Established in 1722 from Chowan Precinct as a precinct of Albemarle County.

                         ORIGINAL RECORDS

	Apprentice Bonds and Records, 1750-1889; 5 volumes, 4 Fibredex boxes,
		1 manuscript box.
	Bastardy Bonds and Records, 1739-1880; 1 volume, 2 Fibredex boxes.
	Constables' Bonds, 1812-1869; 3 volumes.
	Officials' Bonds, 1755-1889; 2 Fibredex boxes.
	County Bonds, 1872; [See Minutes, Pleas and Quarter Sessions].
	County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions
		Minutes, 1724-1868; 21 volumes, 1 pamphlet.
		Appearance Dockets, 1838-1861, 1866-1868; 2 volumes.
		Costs Docket, 1760-1764; 1 pamphlet. [ See also Minutes, Pleas and
			Quarter Sessions].
		Execution Dockets, 1748-1868; 16 volumes.
		Crown Dockets, 1740-1775; 2 volumes [see also Trial, Appearance and
			Reference Docket, Pleas and Quarter Sessios].
		State Dockets, 1778-1868; 5 volumes.
		Trial, Appearance and Reference Dockets, 1725-1797; 11 volumes.
		Trial and Appearance Dockets, 1798-1868; 8 volumes.
		Trial Dockets (Rough), 1761-1862; 1 Fibredex box.
		Clerk's Account Book, 1755-1761; 1 volume.
		Clerk's Receipt Book, 1824-1828; 1 volume.
	Superior Court
		Minutes, 1807-1915; 11 volumes, 1 manuscript box.
		Appearance Docket, 1868-1895; [See Appearance Docket, Pleas and
			Quarter Sessions].
		Equity Execution Docket, 1824-1835; 1 volume.
		Equity Trial Dockets, 1808, 1818, 1820-1833; 2 volumes.
		Execution Dockets, 1808-1869; 3 volumes, 1 manuscript box [See also
			Execution Docket, Please and Quarter Sessions].
		State Dockets, 1808-1816, 1817-1868; 2 volumes [see also Trial and
			Appearance Docket, Superior Court].
		Criminal Issues Dockets, 1871-1900; 1 Fibredex box.
		Trial and Appearance Dockets, 1807-1871; 5 volumes.
		Civil Issues Dockets, 1870-1900; 1 Fibredex box.
		Miscellaneous Dockets, 1814-1875; 1 manuscript box.
		Civil Action Papers, 1737-1905; 28 Fibredex boxes.
		Criminal Action Papers, 1734-1868; 6 Fibredex boxes.
	Inferior Court
		Minutes, 1877-1887; 1 volume.
	Record of Deeds, 1765-1772; 1 volume.
	Deeds, 1723-1890; 12 Fibredex boxes.
	Mortgage Deeds and Deeds of Trust, 1723-1890; 2 Fibredex boxes.
	Land Records, 1736-1861; 2 Fibredex boxes.
	Miscellaneous Land Records, 1720-1861; 1 Fibredex box.
	Record of Estates, 1728-1868; 27 volumes.
	Record of Accounts, 1868-1915; 7 volumes.
	Administrators' Bonds, 1762-1769, 1848-1909; 6 volumes.
	Estates Records, 1730-1920; 114 Fibredex boxes.
	Guardians' Records, 1730-1920; 16 Fibredex boxes.
	Guardians' Accounts, 1817-1868; 5 volumes.
	Guardians' Bonds, 1848-1894; 2 volumes.
	Orphan Docket, 1773; [See State Docket, Pleas and Quarter Sessions].
	Record of Settlements, 1869-1916; 2 volumes.
	Marriage Bonds, 1762-1868; 5 Fibredex boxes.
	Marriage Licenses, 1870-1903; 5 Fibredex boxes.
	Miscellaneous Marriage Records, 1749-1914; 1 Fibredex box.
	Disinterment/ Reinterment Permits, 1980-1986; 1 manuscript box.
	Lists of Taxables, 1755-1860; 13 Fibredex boxes.
	Merchants' Purchase Returns, 1880-1887, 1898; 1 Fibredex box.
	Miscellaneous Tax Records, 1843-1903; 1 manuscript box.
	Wills, 1749-1897; 18 Fibredex boxes.
	Alien Registration, 1940, 1954; 1 volume.
	Cotton Reports, 1889-1890; 2 manuscript boxes.
	County Accounts, 1741-1903; 2 Fibredex boxes.
	Personal Accounts, 1718-1860; 2 Fibredex boxes.
	Stock Marks, 1722-1741; 1 pamphlet.
	Merchants' Accounts, 1800-1900; 1 Fibredex box.
	Record of Elections, 1878-1926; 2 volumes.
	Election Returns, 1769, 1790-1914; 4 Fibredex boxes.
	Court Martial Minutes, 1842; 1 manuscript box.
	Pension Board Minutes, 1903-1965; 1 volume.
	Special Proceedings, 1902 and 1904; [See Minute Docket, Superior Court].
	Road, Bridge and Ferry Records, 1734-1903; 2 Fibredex boxes.
	Minutes and Accounts, Board of Superintendents of Common Schools, and
		County Board of Education, 1847-1878; 1 volume.
	School Records, 1850-1878, 1895; 3 manuscript boxes.
	Minutes, Wardens of the Poor, 1838-1851; 1 volume.
	Miscellaneous Records, 1723-1914; 5 Fibredex boxes.
	Promissory Notes, 1746-1800; 1 Fibredex box.
	Slave Records, 1744-1865; 3 Fibredex boxes.
	Coroner's Inquest, 1796; 1 folder.
	Bills of Cost for Criminal Actions, Inferior Court, 1885; 1 folder.
	Civil Actions, 1793-1812; 1 folder.
	Estate Records, 1803-1812; 12 folders.
	Insolvent Tax Lists, 1893, 1895, 1896; 1 folder.
	James Rayner's Perition for Liquor License, no date; 1 folder.
	Marriage Licenses, 1876, 1904; 1 folder.
	Trial Docket, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, 1867; 1 folder.
	Civil Action, 1809-1810; 1 folder.
	Will of James Parker, 1761; 1 folder.
	Miscellaneous Records, 1885-1898; 5 folders.
	Minute Docket, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, 1749-1750; 5 folders.
	Marriage Licenses, 1877, 1881, 1889; 1 folder.
	Tax Lists, 1761; 1 volume.

