Lawrence County KyArchives Obituaries.....Shortridge, Samantha Webb February 25, 1908
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Judy Ison November 20, 2007, 1:06 am

The Big Sandy News, February 28, 1908, Front Page

Mrs. Van Buren Shortridge died rather unexpectedly at her home at Vessie, this 
county, on last 
Tuesday.  She had been an invalid for a few years, but there was no indication 
that the end was
near until a short time previous to her death, and the shock to her family and 
other relatives 
was therefore quite severe.
She was 45 years of age and was a daughter of Wm. Webb, one of the county's 
good families.
Mrs. Shortridge was a most excellent woman, devout in church work, and a 
devoted wife and 
mother.  The husband and children have sustained the greatest possible loss by 
her death
and much sympathy goes out to them from all who knew the deceased.

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