharer
Ruth E. Shaver

Joel I. Shawley
Lydia B. Shiffler
Donald H. Shingler
Olive L. Shipe
John T. Shomo
Evelyn J. Showalter
Frederick L. Shriver
Kenneth F. Shultz
Betty L. Shultzabarger
Jane C. Shutt
Clement J. Sidler
Ivan F. Sidler
Mildred I. Sievers
Philip Simmonds
Gene J. Simonetti
Mary J. Simpson
Olin S. Simpson
Pat Sinise
Louise L. Sisler
Jack E. Skelley
Donald B. Slep
Dorothy H. Slep
Catherine Slutzker
William C. Smales

R. Jane Smiley
Elinor K. Smith
Harold C. Smith
Jack W. Smith
James E. Smith
E. Lorraine Smith
E. Louise Smith
Mildred V. Smith
Philip G. Smith
Ray A. Smith
Robert F. Smith
Robert S. Smith
Ryzella Smith
Betty J. Snyder
Bette M. Snyder
Dale S. Snyder
Margaret L. Snyder
Mary E. Snyder
M. Jane Snyder
Allen Sommer
John F. Sonefelt
Mary L. Sorge
Sheldon K. Spearing
Howard H. Speece

Marjorie L. Spidle
Kathryn A. Spielman
Lucy G. Spinazzola
Elmer E. Springer
Ray C. Stambaugh
Gerald L. Stapleton
Paul C. Stauffer
Mary Jane St. Clair
Edward L. Steckroth
Donald C. Steele
W. Glenn Steele
Elsie E. Stefanini
Edgar B. Stegmeier
Ralph L. Stehley
Jack T. Steinbeiser
Bernice W. Steinberg
Hassell L. Stere
Doris L. Stewart
Patricia J. Stewart
M. Jane Stine
Phyllis E. Stineman
Roy W. Stitt
Ruth V. Stiver
Charlotte E. Stoiber

Roy L. Stoltz
G. Ellen Stone
Kathryn J. Stonebraker
Jean M. Stout
Anna M. Stover
Margaret M. Stump
Helen C. Summers
Walter E. Sunderland
Dorothy Sutter
Mary E. Swab
William B. Swab
William H. Swan
Robert E. Swank
Bernice B. Swartz
Edward M. Swope
A. Helen Taylor
Michael Thomas
Donald B. Thompson
Karl R. Thompson
Raymond G. Thompson
Robert B. Thompson
Robert C. Thompson
Robert W. Thompson
Miriam W. Tippery

Mary T. Tishler
J. Richard Titelman
Verna M. Tobias
Betty J. Trout
Consuelo M. Trout
Dwight R. Troutman
Michael R. Tudisco
Anna M. Turner
Norman W. Ulmer
Jean L. Ulsh
M. Louise Vance
Paul S. Vance
Gladys R. Vaughn
R. Ardell Vetter
Herman A. Viglione
John Paul Vincent
Margery V. Vincent
Leo J. Vogel
Margaret A. Vogel
William P. Vossler
Helen A. Wagner
Leroy Wagner
William A. Wagner
Paul G. Waite

Elizabeth A. Walker
Ruth C. Walker
Rozella M. Wall
Jeanne A. Walter
Robert M. Walters
Eloise V. Walz
Elizabeth Ward
Harold J. Ward
David D. Warfield
Ethel I. Washington
Helen R. Watkins
Peggy D. Watson
Frank S. Watts
Fannie Waxler
Harold E. Weamer
John L. Weamer
Donald C. Weaver
Thomas C. Webb
Thomas W. Webber
Robert S. Wehrley
Herbert L. Weidel
Robert H. Weidel
Lucille M. Weigand
Glenn S. Weight

Paul A. Weiss
Vera M. Wengert
Ann H. Werner
Theodore H. Werner
H. Francis Wertz
Dorothy V. Wertzberger
S. Marion Wertzberger
Margaret C. Wesner
Paul F. Westbrook
Mary L. Westley
Harold E. Weston
Elwood J. Weyandt
Andrew A. Whitbred
Barbara E. Whitbred
M. Madelyn White
Mary E. White
Dorothy M. Whitehead
Laura H. Whitfield
Clyde E. Wible
Heber E. Wilfong
Pauline J. Wills
Chalmers R. Wilson
James C. Wilson
Orpha C. Wilson

Betty L. Wingard
Virginia K. Wise
Helen M. Wissinger
Frederick R. Wittmer
Leona M. Wolf
Ann E. Wood
Mary E. Wood
Jane A. Wood
Lois A. Wood
Esther M. Wood
C. Stoddart Wood
Josephine T. Yavasile
Leonard G. Yearick
Dorothy M. Yingling
Evelyn L. Yingling
Maude E. Yohn
Clarence J. Yon
Dorothy B. Yon
Lawrence R. Yorgy
Thelma B. Yost
C. Leo Young
James H. Young
Carl R. Youtzy
Marcella M. Zakrzewska

John E. Zeek
R. Grace Zeigler
Elaine Zimmerman
Clyde E. Zimmers
Dorothy C. Zimmers
Charles A. Zinn
Donald J. Decoskey
Albert J. Harner
Esther A. Sleigh
John C. Stewart



Seniors Who Wouldn't Face the Camera


Chevalier Jackson Arthur     Howard Roy Dobson     William O'Donald
Louis Jack Bidoli   Eugene Elmer Dodson   Elwood Paul Potter
Robert Charles Bowman   Charles Frederick George   Joe Hupp Reed
Francis Sylvester Brady   Kenneth Earl Gingery   Charles David Robison
Robert William Chilcote   Eugene Ross Hill   Robert David Seymore
Mill Joe Ciambotti   Arthur George Hobba   David Arthur Shaw
John Allan Clair   Budd Johnsonbaugh   Robert Newton Simmons
Harold Blair Coleman   Donald Paul Kahle   Nathaniel Paul Smith
Lillian Ruth Conrad   Florence Marie Labor   Ray Alvin Smith
George Francis Conway   Virginia Florence Loucks   Leo Sopata
Medda Louise Culp   Fred Charles Louder   Hilbert Aubrey Stillman
Robert Anthony Danemark   John Regis Luther   Pauline Elizabeth Tritle
Edward George David   John Raymond Miller   Clyde Elbert Webb
Angelo James Deantonio   Joseph Richard Mundorf   Frances Jane Weiser
Earl Randolph Dickerson   Daniel Michael Nepa   William Vernon Yeager
    Harry Earl Ober    



Copyright 2006.  Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Terry Griffith


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