BIO: Randall Leroy BRUMBAUGH, Huntingdon County, PA

Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Dave Wilson 

Copyright 2006.  All rights reserved. 

McElroy, James Thomas Jr., McElroy's Family Memories, 
Huntingdon, PA: (Author), 1930, page 17.

Marklesburg, Pa.

Merchant: Born at Marklesburg, Huntingdon Co., Pa., Sept. 26, 1873.  A son of 
Irvin G. and Mary (Haffly) Brumbaugh; father and mother are both living at 
Marklesburg, Pa.  George Brumbaugh, father of Irvin G. Brumbaugh, died at the 
age of eighty-one years.  Randall Leroy Brumbaugh first acquired his elementary 
learning at Marklesburg, Pa.  During the year of 1911-12 and 1913, he attended 
Juniata College, Huntingdon, Pa.  At present assists his father in mercantile 
business; also a gas service station, buying and selling produce, by which a 
large business has been established.  Randall Brumbaugh and wife are Methodist 
of the Marklesburg Church.  He has served as borough auditor.  At present on 
the school board, Marklesburg, Huntingdon Co., Pa., and has served on election 
board.  During World War was a clerk in mercantile busines.  Belongs to P.O.S. 
of A., Camp 769, Marklesburg, Pa.  Votes as a rule the Republican ticket.  Has 
one brother, Allen, married to Iva Schock, teacher at University of 
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.  One sister, Martha, married to Edward Bradley, 
Johnstown, Pa., electrician.  One sister died in infancy.  Randall Brumbaugh  
was married to Elizabeth Donelson, daughter of Samuel and Sadie Donelson, of 
Marklesburg, Pa.  They have one son, George R., at school, primary department.