KyArchives State Project Guidelines
for File  Managers (FMs)

KyArchives is a state within the national USGenWeb Archives Project.  All KY county file managers must read and agree to abide by the USGenWeb Archives Guidelines.




Mail List


What To Do



    The following information will help new volunteers get a good start after adopting a county and managing the archival contributions submitted to that county.  Before adopting a county or counties, it is important to have adequate software applications to assist in managing the tasks required to maintain the web pages as current and active as possible.  Normally, 2-6 hours a week may be necessary to achieve a reasonable amount of effort relative to the activity for a county.  Support for a file manager is readily available at the county, state and national levels for everyone.  The overall process is very simple with a low level learning curve to become familiar with the routine tasks.
    There are minimal mandates in the guidelines to ensure commonality throughout the project as a whole.  These mandates should be followed as closely as possible after adopting a county.  Creativity is encouraged as each county web site is the responsibility of the individual  volunteer file manager.  Browsing the archive project web sites is recommended to provide insight of what is typically expected of a file manager.

State File Manager


ASCII = American Standard Code for Information Interchange
SFM = state file manager
ASFM = assistant state file manager
CFM = county file manager
FM = file manager
FTP = file transfer protocol
HTML = hyper text markup language
XHTML = extended hyper text markup language
TOC = table of content
PSWD = password
*.txt = plain text format is the universal standard for representing text letters, numerals and punctuation marks
*.jpg = Joint Photographic Experts Group (a digital image file format designed for maximal image compression)
KYARCH = Kentucky Archives is a repository holding documents or other material, usually of historical and/or rare value
KYGWARCH = Kentucky GenWeb Archive Project
USGWARCH = USGenWeb Archives Project
RW = RootsWeb host server = Any computer on a network that is a repository for services available to other computers
User ID = user identification is a short and cryptic (usually eight characters or fewer) name that identifies a user on a system
Login = a name or account under which someone gains a certain level of access to a computer
Permissions = The set of identifiers that control how someone can access a server


     The KyArchives, as part of the USGenWeb Archives Project is completely separate from the KyGenWeb Project and the USGenWeb Project.  The KyArchive directories are established as a repository for storing all information and data collected or submitted as contributions to the archive project.  There are two directories utilized for storage by the USGW Archives Project, which are hosted by the RootsWeb Genealogical Cooperative at  The first directory houses the web pages for all county web sites in a public_html folder.  The second directory houses all the informational text files collected or submitted by contributors in a public_ftp folder.  Access to the server is restricted to volunteer file managers with password authorization only.  Each state has a separate folder utilized to manage files for each county or parrish.
     Each KY county is assigned a separate state subfolder for file management.  Subfolders are used to organize and sort all the different types of material stored within the allocated space on the archive server.  KyArchive Guidelines are presented to assist the county File Manager (FM) in becoming familiar with the overall project and how to administratively maintain their respective county archives.
     Each state is provided a State File Manager (SFM) to oversee the administration of archival duties and coordinate the assignment of counties that do not have a file manager.  Adoptive counties are indicated on the KyArchives main web site.  All FM positions are strictly voluntary and assigned by the SFM.  Current FMs will have precedence over adopting any county.


     The archive directory folder structure is designed by the USGW Archive Project administrators and should be followed as closely as possible.  The outline is referenced within the USGenWeb Archives guidelines.  The FM has the responsibility to ensure their respective county meets the minimal requirements for adhering to the outline structure.  Adding, moving or deleting any files, folder or submitted material within a county directory must be done with extreme caution as they are often web linked from many other resources on the Internet.

How It Works

     The volunteer FM is assigned to a county by the SFM and given access information to the server directories.  Each county is set up to receive by email an automated notice for file submissions from using the Automated Records Submission Forms.  The notice provides information for the FM to post into their respective TOC (table of content) web pages for the county archives.  Manual submissions are handled by the FM individually by creating a text file and uploading it to the correct directory folders.  All archived files are linked to the TOC pages in the respective county.  It is important to remember that text files are uploaded to the FTP directory and all web pages and graphics and photo files are uploaded to the HTML directory.  The text files should be in plain text format and all photos should be in JPEG format with a file size below 300Kb.
     The File Manager is required to subscribe to the state administrative mail list.  The list is used primarily by the SFM to keep the FM updated on all archival affairs for the state.  This includes answering questions and supporting the project overall.  The subject matter on the mail list is limited to KyArchive matters only.  Direct or personal email should be avoided whenever possible.
     Managing a county archive web site requires a basic knowledge and understanding of hyper text markup language (html) and file transfer protocol (ftp).  Specific utility software is available on the Internet and the FM should be familiar with how to use it before adopting a county.  The selection of which version or provider of any utility software is strictly up to the individual.  A little homework will go a long way in making such decisions.
     Occasionally the SFM will conduct a roll call for all FM volunteers.  This administrative roll call is used to maintain a current and active email address for all counties to receive the automated archive submission form notices and to ensure all FM volunteers are actively participating in the project.  Not responding to roll calls within a reasonable amount of time, could force a county to be placed on the state adoption roster.  Resigning from FM duties should always be done by emailing the SFM to indicate the decision as a permanent change in the roster.
     The USGW Archives Project uses a daily uploads web site to list all daily incoming file contributions to all states and counties.  This extra resource can help the FM keep abreast of current progress for a respective county.  Monitoring the resource regularly is highly beneficial.

