Allegheny County, PA

 Bethany PresbyterianCemetery

Bridgeville, Allegheny County, PA

(partial survey)

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this page was last updated 01 May 2019

Bethany Cemetery
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania

5132 Presto-Sygan Road
Bridgeville, PA

Lat: 40?21'41.56"N, Lon: 80?7'34.65"W
South Fayette Township

Directions from Bridgeville at 79/50: Head northwest on PA-50 W/Millers Rd toward Hickory Grade
Rd for 0.4 mi; turn right at Millers Run Rd for 0.4 mi; take the 1st right onto Presto-Sygan Rd
for 0.6 mi; Bethany Cemetery on left.

Bethany Presbyterian Church was established on April 20, 1814 when residents of Miller?s Run in Allegheny
County made a request to the Presbytery of Ohio, then in session in Wheeling, W.Va., to form a
congregation to be called Bethany. Written records are not available concerning the first church.
Three acres of land had been purchased from Moses and Abraham Middleswartb at a cost of $40.77.
In 1815 a house of worship was erected on their new property and established an adjacent cemetery.
(, The church was later moved to Bridgeville. The orignal
church building has disappeared.

Many Washington County families are represented in the Bethany Presbyterian cemetery.

The readings at the Bethany Presbyterian Cemetery were taken by Mrs. Alice Patterson and Miss Elizabeth
B. Weaver on August 23, 1937. The record can be found in the genealogy section of the Citizens Library
in Washington, PA.


Tombstone Photos: There are no Photos at this time.

(Partial survey- August 1937 -Transcription by Gary Caldwell)

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Allegheny County PAGenWeb Archives File Manager Debra Crosby

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