                         MICROFILM RECORDS

	Apprentice Bonds, 1811-1889; 2 reels.
	Bastardy Bonds, 1875-1877; 1 reel.
	Record of Corporations, 1907-1957; 1 reel.
	County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions
		Minutes, 1724-1743, 1758-1868; 7 reels.
	Superior Court
		Minutes, 1807-1955; 11 reels.
		Cross Index to Judgments, 1868-1940; 4 reels.
		Index to Civil Judgments, Plaintiff, 1941-1968; 1 reel.
		Index to Civil Judgments, Defendant, 1941-1968; 1 reel.
	Inferior Court
		Minutes, 1877-1887; 1 reel.
	Record of Elections, 1878-1968; 2 reels.
	Record of Estates, 1728-1871; 11 reels.
	Record of Accounts, 1868-1954; 7 reels.
	Cross Index to Accounts, 1868-1942; 1 reel.
	Administrators' Bonds, 1762-1769, 1848-1903; 5 reels.
	Appointment of Administrators, Executors and Guardians, 1909-1948; 6 reels.
	Appointment of Executors, 1868-1917; 1 reel.
	Record of Executors, 1940-1968; 1 reel.
	Guardians' Accounts, 1817-1868; 1 reel.
	Guardians' Bonds, 1848-1931; 2 reels.
	Record of Guardians, 1935-1968; 1 reel.
	Clerk's Receiver Accounts, 1906-1921; 1 reel.
	Amounts Paid to Indigent Children, 1929-1942; 1 reel.
	Inheritance Tax Records, 1923-1959; 1 reel.
	Record of Settlements, 1866-1968; 4 reels.
	Cross Index to Guardians and Administrators, 1858-1907; 1 reel.
	Index to Executors and Administrators, 1905-1968; 1 reel.
	Cross Index to Guardians, 1905-1960; 1 reel.
	Record of Real Estate Conveyances, 1721-1948; 147 reels.
	Index to Real Estate Conveyances, Grantor, 1722-1959; 4 reels.
	Index to Real Estate Conveyances, Grantee, 1722-1959; 4 reels.
	Land Entries, 1778-1794; 1 reel.
	Record of Processions, 1851-1869; 1 reel.
	Map Books, 1915-1957, 1973-1985; 3 reels.
	Index to Map Books, 1771-1976; 1 reel.
	Record of Resale of Land, 1925-1968; 4 reels.
	Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868; 4 reels.
	Marriage Certificates, 1851-1868; 1 reel.
	Marriage Registers, 1851-1945; 2 reels.
	Cross Index to Marriage Registers, 1872-1900; 1 reel.
	Maiden Names of Divorced Women, 1938-1968; 1 reel.
	Record of Cohabitation, 1866; 1 reel.
	Index to Births and Deaths, 1914-1921; 1 reel.
	Index to Births, 1916-1975; 2 reels.
	Index to Deaths, 1917-1975; 1 reel.
	Index to Delayed Births, various years; 1 reel.
	Court Martial Minutes, 1842; 1 reel.
	Confederate Veterans Association Roster, 1919-1935; 1 reel.
	Pension Board Minutes, 1903-1960; 1 reel.
	Record of Armed Forces Discharges, 1917-1978; 7 reels.
	Index to Armed Forces Discharges, no date; 1 reel.
	Alien Registration, 1940, 1954; 1 reel.
	Record of Lunacy, 1899-1968; 1 reel.
	Orders and Decrees, 1868-1959; 17 reels.
	Special Proceedings, 1868-1955; 2 reels.
	Index to Special Proceedings and Civil Actions, 1923-1968; 2 reels.
	Minutes, Wardens of the Poor, 1838-1847; 1 reel.
	Minutes, Board of County Commissioners, 1868-1947; 5 reels.
	Minutes, Board of Superintendents of Common Schools, 1847-1878; 1 reel.
	Tax Lists, 1755-1860, 1877, 1906, 1908-1909; 7 reels.
	Record of Wills, 1761-1968; 7 reels.
	Index to Wills, 1761-1970; 1 reel.

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