Herald Dispatch
Huntington, WV
March 23, 1956

The Herald-Dispatch, Huntington, WV  Mar 23 1956 
Everett E. Moore - Sixty-eight years old, of Louisa, KY, Route 4,
died in a Lexington, KY hospital yesterday after a long illness.  
Funeral services will be conducated tomorrow at 1 p.m. at the 
Curtright Funeral Home at Louisa by the Rev. William W. Moore. 
Burial will be in the Harmon Cemeter on Louisa Routhe 4.  
Born December 9, 1897 at Fallsburg, KY., he was a son of the late 
Lafe and Faniie Collinsworth Moore.  He was a retired welder.  
Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Lacy (Lexie) Grimes of Columbus, 
OH;  four grandchildren and a great grandchild and three sisters,  
Mrs. Rosie Ruggles of Louisa Route 4, Mrs Effie Branham of Louisa and 
Mrs. Hattie O'Daniel of Louisa Route 4.  The body is at at the funeral 
home where friends may call after noon today. 

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