BIOGRAPHY: Clarence R. CLAGHORN, Cambria County, PA 

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From Wiley, Samuel T., ed. Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Cambria 
County, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Union Publishing Co., 1896, p. 347-9

CLARENCE R. CLAGHORN, graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, geologist, 
mining and mechanical engineer, who is now the efficient and popular 
superintendent of the Vinton Coal company, is a son of J. Raymond and Elizabeth 
K. (Rice) Claghorn, and was born in the city of Philadelphia, State of 
Pennsylvania, August 10, 1864.
     His ancestry was Scotch, originating in the highlands of Scotland, and 
belonging to that class which owned and tilled its own land. They were sturdy 
and eminently respectable people, and possessed that courage and indomitable 
will-power which are characteristic of their race, and which are so essential to 
the colonization of anew country. Mr. Claghorn's immigrant ancestors came to 
America in 1630, and settled in Massachusetts, where some members of the family 
may still be found, whilst others removed to the "City of Brotherly Love," where 
James Claghorn, grandfather, first saw the light of day. He was born in the year 
1818, and died in the city of his nativity in the year 1884, having resided 
there his entire life. He was educated and trained for a business career, and 
became a financier of no mean ability. His financial strength and executive 
ability caused him to be much sought after as trustee and presiding officer of 
many financial and other business institutions in the city, the character of 
whose officials is the important element in securing the public confidence. He 
was a director, and for many years the acting president, of a bank in 
Philadelphia; one of the executors of the vast Girard estate; president of the 
Academy of Fine Arts, and treasurer of the Union League of Philadelphia, and was 
connected with many other business institutions of that city.
     He had one son, J. Raymond Claghorn, the father of our subject. He was born 
in Philadelphia in 1845, educated in the excellent public schools of that city, 
and is to-day recognized as one of its substantial and reliable business men. In 
recognition of his financial strength and managing ability he was made president 
of the State Line and Sullivan Railroad company; Barkley Coal company of 
Bradford Co.; and the State and Long Valley Coal company of the same county. He 
is a staunch and loyal republican, who takes an intelligent interest in the 
success of his party, and has represented the Tenth ward of Philadelphia a 
number of terms in the common council. Mr. Clagborn has been twice married. In 
1862 he married Elizabeth K. Rice, of Philadelphia, who bore him one son, 
Clarence R. Mrs. Claghorn died in 1870, and Mr. Claghorn afterwards wedded Anna 
Lockwood, of Philadelphia, by whom he had two children.
     Clarence R. Claghorn was educated in the public schools of Philadelphia and 
the University of Pennsylvania, graduating from the University in 1884. 
Immediately after his graduation he took up surveying, and assisted in making a 
geological survey of the State of Pennsylvania. From the latter part of 1885 to 
1889 he served as assistant superintendent of the State Line and Sullivan 
Railroad company. Subsequently he was appointed as geological and mineral 
expert, with headquarters at Birmingham, Alabama. He remained there until 1891, 
and was made the assistant geologist in charge of the surveys of 1892 of the 
coal fields of Arkansas. In order to broaden his knowledge and further prepare 
himself for his specialties, he, in 1892-93, visited Berlin and the Rhine 
provinces in Germany, and there studied practical mining engineering. In 1893 he 
accepted the position of superintendent of the Vinton Coal company, and 
immediately came to Vintondale, Cambria county, Pennsylvania, and took charge of 
the company's business.
     The Vinton Coal company, of which Warner Delans, of New York city, is 
president, is composed chiefly of New York capitalists. This company owns about 
six thousand acres of valuable coal lands in the vicinity of Vintondale, a 
village of six hundred population, composed chiefly of people who are employed 
in the mines. The mines are equipped with the most modern machinery known to the 
art of mining and mechanical engineering, which is operated throughout by 
electricity, including hauling, under-current ventilation and pumping. The 
power-house which furnishes the motor-power to operate this vast and powerful 
machinery is one of the finest in central Pennsylvania, and it furnishes the 
electric lights for the village.
     On December 30, 1886, Mr. Claghorn and Miss Margaret Montgomery, of 
Pennsylvania, were joined in happy wedlock, and they are the parents of three 
bright sons: James Lawrence, David Montgomery, and Richard Raymond.
     Mr. Claghorn has been honored by election to several of the more important 
scientific societies of this country. He is a member of the American Institute 
of Mining Engineers; Fellow of the American Geological Society, and a life 
member of the Franklin Institute. He is also a member of the Society of the Sons 
of the Revolution.