Curry County

Description Size Date Contributed by
Nevins, William 1K Sep 2011 Ray Reed

Obituary Index
Description File Size
These records were abstracted from obituaries and show name, age, and date of the notice in the Clovis, New Mexico newspapers. Submitted By E. C. Shaeffer on February 26, 2001 and updated July 1, 2006, they include obituaries through 2005. For obituaries 2006 and later, please visit
Please read the
Aaron-Anderson 108K
Anderson-Babb 108K
Babbitt-Barnett 108K
Barnett-Benson 108K
Bent-Bollen 108K
Boller-Bridges 107K
Bridwell-Bunger 108K
Bunker-Callaway 108K
Callihan-Cates 107K
Cathey-Clark 108K
Clark-Cooksie 107K
Cooley-Cronin 108K
Crook-Davis 108K
Davis-Dixon 108K
Dixon-Duran 108K
Duran-Etchison 107K
Etheridge-Florence 108K
Flores-Fulbright 108K
Fulcher-Gaston 108K
Gates-Gonzales 107K
Gonzales-Griffin 108K
Griffith-Hamar 108K
Hambleton-Harrison 107K
Harrison-Hennessy 108K
Hennig-Hogan 108K
Hogden-Hudnall 107K
Hudson-Jackson 108K
Jackson-Johnston 108K
Johnston-Kelly 108K
Kelly-Knighten 108K
Knighton-Laznik 108K
LeCompte-Lockmiller 108K
Locknane-Luther 107K
Luttrell-Martin 107K
Martin-McCartney 107K
McCarty-McKinney 108K
McKinney-Miller 108K
Miller-Moore 108K
Moore-Murphy 108K
Murphy-Northcraft 108K
Northcut-Padilla 108K
Page-Perkins 108K
Perkins-Porter 108K
Porter-Ramirez 107K
Ramm-Richardson 108K
Richardson-Rogers 108K
Rogers-Russell 108K
Russell-Schwab 108K
Schalm-Shipley 107K
Shipley-Smiser 107K
Smith-Sorgen 108K
Sorgeon-Sterrett 107K
Stevens-Sweatt 108K
Sweazea-Thomas 108K
Thomas-Troklus 107K
Trollinger-Viasana 108K
Vibbard-Ware 108K
Ware-White 108K
White-Williams 108K
Williams-Woodworth 108K
Woody-Zutell 84K