Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....McCarroll, William F. 1869 - 1907
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Source: See Below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher


William F. McCarroll, whose demise occurred in Ottumwa December 17, 1907, was
for a number of years successfully engaged in business as a member of the firm
of McCarroll Brothers, conducting a hardware establishment at No. 322 East Main
street. His birth occurred in Kirkville, Wapello county, Iowa, on the 2d of
August, 1869, his parents being W. F. and Mary (Millsack) McCarroll. The father
came to Wapello county, Iowa, in 1864, and located with his family on a farm
near Kirkville. In 1871 he took up his abode in Ottumwa and opened a stove and
tinware store which he conducted until 1884, subsequently engaging in jobbing
hardware, stoves, tinware, etc., at No. 105 East Main street. He was in
partnership with his son, C. T. McCarroll, under the firm name of W. F.
McCarroll & Son, until the time of his death in 1891.

William F. McCarroll, who was but two years of age when his parents established
their home in Ottumwa, was reared to manhood in that city and enjoyed liberal
educational advantages. He first embarked in business as a hardware merchant in
association with P. C. Biddison and in 1900 joined his brother, J. B. McCarroll,
as a member of the firm of McCarroll Brothers, dealing in general hardware,
stoves, tinware, etc., at No. 322 East Main street. That relation was maintained
with mutual pleasure and profit until the demise of our subject. William F.
McCarroll was a practical tinner and a member of the tinners' union. He won a
well deserved and gratifying measure of success in his business undertakings and
left his widow and children in comfortable financial circumstances.

On the 20th of June, 1894, Mr. McCarroll was united in marriage to Miss Carita
B. Hedrick, a native of this county and a daughter of General J. M. and Matilda
C. (Haynes) Hedrick, the former born in Ohio and the latter in Illinois. They
came to Wapello county at an early day and here continued to reside until they
passed away. Mrs. McCarroll is the youngest in a family of five children. By her
marriage she became the mother of live children, as follows: Katharine, who is
now a college student at Ames; Carita, a high school student; John Morrow
Hedrick, who also attends high school; Mary Morrow; and Dorothy. The husband and
father was called to his final rest in 1907 and lies buried in the Ottumwa
cemetery. His loss was deeply felt in both business and social circles of the
city in which practically his entire life had been spent, and his premature
death came as a great blow to his family. Mrs. McCarroll owns five residence
properties and displays excellent executive ability in the management of her
business interests. She has always lived in this county and has an extensive
circle of warm friends within its borders.

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