BIO: Clair S. BROOKS, Huntingdon County, PA

Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Dave Wilson 

Copyright 2006.  All rights reserved. 

McElroy, James Thomas Jr., McElroy's Family Memories, 
Huntingdon, PA: (Author), 1930, page 20.

Petersburg, Pa.

Switchboard Operator:  Born at Petersburg, Pa., August 8, 1897.  A son of R.J. 
Brooks, retired, was with Penna. R.R. Maintenance of Way Department.  He 
married Martha Whitstine; her mother came from Stroutenborg, Germany, with two 
children.  Mr. and Mrs. Brooks reside at Petersburg.  Both are members of the 
Lutheran Church.  Clair S. Brooks is a graduate of the Petersburg High School, 
class of 1916.  Was office clerk for the J. C. Blair Stationery Co. for a 
period of four years.  Has been eleven years with the Penn Central Light and 
Power Co., at their plant at Warrior Ridge, Huntingdon Co., Pa.  He belongs to 
the Lutheran Church, wife also.  A member of the I.O.O.F., No. 1162, 
Petersburg, Pa.  Has three brothers:  Louis, married to Edna Sheasley, 
Insurance Agent, Huntingdon, Pa.; Plummer, a passenger fireman out of Altoona, 
Pa., lives  at Juniata, Pa.; one brother deceased, Fred, twenty-four years of 
age.  He has two sisters:  Florence, married to Walter Hoffman, Petersburg, 
Pa.; Edna, married to William Stewart, signal supervisor, Huntingdon, Pa.  
Clair S. Brook was married to Louise Scott.  Have two sons:  Vance Scott, five 
years, and Max Leon, one years.  Hunting is his sport.  Mr. Brooks lives at 
Petersburg, Pa.