NC Archives
Macon County, NC
USGenWeb Archives

Wills & Estates
Description Date Size Submitter
Beasley, Reuben - Estate - 1879 Nov 2001 6 kb Dawn Watson 
The Registry
Brown, George - 1829 Nov 2001 2 kb Dawn Watson 
The Registry
Butler, Aron - 1831 Mar 2000 2 kb Philip Sheppard
Carpenter, David - Estate - 1899 Dec 2001 9 kb Dawn Watson 
The Registry
Carpenter, William - Estate - 1836 Dec 2001 5 kb Dawn Watson 
The Registry
Corbin, John - Estate - 1891 Apr 2003 6 kb Dawn Watson 
The Registry
Daves, Joseph - Estate - 1877 Dec 2001 6 kb Dawn Watson 
The Registry
Daves, Thomas - 1841 Jan 2003 1 kb Leah Daves
Dills, Henry - Estate - 1893 Nov 2002 2 kb Dawn Watson 
The Registry
Donaldson, Joseph - 1860 Sep 2002 2 kb Leah Daves
Drake, Lorenzo D. - Estate - 1868 Jan 2006 3 kb Dawn Watson 
The Registry
Hubbard, James - Estate - 1841 Jan 2006 2 kb Dawn Watson 
The Registry
Ledford, George T. - 1844 Sep 2019 5 kb Mark Valsame
Norris, Isaac - 1858 Jul 2002 2 kb Dwight E. Norris
Pendergrass, Miles H. - 1873 May 2002 7 kb Dawn Watson 
The Registry
Shepherd, Joshua - 1926 Jul 2000 5 kb Philip Sheppard
Shepherd, Thomas - 1841 Mar 1999 4 kb Philip Sheppard
Truet, Levi - 1830 Nov 2001 2 kb Dawn Watson 
The Registry

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