OBIT: Lucy (Klink) ALBRIGHT, 1932, Meyersdale, Somerset County, Pa

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Meyersdale Library.
Transcribed and proofread by: Richard Boyer.

Copyright 2011.  All rights reserved.


  Lucy, daughter of the late John Klink and Catherine (Yutzy) Klink, was born in 
Fayette County, Pennsylvania, April 12, 1864; died January 6, 1932, aged 67 
years, 8 months and 24 days.  At the age of 15 she was instructed in the way of 
salvation and received into the membership of St. Paul's (Wilhelm) Reformed 
Church.  After coming to Meyersdale she united with Amity Reformed Church of 
which she had been a member for over 45 years.
  On September 18, 1884, she was married to Jesse Albright.  Following her 
marriage she came with her husband to Meyersdale where she lived ever since.
  After 15 years of married life her husband was killed in an accident and she 
was left with a family of five children to support.  She faced her task bravely 
and decided to keep her family together and rear them herself, rather than trust 
this sacred responsibility to others.  Later, when her daughter was widowed and 
left with a family of small children, she helped to support and care for her 
  She is survived by all of her five children - three daughters, Mrs. Nora 
Ankley, Pittsburgh; Mrs. Anna Malcom, Youngstown, Ohio; Mrs. Martha Smith, 
Meyersdale and two sons, Roy of Bridgeville, Pa., and George, at home; seven 
grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.
  Funeral services were held at her home Friday afternoon, January 8, at 2 
o'clock, in charge of her pastor, Rev. B. A. Black, who spoke from the text, 
Proverbs 31:28 - "Her children arise up and call her blessed."  Misses Sue N. 
Baer and Lepha Suder sang very beautifully "Nearer My God to Thee," and "Asleep 
in Jesus."  Burial was made in Union Cemetery.

Meyersdale Republican, January 14, 1932