Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....McIntire, Frank 
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Source: See Below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher


Frank McIntire needs no introduction to the readers of this volume, for he is a
representative of a family that has long figured prominently in Wapello county.
His record is one which reflects further credit and honor upon an untarnished
family name. He stands in a prominent position in business circles as a
representative of many important corporate interests, including both commercial
and financial enterprises. He is equally well known as president of the Harper &
McIntire Company and the South Ottumwa Savings Bank and is vice president of the
Hardsocg Wonder Drill Company. His entire life has been passed in Wapello
county, and his youthful days were spent upon his father's farm, with the usual
experiences of the farm boy. He is a son of William Clark McIntire, a native of
Clark county, Ohio, who in 1843 married Eliza A. Myers and immediately afterward
came to Iowa, settling in Keokuk township, Wapello county. That this district
was a frontier region is indicated in the fact that the government still owned
much of the land and Mr. McIntire readily secured a claim, which he at once
converted into rich and productive fields. He continued actively in the
development and improvement of the farm until his death, which occurred January,
30, 1881 His original home in this county was a log cabin and life was not free
from many of the hardships and privations incident to the frontier. It is said,
however, that he possessed that energy which conquers adversity and brings success.

The father recognized the value of education and provided his children with the
best opportunities possible in that direction. Frank McIntire attended the
public schools near the old home and afterward became a student in the Iowa
Agricultural College at Ames, subsequent to which time he engaged in teaching
for three terms. He made his initial step in the commercial world as a clerk in
the hardware store of Egan, Harper & Company on the 15th of April, 1880, and
eagerly bent his energies to the mastery of the business, with which he had
thoroughly acquainted himself when, in January, 1881, he was admitted to a
partnership, the firm name being then changed to Harper, Chambers & Company.
With his admission to the firm he went upon the road as a traveling salesman and
for ten years was engaged in that branch of the work. In 1891, however, it was
felt necessary that he take his place in the office, for at that time Mr.
Chambers withdrew. The firm style was then changed to Harper & McIntire Company
and has so continued to the present. Theirs is one of the large wholesale and
retail hardware establishments of the state. The business has constantly reached
out along ramifying lines until the trade now covers a wide territory. The
reputation of the house for promptness, enterprise and business integrity is
unassailable, and by their progressive and reliable policy the owners have won
the friendly regard of many patrons.

Important and extensive as is the business now controlled by the Harper &
McIntire Company, of which Mr. McIntire is president, it does not cover the
entire scope of his business interests, for he is a factor in the ownership and
control of various other corporations, being now president of the South Ottumwa
Savings Bank, vice president of the Ottumwa Savings Bank and vice president of
the Hardsocg Wonder Drill Company. At one time he was also president of the Iowa
Hardware Jobbers' Association.

Mr. McIntire resides at No. 228 West Fifth street. He has long been an
interested witness of the growth and progress of the county, and his aid and
cooperation have been important factors in promoting measures and movements for
the general good. He is in hearty sympathy with the civic activity so strongly
manifest in the last decade and believes each individual should use his
opportunities for making the city better along commercial, esthetic and
educational lines. The force of his character and ability is shown in his
business Career. He has never been prompted by the spirit of vaulting ambition
which often overreaches itself, yet he has never feared to venture where
favoring opportunity has led the way and his perseverance and even paced energy
have carried him into important commercial and financial relations.

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