NC Archives Johnston County, NC
USGenWeb Archives

Description Date Size Submitter
Right A. Adams to Theny Ingram, 1834 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
James Allen to Elizabeth Rhodes, 1823 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Josiah Allen to Winifred Ingram, 1821 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Thomas Allen to Martha Creech, 1879 Sep 2009 1 kb Patricia Armor
William H. Allen to Nancy Ingram, 1854 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Adam Banks to Susan Leach, 1829 Nov 2007 1 kb Guy PottsThe Registry
Benson, Wallace & Wilkins Marriages Oct 2002 3 kb Iris H. Brown
David Boykin to Agnes Snead, 1861 Jun 2007 1 kb Carolyn Shank
John Bryan to Elizabeth Robertson, 1810 Nov 2007 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Maj. William Bryan to Martha M'Cullers, 1810 Nov 2007 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Samuel Butler to Milly Rose, 1832 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Ezekial Creech to Eleanor Godwin, 1859 Jun 2007 1 kb Carolyn Shank
Stanford Creech to Martha E. Horne, 1848 Aug 2015 1 kb Julia Newman
Needham Davis to Betsy Norris, 1804 Dec 2008 1 kb Carolyn Shank
Solomon Daughtry to Patsey Capps, 1842 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Ernest Ellis to Emma Wise, 1900 Jul 2007 1 kb Lawrence Brooks
John B. Evans to Caroline Rhodes, 1836 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Rufus Ferrell to Mary Vinson, 1859 Sep 2007 1 kb Carolyn Shank
Everett Flowers to Elizabeth Rhodes, 1851 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Henry Flowers to Alice Ingram, 1824 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
James Frillick to Emily Hunter, 1822 Nov 2007 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Anderson Gurley & Loula Radford, 1897 Jun 2002 2 kb Tammy G. Tyner
Edmond Gurley & Ranza Daughtry, 1805 Jun 2002 2 kb Tammy G. Tyner
Jonathan Gurley to Rene Bulls, 1805 Sep 2002 1 kb Tammy G. Tyner
Needham G. Gurley to Jane Grady, 1848 Aug 2015 1 kb Julia Newman
Betsy Hatcher to William Pearce, 1800 Oct 2002 1 kb Tammy G. Tyner
Dr. Lewis Haywood to Sarah Cressey, 1810 Nov 2007 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Joseph Hearne to Miss Thornton, 1812 Nov 2007 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Robert Hill to Christine Wilkins, 1934 Jan 2005 2 kb Iris Brown
S.J. Hill to Mary Brooks, 1904 May 2003 1 kb Grace W. Turner
William Hill to Mary Shaw, 1812 Dec 2008 1 kb Carolyn Shank
Benjamin Hines to Altona Adams, 1859 Aug 2007 1 kb Carolyn Shank
James Hinton to Betsey Hinton, 1812 Nov 2007 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Alfred Holland to Nannie Farrow, 1868 Aug 2007 1 kb Candace T. Gravelle
William Honeycutt to Nancy Ennis, 1860 Jul 2007 1 kb Carolyn Shank
Charles Hood to Sally Ellington, 1810 Nov 2007 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Edward Howard to M. A. Parish, 1856 Nov 2015 1 kb Connie Ardrey
William Howell to Bettie Upchurch 1885 Jul 2008 Image Connie Ardrey
Thos. Hunt to Susan Leach, 1829 Nov 2007 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Alice Ingram to Henry Flowers, 1824 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Ann Ingram to James Lee Jr., 1785 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Ambrose Ingram to Sally Norriss, 1806 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Barney Ingram to Edith Altman, 1797 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Ellinder Ingram to James Lee, 1821 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Henry Ingram to Jane Green, 1842 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Hester Ann Ingram to James W. Strickland, 1856 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Isaac Ingram to Winefred Lee, 1786 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Isaac Ingram to Frances Collins, 1799 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Isaac Ingram to Tabitha Blackman, 1822 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Isaac Ingrim Jr. to Betsy Lee, 1848 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Isaac Ingram to Mary Millender, 1857 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
