Big Sandy News

Mary Hutchison

    Mary Jones Hutchison, 86, of Fallsburg, died Tuesday in J. J, Jordon

Geriataraic Centeer in Louisa
    Mrs. Hutchison was  born May 227, 1910 in Ligon, a daughter of the
late Sylvester and Isabelle Reynolds Jones.
    Her husband, Thurmond Hutchison, died in 1986.
    She was a member of the Newcomb Church.
    Surviving are a daughter, Barbara Cox of East Point: three sons, Bob

Hutchison of Zephyr Hills, Fla., Harold Hutchison ofWebbville and
David Hutchison of Indian River, Mich.; three sisters, Lily Osborne
of Dorton, Lizzie Meade of Ligon and Martha Vaughn of Prestonsburg;
11 grandchildren; and 16 great grandchildren.
    The funeral will be conducted at noon Thursday at Young Funeral Home

in Louisa by the Rev.Robert Lee Hampton.  Burial will be in the Harmon
Cemetery in Louisa.
    Friends may call forom 6 to 9 tonight at the funeral home.

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