Photograph submitted by Leah Barnhart Meador

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A. J. Cole
COLE, Andrew Jackson (s/o Isaac COLE and Sarah "Sally" N. DUNCAN):
A. J. COLE (inscribed in an arch)
MAY 1, 1850
NOV. 5, 1921
Gone but not Forgotten
I think this is a BEAUTIFUL stele. It has a Woodmen of the World Memorial
plaque on the front at the top and the entire stele is sculpted like the
trunk of a tree. The follow is a description I wrote when first transcribing
the info from the pictures....

WOODMEN OF THE WORLD (written in a circle from 8 o'clock to 4 o'clock)
* MEMORIAL * (written across the bottom of the circle)

In the middle of the circle is a sculpted tree trunk and banner scrolling
around the bottom of this inner circle with the words:

Beneath the MEMORIAL circle is scroll work on either side of a crossed axe
and mallet with what appears to be a wedge where the axe and mallet handles
beneath this are the words:
A. J. COLE (inscribed in an arch)
MAY 1, 1850
NOV. 5, 1921
Gone but not

FOOTMARKER reads simply: "A. J. C."

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