Abbott's History of Ohio | USGenWeb Archives |
Kay L. Mason keziah63@yahoo.com |
Chapter I: The Great Valley. Discovery of America-Of Florida-Sebastian Cabot-The French Enter the St. Lawrence-Adventures of Marquette-Ex- ploring tour of LaSalle-French Military Post in the Great Valley- Jealousy of the English-Conflicting Claims-Location of the French on the Lakes-The Barrier of the Alleghanies-Romantic Stories of the Great Valley-Adventures of Daniel Boone Chapter II: Conflicting Claims of France and England. The Return of Squire Boone-The Emigrating Company-Claims of the French-Expeditions from Canada-Mission of Christopher Gist-Peculiar Festivals-Conflict at the Miami-Heroic Feat of George Washington-His Early Days-Journey Through the Wilderness-Extracts from Washington's Journal-Lord Fair- fax-Washington Commissioned as Major-His Perilous Undertaking-Melan- choly Adventure Chapter III: Expulsion of the French. Embarrassments of Washington- His Views of Profanily-The Outburst of War-Braddock's Expedition-The Unheeded Warnings of Washington-The Ambush-Defeat of Braddock-Testi- mony of Colonel Smith-Policy of the French-Employment of Indian Allies- Scenes Witnessed by Washington-Capture of Fort Duquesne-The Cherokee War-Testimony of Colonel Marion-Speech of Allakulla Chapter IV: Life Among the Ohio Indians. Capture of James Smith-Scenes at Fort Duquesne-Running the Gauntlet-The Torture-Ceremony of Adoption An Indian Dance-The Stratagem of Buffalo Hoofs- Lost in the Wood- The Punishment of Degredation-Men and Women's Work-The Game of Foot- ball-Indian Hospitality-Powers of Endurance-Attempt to Run Down a Horse Chapter V: Indian Manners and Customs. Parental Discipline-The Igno- miny of Whipping-Remarkable Act of the Conjuror-Indian Military Dis- cipline-Braddock's Folly-Hunting Adventure-A Night in the Hollow Tree Escape-Reception at the Camp-Speech of the Indian Chief-The Intemper- ate Carousal-A Hunting Expedition-Fortitude of Te-caugh-ne-ta-ne-go -Providential Deliverance-Piety and Prayer of the Aged Chief Chapter VI: The Pontiac War. Origin of Pontiac-Establishment of De- troit-Love of The Indians for the French-Meeting of Major Rogers and Pontiac-Haughtiness of the Chief-Anecdote of Mr. Henry-Remarkable speech of Minavavana-The Arrogance of the English-Forsight of Pontiac-The Conspiracy Sagacity of Pontiac-Execution of the Plot-The Maumee Fort-The Fall of Presque Isle-Capture of Michilimackinac-The Adventures at Detroit Chapter VII: Siege of Detroit. Assault of the Fort-The Conference -Progress of the Siege-Disaster to the Barges-Bitter Disappointment -Escape of a Boat-The Re-enforcement-Defeat of the Canoes-Indian Fire Rafts-Terror at the Frontiers-Assassination of Major Campbell-Arrival of Re-enforcements-Shrewdness of Pontiac-The Ambush-Peace-Movements of Pontiac-Extracts from Letters-Anecdotes of Pontiac-Eloquent Speech Assassination of Pontiac-Grandeur of the Great Valley-The Beautiful River Chapter VIII: Lord Dunmore's War. The Ohio Land Company-The French and Indian Treaty- Exchange of Prisoners-Speech of Lawangqua-Indian Reception of Mr. Croghan-English Injustice-Purchase of Sir William Johnson-Cresap's Villany-Murders by Greathouse-Indian Revenge-Plan of Lord Dunmore-Route of General Lewis-The Hocking and Scioto-Lewis' fight with the Indians-Ancient Poetry-Route of Lord Dunmore-His Prep- arations-Speech of Corn Planter-Logan-Treaty of Lord Dunmore-Death of Logan-Ability and Eloquence of Cornstalk-Authenticity of Logan's Speech Chapter IX: Battles on the Frontier. Dissatisfaction with Lord Dunmore -Conduct of Great Britain-Indian Eloquence-Efforts of Colonel Morgan -Infamous Conduct of Captain Arbuckle-Indian Murder, and Cruel Revenge -Tory Villany-Death of Cornstalk-Rev. Mr. Heckewelder-Spirited Address of the Delaware Chief-Death of White Eyes-His Character-Remarkable Speech of Chieftain Pipe-Simon Girty, the Tory-The Siege of Fort Hen- ry-Heroism of Elizabeth Zane-Wonderful Escape of General McCullock -The Siege Raised Chapter X: The Indians of the Ohio Valley. Letter of Benjamin Franklin -British Efforts with the Iroquois-Grand Council at Oswego-Daniel Boone and his Colony-Making Salt-Boone's Capture-His Treatment by British Officers-His Adoption-Life with the Savages-New Cause of Alarm to Boone-His Escape and Arrival at Boonesborough-Measures for Deference Affair near Paint Creek-March of the Army-Demand of Captain Duquesne His Treachery-The Siege-Words of Defiance Chapter XI: Disaster and Revenge. Council and Booneborough- Perfidy of Blackfish-The Treachery Thwarted-Proposed Terms of Capitulation Renewal of the Battle-Honest Loyalty of Boone-Site of the Fort-Retreat of the Savages-Their Chagrin-The Disaster to Colonel Rogers-Expedi- tion of Colonel Bowman-Entire Failure-Early History of Simon Kenton- Surprised by the Indians-The Hut in the Wilderness-Attractive Scene- Singular Conflict with a White Man-Visit to Boonesborough-Kenton saves the life of Boone-Awful of Williams-Captivity of Kenton-His Terrible Sufferings-The Serene Evening of His Life-His Christian Death Chapter XII: Massacre on the Tuscarawas and Defeat on the Sandusky. Civilization of the Tuscarawas-Iniquitous Proceedings of the Colonists Against the Christian Indians-Accounts of the Horrible Massacre- Further Cruelties of Williamson-Expedition against the Wyandots-Logan's Spring-Interesting Anecdote-Captain Maclay and His Wager-Lovely Char- actor of Logan-His Address in Council-Reson for His Change of Feeling -March of Vengence-Disappointment of Williamson's party-Fierce Battle- Colonel Crawford and Dr. Knight Captured-Remarkable Conversation Be- tween Colonel Crawford and the Wyandot Chief-Emigration Chapter XIII: Battles in Kentucky. Byrd's Expedition-Sacking Ruggles Station-Indian Atrocities-Responsibility of the English-Sack of Martin's Fort-The Ambuscade-New Army Organized at Detroit-The Attack Upon Bryant's Station-Heroic Defense-Description of the Fort-Heroism of the Women-The Re-enforcement-The Ambush-Simon Girty Demands Surren- der-The Piquant Response-Retreat of the Savages-Dreadful Slaughter At The Blue Licks-Escape of Boone-His Testimony Chapter XIV: Emigration and Its results. Anecdote of General Clarke- Raid Through the Valley of the Little Miami-Flight of the Savages-The Devastation-Peace with England-Continued Hostility of the Indians-The Tide of Emigration-Land Titles-The Treaty of Peace-Policy of the Fed- eral Government-Treaty With the Chiefs-The Theft of Horses-Greatness of the Loss-Perils of Emigration-Warning to Colonel Marshall-The Decoy Escape of Captain Ward-Perilous Adventure of Mr. Rowan and party-Test- imony of Mr. Rowan's Son-Mr. Dalton's Speech-Reply of the Chief Chapter XV: Border Warfare and Emigration. John Corbly's Letter-Plots of British Traders-Expeditions of Generals Clarke and Logan-Success of Logan-Simon Kenton's Energy-The Devastation-General Clarke's Dis- asters-Renewed Hostility of the Shawanese-Raid of Simon Kenton-Perils on the River-Events of Three Months-The Treaty in Paris-Erection of Fort Harmar-Peace Policy of the United States-The Ohio Company-Symmes' Purchase-The Settlement at Marietta-The Campus Martius Chapter XVI: The Miami Settlements. The Emigrants' Journey-The First Settlement-The Founding of Losanteville-Judge