May 31, 1993 Lawrence Co, KY
 Gregory Scott Henderson, 31, was stabbed several times, said police
spokesman John Moncrief. