Franklin County GaArchives News.....Miss Edna Spears Weds Mr. Mabry January 5, 1939
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Alisa Dunn July 3, 2023, 10:11 pm

The Carnesville Herald January 5, 1939
A Wedding of unusual interest to a wide circle of friends was that of Miss Edna 
Spears to Mr. Ernest Mabry, which was solemnized on Thursday, December 22nd, with 
Rev. H. L. Gurley, performing the ceremony.

The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.D. Spears, of Carnesville. She is the 
popular teacher of Home Economics in F.C.H.S. She possesses many  lovable traits 
of character.

The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E.S. Mabry, of Canon. He is a young man of 
fine character with a promising future.

They have taken apartments with Mrs. Reed Burton in Canon, and are at home to 
their many friends who are extending hearty congratulations.

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