John B. Ingram to Nancy Walston, 1855 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Joseph Ingram to Nancy Powell, 1813 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Joseph Ingram Jr. to Eliza Boon, 1818 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Joseph Ingram to Rebeccah Thomson, 1833 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Joseph A. Ingram to Julia C. Morgan, 1844 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Jos. A. Ingram to Mary B. Smith, 1867 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Loverd Ingram to Martha Lee, 1816 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Lovett Ingram to Augustino Rhodes, 1855 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Michael Ingram to Rebeccha Stevens, 1827 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Nancy Ingram to David Thomson, 1806 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Nancy Ingram to Henry Smith, 1841 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Nancy Ingram to William H. Allen, 1854 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Nathan Ingram to Catharine A. Adams, 1866 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Sally Ingram to Daniel Smith, 1808 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Sarah Ingram to Curtis Johnson, 1854 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Shaderech Ingram to Polly Deloach, 1803 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Theny Ingram to Right A. Adams, 1834 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Thomas Ingram to Jane E. Stallings, 1854 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
William Ingram to Barthma Lee, 1816 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
William Ingram to Nancy Johnson, 1823 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Sir William Ingram to Fanny Dowdy, 1849 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Winifred Ingram to Josiah Allen, 1821 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Jarrott Jelks to Polly Curtis, 1812 Dec 2008 1 kb Carolyn Shank
Elijah S. Jennett to Clarissa King, 1875 Feb 2013 Image Guy Potts The Registry
Curtis Johnson to Sarah Ingram, 1854 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
James Johnson to Betsy Smith, 1862 Jul 2007 1 kb Carolyn Shank
Nathan Johnson to Dianah Rhodes, 1859 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Richard Johnson to Mary Stallings, 1810 Nov 2007 1 kb Connie Ardrey
W.R. Johnson to M.A.E. Penny, 1860 Sep 2007 1 kb Carolyn Shank
Johnston County Marriages Sep 2005 14 kb Marriage Project
Johnston County Marriage Bonds Nov 2000 2 kb Guy Potts 
The Registry
Henry Jones to Sarah Smith, 1806 Dec 2008 1 kb Carolyn Shank
Sheriff Willie Jones to Penelope Jones, 1809 Dec 2008 1 kb Carolyn Shank
Daniel King to Mary Pearce, 1860 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Elias Langston to Jane Lewis, 1836 Sep 2007 1 kb Carolyn Shank
John Langston to Mary Randall, 1794 Sep 2007 1 kb Carolyn Shank
Joseph Langston to Sukey Baker, 1802 Sep 2007 1 kb Carolyn Shank
Joseph Langston to Basheba Jordan, 1804 Sep 2007 1 kb Carolyn Shank
Joseph Langston to Rachel Toal, 1839 Sep 2007 1 kb Carolyn Shank
Westbrook Langston to Patience Britt, 1844 Sep 2007 1 kb Carolyn Shank
Henry Lassiter to Eleanor Dixon, 1857 Nov 2007 1 kb Carolyn Shank
G.W. Lawrence to Mary Bissell, 1856 Nov 2007 1 kb Carolyn Shank
Gideon Lee to Polly Ann Hood, 1861 Mar 2011 1 kb Sam West
James Lee Jr. to Ann Ingram, 1785 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
James Lee to Ellinder Ingram, 1821 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Ransom Lee to Lucy Rose, 1854 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
D.S. Livery to Charlotte Fort, 1858 Nov 2007 1 kb Carolyn Shank
William R. Long to Kittie M. Sanders, 1885 Aug 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
John M'Leod to Mrs. Hunter, 1814 Nov 2007 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Martin Family Marriages Nov 2004 2 kb Keith Chestnut
James Massey to Bettie Toler, 1885 Aug 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Miscellaneous Marriages Nov 2006 1 kb Unknown
Miscellaneous Marriages Jul 2005 12 kb Tammy G. Tyner
Miscellaneous Marriages Aug 2002 5 kb K. Mitchell 
The Registry
Levi Wright Mitchell to Smithy Robbins, 1876 Apr 2007 1 kb Sherri Mitchell
John S. Moore to Sarah King, 1871 Feb 2013 Image Guy Potts The Registry
Simeon Morgan to Martha Thornton, 1860 Sep 2007 1 kb Carolyn Shank
W.H. Munden to Harriet Johnston, 1859 Jul 2007 1 kb Carolyn Shank
Elam Neal to Mary Flowers, 1860 Sep 2007 1 kb Carolyn Shank
Dixon Pearce to Nancy Smith, 1850 Aug 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Caleb Penny to Sarah Powell, 1862 Jul 2007 1 kb Carolyn Shank
Dickson Philips to Edith Oliver, 1814 Nov 2007 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Stuart Pipkin to Betsy Stevens, 1814 Jul 2009 1 kb Guy PottsThe Registry
