filename- suggestion.txt mary hudson 3:59 AM 2/27/01 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUGGESTION OF WHERE ONE MIGHT LOCATE MARRIAGE RECORDS TO TRANSCRIBE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (1) One might ask at the local Genealogy society, if they have books which they no longer sell and they would allow one to transcribe these records to be used on the Internet. Make sure you let them know they will be mentioned as having gathered this information and how they can be contacted. This could help them sell books which they still have in print. They might be willing to share with you. ========================================= NOTE: We do not advertise for any one. But when a society is mentioned, others might contact them for information on other records. ======================================== (2) You might ask at the court house about transcribing from their archived records. (3) The archived newspapers, have records, but here make sure you are not infringing on copyright laws. Ask permission, if you think you might need it. (4) A few states and counties have microfilm available at an affordable price in their state archives. As I learn which state have such records, I will post this information at the top of the main state page and here. ======================================================================= STATES WITH MICROFILMED MARRIAGE RECORDS ARE If you have information on thes mcirofilm records please contact me. Mary Hudson Alabama Missouri