Always keep a backup in areas where you are working, preferably all your counties but if disc space doesn't allow, then at a minimum backup where you are working. All filenames should be lower case and no empty/blank spaces. Filenames should be limited to 16 characters or less. plain ascii text files .txt go into the archives_ftp folders html or htm and jpg files should be in the archives_html folders we do not use any other file types All html work should be done with notepad or notetab light using copy/paste, do not use a html editor. Your toc links can be obtained using the form at When reformatting all links should follow that four column format Description/Size/Date/Submitter If size or date is unknown use   for the column. When changing formats on a page it is best to leave the original in the correct folder, create a folder called test, take a copy of the file you wish to edit/change and save it in the test folder then make your changes there and test them before making them live in the correct folder. Our folder structure can be seen at: Please stick with that format as that is the format which is used by the forms. Note that we do not use a misc folder. Put lettes, books, schools and other in folders inside the history folder. If it doesn't belong in any other folder type and you don't know where to put the file then use history/other/ You will find an array of folders used throughout the project from older days when we were beginning and didn't use the forms. You do not have to correct existing folders but do not add to them any longer, any new files should follow the structure at You can correct the folder structure but if you do then you must be careful to then correct any pages which might be linking to those older files. That includes notifying the MTGenWeb county cc's of any changes to links in their counties. Please stick to the <----include----> statements in the templates. If you need to make changes please use those templates in the ssi folder. This prevents having to change many pages instead of just one.