Cumberland County NJ Archives Military Records.....Kilpatrick, Judson August 24, 1861
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Donald Buncie May 14, 2024, 6:18 pm

The Jersey Blues
A New Jersey Cavalry Corps.
Capt. Judson Kilpatrick, of Sussex county, whose bravery at the battle of Great
Bethel will be remembered, has been appointed Lieutenant Colonel of a regiment of
mounted riflemen, and is recruiting for it at Newton. The regiment will be called
The Jersey Blues, and composed largely of Jerseymen. They will be put in the field
at Fortress Monroe, and some of them have already gone thither. Horses, equipment,
&c., are furnished by the Government. Those enlisting are expected to be good

Additional Comments:
Source: West-Jersey pioneer. (Bridgeton, N. J.) 1851-1884: August 24, 1861

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