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Louisiana Archives

Obituary Records

October 2012

This page was last updated onWednesday, 01-Mar-2023 04:27:00 EST

All of these obituaries are in one file.  Click here to view obituary files.
Alleman, Shirley Use
Bailey, Charles Thomas
Balka, Geraldine
Bennett, Albert L.
Bergeron, Bernadette "Bernie" Lyall
Bertrand, Emma Julie Chaisson
Billiot, Stephen Michael
Boiteaux, David Arthur
Bolden, Jules, Sr.
Bonvillain, Melba Ballard
Boudreaux, Eva "Cookie" Elisee
Boudreaux, Ray James
Bourgeois, Jerrin Jerome "Bourgeois the Clown"
Brown, Annie Mae
Brown, Charles W., Sr.
Caro, Mary Jane May
Charles, Samuel "Sammy", Sr.
Clements, Sylvester Anthony
Colar, Patrick Henry "C La"Dollahite, Irl Lorina Spell
Duay, Susan W.
Dupas, Koreian A.
Fox, Wilma Nell BlackGaskins, Ellis "Jambo", Sr.
Gros, Chris Paul
Hardee, Edna Virginia
Harper, Beth Simmons
Harris, Harriet Darlene
Ina, James "Doodlebug"
Jolivet, Joseph "Homey"
Jones, Elliot, Jr.
Kilmer, Dean Bernard
LaCoste, Gordon "Ken"
Landers, Neil Conrad, sr.
Landry, Charles "Charlie", Jr.
Lodrigue, Shelley LaCoste
Lofton, Arthur Joseph
Madise, Joseph Peter "Mark"
Mayon, Duane Cross
Murrell, Walter, Jr.
Newlin, George Robert "Bob"
Perez, Billy John, Sr.
Rodrigue, Richard Lawrence
Romero, Leona Esther
Sherman, Robert Joseph
Singleton, Irvian Adam, Jr.
Turner, Bessie Gant
Van Pelt, Robert W., Jr.
Vilcan, Whitney Louis
Williams, Odette "Dess" Verdun


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