Gilliam Baptist Church


Centennial Celebration

August 3 1986

Gilliam MO 65330



It is hard to put 100 years of "living" church history

into so few pages. The Centennial Committee surveyed records,

newspaper clippings, and talked to members in a genuine

effort to put names, dates, and other information properly

and correctly into this small booklet. If, however, there

are ommissions or errors in this publication, we humbly submit

our apologies.



Centennial Committee:

Doris Yager - Chairperson

Ruth Pugh

Mildred Thompson

Rev. Glen A. Golden - Pastor




August 3, 1986

1:30 p.m.

Prelude Marilyn Morrow

Invocation Rev. Glen Golden


Special Music Gary Morrow

Welcome and Recognition

of Visiting Pastors

Anniversary Certificate

Presentation *Dr. Adrian Lamkin

Congregational Hymn

Pastors' Address Rev. Cecil O'Neil

Rev. Morris Potter

Special Music Fish Creek Baptist

Church Choir

Pastors' Address Rev. Thomas Cossairt

Rev. Leonard Erickson

Congregational Hymn

Pastors' Address Dr. Kenneth Wolfe

Special Music Gilliam Baptist

Church Choir


Pastors' Address Rev. Harold Hosler

Special Music Roy Eddy

Pastors' Address Rev. Roy Weister

*Rev. Fred Neiger


Special Music Pastors' Ensemble


Benediction *Rev. Mike Hibbard


*Dr. Adrian Lamkin is a representative of the Missouri Baptist Historical Society.

*Rev. Fred Neiger was interim pastor for Gilliam Baptist Church in 1983-84.

*Rev. Mike Hibbard, former member, was ordairied to the Gospel Ministry by Gilliam

Baptist Church on December 7, 1980.

*Due to a change in schedule, Rev. and.. Mrs. Blackwood have joined us today. They

will help lead us in worship even though their names do not appear on the program.

Dr. Kenneth Wolfe



Name From To

George Norvell 1886 1900

Orlo Jeffrey 1900 1901

J. E. Norvell 1901 1909

J. N. Wynn 1910 1912

D. C. Barton 1913

F. 0. Crimminger 1914 1916

J. W. Cunningham 1917 1918

J. H. Clark 1919 1922

R. R. Watts 1923 1925

Stanley Smith 1925 1927

`W. E. Davidson 1927

W. G. Warren 1928 1929

D. E. Johnson 1930 1934

Cecil O'Neil 1934 1937

H. H. Lewis 1937 1938

W. H. Rosecrans 1939 1943

Morris Potter 1945 1946

Thomas Cossairt 1947 1949

Leonard Erickson 1949 1950

Kenneth Wolfe 1950 1954

Harold Hosler 1954 1955

James Hatley 1955 1957

William C. Smith 1957 1960

Robert Hampton 1960 1965

Roy Weister 1966 1970

Basil Claypool 1971 1972

Michael Blackwood 1972 1983

Glen Golden 1984 -



Year Name

1885 F. J. Genser

T. E. Kelley

Julius Velton

1901 W. T. Burrough

J. W. McKinney

1903 F. H. Ellyson

1911 J. B. Huff

1917 Ed Cheatham

C. P. Huff

D. N. Norvell

1926 Henry Deis

Harry Johnson

Preston Payne

1942 Guy Hays

Jess Horner

1950 Manley Norvell

1957 Richard Bossaller

Charles Deis

Dean Deis

Houston Deer

Roy Eddy, Sr.

1975 Jess Brandon

1975 Richard Durham

Vernon Haynes

Orville Heard

1980 Leroy Coleman

Rick Durham

Wayne Heuman

Gary Morrow

1985 Keith Broyles

Terry Jordan

Gary Pennock



March 5, 1887 - By affirmative vote of the congregation, Sunday School

was officially adopted by and became a part of Gilliam Baptist Church.

*Thomas W. Gwinn, First S.S. Superintendent

*John W. McKinney, Asst. S.S. Superintendent

*Marion A. Hawkins, Secretary

Past Sunday School Superintendents:

Clarence Dean Deis - 1962

(Ben Harold, Assistant)

Jess Brandon - 1970

Gary Morrow - 1978

Terry Jordan - 1984

Today our Sunday School has 11 classes, a Homebound ministry,

a tape ministry, and an enrollment of 175. The Sunday School is central

in OUTREACH to the unchurched and lost and is central in INREACH

to members who need spiritual education and fellowship.

