Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....Braden, Wilbern C. 1887 - 
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Source: See Below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher


Wilbern C. Braden is an enterprising young business man of Farson, where he
conducts a successful general mercantile establishment and also serves in the
capacity of postmaster. His birth occurred in Keokuk county, Iowa, on the 11th
of March, 1887, his parents being J. L. and Lucinda (Cowger) Braden, the former
a native of Indiana and the latter of Wapello county, Iowa. J. L. Braden came to
this state about 1860, locating in Keokuk county, where he passed away on the
5th of December, 1909. His wife was called to her final rest on the 15th of
November, 1908. They were the parents of two children: Sadie, who is now the
wife of L. A. Steel and resides in South Dakota; and Wilbern C., of this review.

The latter supplemented his common-school education by commercial training at
Burlington, Iowa, and remained under the parental roof until he had attained his
majority. He was then married and subsequently purchased a farm in Pleasant
township, residing thereon for two years, on the expiration of which period he
traded the property for a stock of general merchandise at Linby, Jefferson
county, Iowa. At the end of a year he sold out and came to Farson, where he
again embarked in business as a general merchant and where he has since
conducted his store with gratifying success. He carries a large and well
selected line of goods and has won a liberal patronage by reason of fair prices,
courteous treatment of customers and reliable business methods. Mr. Braden owns
the store building and also a handsome residence in Farson.

At the age of twenty-one years Mr. Braden was united in marriage to Miss Estella
Warder, a native of Wapello county and a daughter of John C. and Nancy A.
(Goudy) Warder. She is a sister of F. L. Warder, cashier of the Farson Savings
Bank. Bv her marriage she has become the mother of one son, Waldom W., whose
natal day was March 7, 1911.

Mr. Braden is a republican in politics and serves as postmaster of Farson, ably
discharging the duties devolving upon him in this connection. He has likewise
served as a member of the school board, the cause of education ever finding in
him a stanch champion. Both he and his wife belong to the Baptist church and
take an active and helpful interest in its work. At all times his life has been
active, useful and honorable, and it is his genuine personal worth that has
gained for him the favorable position which he occupies in the regard of those
who know him.

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