W.J. Pittman & Lula Gurley, 1930 Sep 2002 1 kb Tammy G. Tyner
Isaac Powell to Frances Grimes, 1819 Dec 2008 1 kb Carolyn Shank
Hardy Revel to Betsy Cowell, 1814 Nov 2007 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Atlas J. K. Rhodes to Spicey West, 1846 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Augustino Rhodes to Lovett Ingram, 1855 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Caroline Rhodes to John B. Evans, 1836 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Dianah Rhodes to Nathan Johnson, 1859 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Eden Rhodes to Joanna Joyner, 1859 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Edin Rhodes to Betsey Brent, 1819 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Elizabeth Rhodes to James Allen, 1823 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Elizabeth Rhodes to Everett Flowers, 1851 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Joanna Rhodes to Calvin Simpson, 1862 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
John Rhodes to Sarah Moore, 1813 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
John Rhodes to Charlotte Brunt, 1814 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
John F. S. Rhodes to Mary E. Crocker, 1856 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Joseph E. Rhodes to Polly Beck, 1804 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Joseph E. Rhodes to Elizaabeth Lee, 1854 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Moses Rhodes to Pherebe Lee, 1820 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Nathan Rhodes to Patsey Jones, 1840 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Sophia Rhodes to Lewis Thomson, 1840 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Dr. J.B. Robertson to Julia Ellington, 1863 Sep 2007 1 kb Carolyn Shank
A. H. Rose to Elizabeth Eldridge, 1859 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
A. M. Rose to Lettie Cole, 1900 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Andrew Rose to Mary J. Evans, 1896 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Barna Rose to Winnie Starling, 1878 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Bardin Rose to Polly Davis, 1844 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Benjamin Rose to Lucy Harper, 1787 Feb 2013 Image Guy Potts The Registry
Ben B. Rose to Lizzy Eldridge, 1841 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Benjamin B. Rose to Ethel Jernigan, 1874 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
C. M. Rose to Letha J. Smith, 1883 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Charles M. Rose to Lucy E. Lee, 1890 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
D. J. Rose to Anna P. Woodall, 1892 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Demsey Rose to Nancy Davis, 1851 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Enos Rose to Piety S. Johnson, 1896 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Gaston Rose to Jane Deans, 1873 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
George P. Rose to Nancy Brunt, 1852 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
George W. Rose to Sallie Cotton, 1889 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Gray Rose to Millie J. Jones, 1896 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Haris Rose to Zilpa Holland, 1846 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Henderson Rose to Cathrine Lee, 1879 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Henry Rose to Nancy Edwards, 1827 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Henry Rose to Martha A. Davis, 1872 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Henry Rose to Ginsey Wadkins, 1880 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Henry C. Rose to Sarah Fulghum, 1866 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Iredell Rose to Patsey Smith, 1884 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Isaac C. Rose to Susan Adams, 1883 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
J. H. Rose to Ella Johnson, 1894 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
James Rose to Jerusha McGlawhon, 1798 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
James Rose to Delpha Sasser, 1837 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
James J. Rose to Margaret A. Cox, 1877 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
James W. Rose to M. A. R. Batten, 1880 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Joel Rose to Mollie Stafford, 1887 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
