Huntingdon-Allegheny County PA Archives Biographies.....Gumbert, John A.  November 3, 1862 - November 10, 1941

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Jodi Gumbert-Lomison March 6, 2005, 8:32 pm

Author: unknown

John A. Gumbert, Orbisonia, Huntingdon County, PA., was born near Westminster, 
Carroll county, Md,. November 3, 1862.  He is the son of Frederick and Anna 
Christina (Hastfield) Gumbert.  John A. Gumbert's father, Frederick Gumbert, 
was born in Germany, April 13, 1822.  He was a young man when he came to 
America, and settled in Maryland, where he was married, February 25, 1855, to 
Anna Christina Hastfield, born in Germany, October 16, 1825.  Miss Hastfield 
came to America alone, and joined her brothers in Maryland.  Some time after, 
her father and step-mother also came to Maryland.  Mr. Gumbert was a cooper and 
weaver, and worked at both these trades while living in Maryland.  In 1864 he 
moved to Huntingdon County, PA., and bought a farm in Springfield township.  He 
sold this farm in 1868 and bought one in Meadow Gap which he exchanged for 
another farm in 1869; on this one he lived until 1886. He then bought a house 
and lot in Orbisonia, where he resides, and works at weaving.  Mr. Gumbert's 
political views are democratic.  His wife is still living.  Of their ten 
children only three survive:  David, born July 15, 1859, a farmer in Huntingdon 
county; Catharine Elizabeth (Mrs. Eli Wakefield), born March 19, 1861, living 
in Huntingdon county; and John A. Gumbert.  Mr. Frederick Gumbert and his wife 
are members of the Dunkard church.
     John A. Gumbert was seventeen months old when his parents moved to 
Springfield township, Huntingdon county, PA., he remained at home until he was 
eighteen, attending the public schools in winter and working with his father on 
the farm.  In the summer of 1882, he hired as a farm hand to William Cook, 
working for him for nine months, then came home and stayed there until, in 
August 1883, he hired as farm hand for two years in Germany valley.  in 1885 he 
went to Petersburg, working for farmers and on the railroad.  he spent one year 
in Potter county, PA., peeling bark.  In 1889, Mr. Gumbert returned to 
Huntingdon county and purchased from his father a farm of 165 acres, in 
Cromwell township.  Here he built the home to which he brought his bride, 
Elizabeth, daughter of James and Elizabeth (James) Morgan, April 28, 1891.  
Their only child, James Frederick, died in infancy.  On March 31, 1987, Mr. 
Gumbert made a sale of his personal property, and removed to Tyrone, Blair 
County, PA., where he is at present engaged in working by the day.  Mr. Gumbert 
is a self made man.  He is a Democrat, however, in voting, considers character 
rather than party.  He is a member of the Dunkard church.

Additional Comments:
This article was written in 1897 and the individuals were interviewed.  John 
and Elizabeth did have one surviving son, Zane, who was born in 1902.

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