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing

them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,

teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I

am with you always, even to the end of the age.

(Matthew 28:19-20 NASB)



1886 - 1986

A movement was started about July 1, 1885, by Reverend J. S. Conners,

of Slater, to raise money to build a Baptist church in Gilliam. There are no

particulars concerning the construction of the building, but it was completed

February 13, 1886. It was a neat frame structure and was of sufficient capacity

to accommodate the congregation at that time.

A council assembled in the new building on Sunday evening, February

14, 1886, for the purpose of organizing a church. This council consisted

of members from marshall, Slater and Good Hope churches.

Reverend Bell was chosen moderator and Reverend Norvell, clerk of the

council. The names of the members entering this body were: Thomas W.

Gwinn and wife, Fannie M. Hawkins,, Marion E. Hawkins, Annie K. Swinney,

Sarah A. Rickman, F. S. Willis, John W. McKinney, Sylvester Ankrum, Mary E.

Ankrum, T. E. Kelley, Mary E. Kelley and C. E. Brown.

Reverend Conner, who had taken such an interest in the planting of the

church was its first preacher. He filled this position for several months on Sunday

afternoons, as he was at the same time pastor at Slater.

The records show that Reverends J. S. Conner, W. W. Bell and George

Stroud all preached for the church until August, 1886, when Reverend George

Norvell was called as pastor for two Sundays each month. He was pastor of the

church until January, 1900.

On February 5, 1887, a motion was made to dedicate the church on the

first Sunday in May. Reverend Bell was invited to preach the dedication sermon.

The ladies of the Baptist Missionary Association of Saline County met

with the Gilliam Baptist women on January 26, 1894, to organize a Missionary

Society. Mrs. G. W. Norvell was elected President; Mrs. W. T. Swinney,

Vice President; Mrs. J. R. Kirk, Secretary and 'Mrs. J. W. McArvis, Treasurer.

There were 11 charter members.

The first part of 1902, the members of the church raised $1,000 for an

addition to the church. Included in this improvement was a furnace and

baptistry. Years later the church was raised from the old foundation to a

heighth of about three feet above the ground and placed on a concrete block

foundation. A full basement was dug at that time.

In 1936, the Fiftieth Anniversary of the church was observed. Reverend

Cecil O'Neal was the pastor.

On Wednesday, November 13, 1946, a series of fires, all with suspicious

origins, took place in Gilliam. The.most serious damage was the complete

destruction of the church building.

The Sunday morning following the fire the church people gathered for

Sunday School and church services in a building uptown known as the Bank

Building. During this time the attendance was above average. One time there

was a Sunday School record attendance of 107.

Work on the new church building. was started October 16, 1947. The

approximate cost was $5,000. April 16, 1949, the building had reached a stage

of completion sufficient to be used for services. One of the first special services

held was the wedding of G. F. Hayes, Jr. and Betty Glee Thompson.

Many fine gifts were received for the rebuilding and refurnishing

of the church. The most outstanding was the gift of a grand piano given

in memory of the late Theodore Bossaller. The church was dedicated on

June 14, 1953.

Around the first of November, 1977, a suggestion was made for an

Educational Building, the construction of which was approved by the

church in December, 1977, at a cost of approximately $25,000. The

building was completed in May, 1979, and on March 2, 1980, the new

Education Building was dedicated.

Financial Statement, Nov. 1, 1923



Receipts from July 17, 1923 to Nov. 1, 1923 $316.25



Light Co., lights from July $6.45

0. L. Wood, Missions 15.55

Sunday School Supplies for three quarters 41.95

Overdaft July 17, from paying supplies 35.19

Rev. Watts, salary to October 1, 1923 166.66

November 1, Balance . . . . . 50.45


B. Y. P. U.

Amount in Treasury $3.92




1986 Budget

Weekly Annually

Missions $102.89 $ 5,350.00

Personnel $276.75 $14,391.00

Education $ 34.61 $ 1,800.00

General Promotion $ 19.22 $ 1,000.00

Building & Equipment $125.34 $ 6,517.00

Miscellaneous $ 24.13 $ 1,255.00

TOTALS $582.93 $31,213.00


File submitted on 24 APR 2004 by: Mary A. Old

Copyright © 2004 USGenWeb Missouri Archives. All rights reserved.