John Rose to Milly Johnson, 1830 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
John Rose to Catharine Gay, 1853 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
John Rose to Polly A. Edwards, 1890 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
John B. Rose to S. Starling, 1889 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
John J. Rose to Julia A. Rose, 1875 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
John J. Rose to Bethany Johnson, 1895 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
John Wright Rose to Susan King, 1870 Feb 2013 Image Guy Potts The Registry
Jordan Rose to Alsey Kern, 1819 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Larry Rose to Elizabeth Gay, 1855 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Larry Rose to Susan Starling, 1863 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Larry Rose to Sarah Yelverton, 1872 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Lucy Rose to Ransom Lee, 1854 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Mark Rose to Sally Keen, 1816 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Milly Rose to Samuel Butler, 1832 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Osker P. Rose to Dolley A. Deans, 1880 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Samuel Rose to Jane Toler, 1873 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Thomas R. Rose to Mary Allen, 1847 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Thomas R. Rose to Leacy Allen, 1857 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Thomas W. Rose to Nancy Ryals, 1861 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Tobias Rose to Sally Parish, 1849 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
W. A. Rose to Emily F. Eldridge, 1881 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Wiley W. Rose to Sarah Sasser, 1890 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
William Rose to Edney Starling, 1878 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
William Rose to Caroline Cole, 1879 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
William H. Rose to Eliza Vinson, 1892 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
William N. Rose to Pherebee Lee, 1847 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
William N. Rose Jr. to Sarah Langston, 1872 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
William T. Rose to Bethany Capps, 1891 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Wilson Rose to Emma Capps, 1890 Mar 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Lee R. Royal to Zilpha King, 1880 Feb 2013 2 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Maj. John Sanders to Betsey Peters, 1807 Dec 2008 1 kb Carolyn Shank
Maj. John Sanders to Polly Boddie, 1814 Nov 2007 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Calvin Simpson to Joanna Rhodes, 1862 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Daniel Smith to Sally Ingram, 1808 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Hardy Smith to Rebecca Thompson, 1796 Dec 2006 2 kb Connie Ardrey
Henry Smith to Nancy Ingram, 1841 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
George W. Stafford to Hannah M. Potts, 1882 Sep 2011 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Larry Starling to Inez Daughtry, 1948 Jul 2005 2 kb Tammy G. Tyner
John Stevens Jr. to Betsy Allen, 1804 Dec 2008 1 kb Carolyn Shank
Loammin Stevens to Phereba Stevens Apr 2014 1 kb Guy Potts 
The Registry
James W. Strickland to Hester Ann Ingram, 1856 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
James Thompson to Nell Harvey, 1916 Jan 2008 1 kb Guy PottsThe Registry
David Thomson to Nancy Ingram, 1806 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Lewis Thomson to Sophia Rhodes, 1840 Jul 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Brittain Utley to Mary Turner, 1830 Dec 2007 1 kb Carolyn Shank
Col T. Waddell to Marsaline Whitley, 1854 Oct 2007 1 kb Carolyn Shank
Walston Marriages Mar 2002 4 kb Elaine Turner
Jacob Wheeler to Elizabeth Green, 1857 Nov 2015 1 kb Connie Ardrey
Henry White & Viola Morgan, 1920 Mar 2000 1 kb Marsha Whigham
Col. John Williams to Polly Allen, 1804 Dec 2008 1 kb Carolyn Shank
John Wilson to Patty Davis, 1785 Mar 2007 2 kb Connie Ardrey
Josiah Wilson to Penniniah Tartt, 1818 Dec 2008 1 kb Carolyn Shank
Kader Woodard to Emma Lindley, 1885 Aug 2013 1 kb Connie Ardrey

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This page last modified Friday, 26-Nov-2021 03:17:36 EST