Symmes Settles at North Bend-Jealousy of the Indians-Explanation of the Judge-The Stolen Horses and the Retaliation-The Three Villages-Anecdote of Ensign Luce-Fort Washington-Government Organization-The First Culprit-Growth of Cin- cinnati-The Reign of Terror-Harmar's Expedition-Exultation of the Savages-Disastrous Effects of the Campaign-Peril of the Frontiersmen Chapter XVII: Governor Arthur St. Clair's Defeat. Governor St. Clair, Commander-in-Chief-Kentucky Troops Desert-General St. Clair's Encamp- ment-Indian Sagacity-Terrible Attack on The Militia-Colonel Drake's Charge-General St. Clair's Report of the Battle-Loss of the Americans -Account of Major Jacobs-Thrilling Incidents-Captain Littell's Escapes -Indian Torture-Reasons for Indian Success-Little Turtle and Volney- Buckgahelas-Blue Jacket Chapter XVIII: The Campaign of Wayne. Sketch of Arthur St. Clair- Effect of His Defeat-Expedition of General Scott-Growing Importance of Cincinnati-New Expedition-Anthony Wayne-Employment of Spies-Inci- dents-Indian Demands-American Defeat-Fort Recovery-Position of Fort Defiance-Its Strength-Proclamation of Lord Dorchester-Instructions of Washington-Mr. Burnet's Notes on the Battle of Fort Recovery-Mode of Fortification-William Wells' Anecdote-Henry Miller, The Scout-Capture of Christopher Miller Chapter XIX: The Battle and Its Results. Capture of a Chief-Daring Adventure, and Results-Message of General Wayne-Speech of Little Turtle-Movements of the Indians-Official Report of General Wayne- Conference Between General Wayne and Major Campbell-Buckongahelas and His Defiant Speech-Narrative by Jonathan Alder-Letter of General Harrison-Views of Governor Simcoe-Council of Chiefs at Fort Green- ville-Boundaries of the United States Defined-Loramie's Store- Anecdote Chapter XX: Adventures on the Muskingum; and the French Colony. Scene At Big Bottom-At Crooked Creek-Narrow Escape-Amusements of the Settlers-Bequest to the Ohio Company-Population in 1793-The Settler's Cabin and Furniture-The Tea Party-Preparation of Corn-The Hand Mill Surrender of British Posts-Division of the Northwestern Territory- Glowing Description of Ohio-False Representation-Founding of Galli- polis-Testimony of Mons. Muletter-Trials of the Colonists-They Appeal To Congress Chapter XXI: Hardships and Perils. Gallipolis and Its First Settlers -Dr. Saugrain-Privations of the French Emigrants-Narrative of Mr. Breckenridge-General Wilkinson-Terms of Sale of Lands in Ohio-Result of the Speculation of the Scioto Land Company-Second Visit of Mr. Breckenridge to Gallipolis-The First Grist Mill-Traveling in Ohio in 1799-Jacob Faust-Indian Shopping-A Bridal Dress-Colonel Meigs's Ad- venture-Incident-Death and Character of Colonel Meigs-Indian Villages on the Auglaise-Terrible Isolation Chapter XXII: Modern Chivalry. Character of the Early Settlers of Ohio-James Mitchell Varnum-His Character, Appearance and Dress-He Removes to Marietta-His Failing Health-His Letter to His Wife-William Dana-Colonel Batelle-His Birth, Education and Character-Catching a Bear-Major Goodale-His Foresight-His Disappearance-Dr. True-Cruelty of Prowling Indians-Captain Hubbell-His Heroism-Careful Preparations- Fearful Battles-Savages Defeated Chapter XXIII: Settlements on the Ohio and on the Lake. Settlement at Manchester-Adventure at Donalson Creek-Captivity of Mr. Donalson-His Escape-Adventure of John Edginton-Character of Some of the Indians- Interesting Anecdote-Character of Black Hoof-Fourth of July, 1796, On the Western Reserve-Eloquent Words of John Barr-Judge Kingsbury's Sad Experiment-Indian Cruelty to Captives-A Second Pocahontas-Ancient