What To Do

     The FM is expected to maintain all the archival web pages for the adopted county.  A basic outline for the adoption process follows:

1) Review the USGW Archive Project guidelines and agree to maintain the county web site accordingly 

2) Request adoption of an available county

3) Request access to the kygwarch directory server

4) Subscribe to the KyArchives Administrative Mail List

5) Receive and manage incoming notices from the automated file submission forms from

6) Maintain the archive web pages and directory folders as current and accurate as possible

7) Respond to KyArchive roll calls conducted periodically by the SFM

8) Monitor USGW Archive daily uploads to the county archives

    In addition, a reasonable effort should be given to support communication and team work.  The success of this archival project is directly contingent upon the participation of each county file manager.


Remember to use the project logo of the KyArchives and USGW Archives Project on the main or primary county TOC page (please feel free to use the graphics below. Just be sure you upload them to your county so they show up!)
Refrain from duplicating files in the directory folders
Don't hesitate to ask for assistance or other support  whenever necessary
Use standard file naming conventions as much as possible
Never delete any records or folders from the server directories unless it is justifiable
Never allow commercial solicitation on any web page in the KyArchives
Use the daily uploads web site to help manage the archives
Contact the SFM or Asst ASFM as soon as possible whenever a problem arises

USGenWeb Logos:

KYGenWeb Logos:


KyArchives File Manager Administrative Mail List

KyArchive File Manager's HelpDesk

KyArchives state web site managed by:
Suzanne Shephard, State File Manager (SFM)
Dana Brown, Assistant State File Manager (ASFM)

Return to
KyGenWeb Archives Table of Contents
USGenWeb Archives Table of Contents
KYGenWeb Project

©  2008 All rights reserved.



How do I adopt a county?
Email the State or Assistant State file manager with your request. 

What software do I need to adopt a county?
You will need a HTML Editor and FTP software.  This is a must to be able to manage the web pages and upload the required files to the server.  You can Google "free html editor" or "free ftp software" and browse the web for a look at what may suit your needs.

Can I design my own web page layout and graphics?
As long as it adheres to the USGW Archive Project Guidelines !!!
    The project criteria should be exhibited with commonality throughout.  This means you have a few requirements that must be followed.  The rest is up to your creativity.  Keep in mind that graphics have a huge space need on the server.  PHP, SSI, CGI or other formatted web pages may not be allowed without server permissions set for this type of webmastering.  The idea is to reach the widest dissemination within the audience you want to reach.  Hence, simplicity is recommended when designing your web pages.
    Design and layout of the web page should be user friendly to the notice researcher.  Simplicity is good and graphics should be kept to a minimum to reach the desired effect for your web site visitors.  Professionalism is encouraged for all web mastering.  Reference W3C Standards for more detail about designing web pages.  The least intrusive version of HTML used today is 4.01.  

Can I publish my own web page for the KyArchive counties I manage?
All KyArchive web sites are freely hosted by and maintained on the kygwarch server.

Why do I need to subscribe to the KYARC administrative mail list?
It is the only mail list used for keeping all the FMs informed of the KyArchive general business at hand.  More importantly, it is the mail list where the periodic Roll Call message is sent to the FM to ensure we don't loose someone in the bushes along the way.  The admin list email address you use is also the address for the archive notice (with very few exceptions).

What do I do with the notice from the automated forms feature for my county?
Process the information found in the notice and update your web pages.  The notice will contain the information and URL links to use on your TOC page. 

Why am I not getting the KyArchive notices for submitted contributions?
Two reasons may apply:
1) Your email address is invalid or changed recently. Notify the SFM of any email address change as soon as possible.
2) There has been no contribution made to your county archives. Many counties have a very low volume of correspondence and it is not unusual to see months go by without a notice.

Where does the KyArchive notice come from?
The Genrecords automated forms feature that is activated for all KY counties provides the notice automatically to each FM of the first county that is noted in the contributed information. When a contribution is submitted, the server will create an archival text file using the information in the form.  The URL link for the file location will be included in the text file.

Where are the created text files stored by
On the Rootsweb kygwarch server in the KY archive_ftp directory.  They are sent to their respective subfolder automatically relative to the first county indicated in the form submission.  All other counties indicated in the form submission will not have the created file in their subfolders.  One URL for the file is used by all FMs to post on their respective TOC pages.  Photos or pictures and all web pages, including graphics, are stored in the archive_html folders.

Why should I use the Email Registry number on my archive web pages?
First, it helps reduce the amount of identify invasion from phishing and spammers. More importantly, it provides one place for you to change your email address when that becomes necessary.  The registry number will never change.

How do I upload my work to the server?
1. Access kygwarch at using your FTP software
2. Enter your password and use the "Passive Mode"
3. Open the appropriate working directory for HTML or FTP files
4. Select and open your county folder - Never upload to a county not assigned to you
5. Transfer your updated work to the respective subfolder - Text files use ASCII and graphic files use BINARY
6. Use your web browser to check your work
7. Backup your working files regularly

Do you have a serious question we can share with everyone?
Please send it to the SFM so it can be added to this page.  Thank you and have a great day!