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Sebastian Rale
A Maine Tragedy
of the Eighteenth Century

by John Francis Sprague.
Boston, Mass. Printed by the Heintzemann Press 1906

history is little else than a picture of human crimes and misfortunes -Voltaire


A very wise man once averred that there is no new thing under the sun. The student of history may be entirely familiar with the principal facts appearing in the following pages, and I do not claim to have discovered any new evidence regarding the career of that remarkable character, Sebastian Rale, or the scenes of his turbulent life. They are interwoven with the early history of New England, and the truth cannot be obliterated by sympathy or prejudice.

It has, however, long been my impression that many of the writers who have attempted to illuminate this subject have in a measure lost sight of the paramount fact that Rale was stationed upon territory the right of possession to which was in controversy between two of the great world-powers, each of whose discoverers, adventurers, and missionaries were in the vanguard of the brave men who established civilization in the new world.

Although considered and written from the Protestant point of view, and in no wise from that of the Roman Catholic Church, I have endeavored to treat this matter in the full light of what is impartial and just.

-J.F.S. Monson, Maine.

The Killing of Sebastian Rale
The Portsmouth and Arrowsic Treaties
How Much Condone? How Much Condemn?
The Indians of Maine and the Tradition of Pamola
Letters: Rale to Captain Moody
Letters: Rale to his Brother
Letters: Rale to his Nephew
Letters: The Governor of Massachusetts to the Governor of New France
Rale's Dictionary
Inscription on Rale's Church
Historical Comments
The Twelfth Article of the Treaty of Utrecht

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