Burial Grounds-Peculiarity of the Early Settlers-Increasing Prosperity -Influence of Major Carter with the Indians Chapter XXIV: Life in the Cabin. A Fearful Tragedy-Attack Upon Captain Kirkwood's House-Settlement at Glen's Run-Mr. Williams' Narrative- Silence of the Wilderness-Remarks of Mr. Atwater-Happy Content of the Pioneers-Retributive Justice-Capture of Mrs. Builderbuck-Torture of Captain Builderbuck-Mrs. Builderbuck Ransomed-Wonderful Escape of John Davis-Meeting of Two Captives on the Scioto River-Capture of Two Boys -Their Bravery and Escape-Life in Columbia, in 1790-The First Clergy- man in Columbia Chapter XXV: The Capture of the Boat. The Embarkation-The Decoy-The Capture-Scene of Indian Revelry-Destruction of the Canoe and Its Crew -The Three Barges-Terrible River Fight-Capture of Two Boats-Pictur- esque Forest Scene-Another Carouse-Distribution of the Captives and the Booty-Peril From a Drunken Savage-Kindness of Mess-Ha-Wa-The Jour- ney To the Indian Villages-Various Incidents-The Midnight Revel-Pro- posal of a Mingo Chief-Curious Incident Chapter XXVI: Doom of the Captives. Arrival at Upper Sandusky-The French Trader-Attempt At Ransom-Despair of Johnston-Boasting of the Indians-The Indians in Beggary-Johnston Redeemed-Awful Fate of Flinn- Skyles Runs the Gauntlet-Doomed To Be Burned-The Flight And the Pur- suit-Wild and Perilous Adventures-Wonderful Escape-Perils in Detroit- Sufferings of Miss Fleming-Bound To The Stake-Her Singular Rescue by King Crane-Subsequent History-Johnston's Return To His Friends-Fate of the Prominent Indians Chapter XXVII: Organization of the State. Population of the North- western Territory in 1796-Settlement at Chillicothe-Forming of Wayne County-Organization of Ross County, and of Adams-John Brickell-First Election for the Territorial Legislature-The Rattlesnake Fight- Division of the Northwestern Territory-Ohio A State-New Counties- Frontier Democracy-McMahon's Expedition-Embassy of Colonel Hillman Onondaga-Captain Peters-Council at Warren Chapter XXVIII: The Character of the Savages. Mr. Goodyear's Narrative- Varieties of Character-Anecdote of the Indians and the Irishmen-The Indians Joe and Jack-Bill Burns, The Desparado-The Interview in the Hotel-Fidelity of Jack-Effects of Fire Water-Labors of the Women-The Medicine Man-Caution of the Indians-Terrible Fight with the Wyandots -The Surrender of Captives-Affecting Anecdote-Generosity of the Wyan- dot Indian Chapter XXIX: Blennerhassett. Birth and Education of Harmon Blenner- hassett-His Emigration to the United States-His Home on Blennerhas- sett's Island-Its Buildings, Furniture and Appointments-Mr. Blenner- hassett's True Generosity-Appearance and Character fo Mrs. Blenner- hassett-Her Dress, Manners, Accomplishments, and Habits-Mirthful Scenes on the Ohio-Difficulty of Travel in Ohio, in 1796-Progress at Belpre-Aaron Burr and His Treasonable Schemes-He Visits Blennerhas- sett's Island-He Unfolds Part of His Plans adn Engages with Mr. Blennerhassett in a Land Speculation-His Energy at Marietta Chapter XXX: The Devastated Island. Colonel Burr's Addresses-Alarming Rumors-Sad News Received at the Island-Conduct of the Soldiers-Mr. Butman's Kindness-Final Destruction of Buildings on the Island-Colonel Phelps and His Party-Effects of Whiskey-Mrs. Blennerhassett Rejoins Her Husband-Colonel Burr and Mr. Blennerhassett Arrested For Treason- Colonel Burr Escapes-Blennerhassett Acquitted, And Again Arrested-Mrs. Blennerhassett's Letter-On The Plantation-Poem-Continued Disappoint- ments-Death of Mr. Blennerhassett-Mrs. Blennerhassett Returns to the United States, and Petitions Congress-Her Poverty-Her Death Chapter XXXI: Tecumseh and the Prophet. The Early Days of William Henry Harrison-His Noble Character and His Love of Adventure-Enlists in the Army-Stationed at Fort Washington-His Executive Ability-His Temperance-Rapid Promotion-The Territory of Indiana-Wrongs Inflicted Upon the Indians-Testimony of Governor Harrison-His Magnanimity- Tecumseh and His Brother-Their Birth and Character-Their Reputed De- signs-Their Avowed Plan-Remarkable Announcement of the Prophet-States- manship of Tecumseh Chapter XXXII: The Council Fire and the Battle-Field. General Wayne's Decision-The March To Tippecanoe-The Battle-Governor Harrison's Official Account-The Doubtful Policy-Probable Plans of Tecumseh and His Brother, Elskwatawa-Speech of Tecumseh-Disagreement in Council- The Second War With England-Insolence of Elliot-Speech of Round Head- Council At Brownstone-Speech of "Between-The-Logs"-The Great Question- Remarkable Council At Sandusky-The Speeches-Character of Black Hoof Chapter XXXIII: War With England. The March of Governor Hull-Gloom of the Wilderness-Detroit Surrendered-Greatness of the Disaster-Winter Expeditions-Terrible Sufferings-Burning of Indian Towns-The Price Paid-Reckless Expedition of Winchester-His Defeat-Massacre of the Wounded-General Proctor-Retreat To The Sandusky-Scenes of Woe-Fort Meigs Erected-Brave But Unwise Expeditions-The Advance of Proctor Upon Fort Meigs-The Bombardment-Heroic Defense-Incidents of the Siege Chapter XXXIV: The Siege of Forts Meigs and Stevenson. -Love of The Indians for the French-Meeting of Major Rogers and Pontiac-Haughtiness of the Chief-Anecdote of Mr. Henry-Remarkable speech of Minavavana-The Arrogance of the English-Forsight of Pontiac-The Conspiracy Sagacity of Pontiac-Execution of the Plot-The Maumee Fort-The Fall of Presque Isle-Capture of Michilimackinac-The Adventures at Detroit Chapter XXXV: War and Its Woes. Peace and Its Issues. Chapter XXXVI: Physical and Mental Phenomena. Chapter XXXVII: Expulsion and Emigration of the Mormons. Character of the Mormons-Lawlessness-Mob Action-Governmental Action-The Flight to Illinois-Rapid Increase-Assassination of Joe Smith-Statement of The Governor-The Mormons Driven from Illinois-Incidents of Emigration- Testimony of Colonel Kane-Picturesque Encampment-Home in Utah Chapter XXXVIII: Lives of the Governors of Ohio. The Territorial Governors-Edward Tiffin, Samuel Huntington, Return Jonathan Meigs, Othneil Looker, Thomas Worthington Chapter XXXIX: Lives of the Governors-Continued. Ethan Allen Brown, Allen Trimble, Jeremiah Morrow Chapter XL: Lives of the Governors-Continued. Duncan McArthur, Robert Lucas, Joseph Vance, Wilson Shannon, Thomas Corwin Chapter XLI: Lives of the Governors-Continued. Mordecai Bartley, William Bebb, Seabury Ford, Reuben Wood, William Medill Chapter XLII: Lives of the Governors-Continued. Salmon P. Chase, William Dennison, David Tod, John Brough, Charles Anderson Chapter XLIII: Lives of the Governors-Continued. Jacob B. Cox, Ruther- ford B. Hayes, Edward F. Noyes, William Allen Chapter XLIV: Miscellaneous Biographies. John Sherman, Morrison R. Waite, William T. Sherman Chapter XLV: The Toledo War and the War of the Rebellion. Origin of the difficulty Between Ohio and Michigan-The Impracticable Line-Mena- ces of the Civil War-The Amicable Settlement-Ohio in 1860-Its Wonder- ful Increase in Population-Wealth and Productions-The Object of the Rebellion-The Woes It Has Caused-The Honor Due the Defenders of the Union-Patriotism of the People of Ohio-John Morgan's Raid-Heroic Resistance-The Entire Discomfiture and Destruction of the Rebels- Parting Words |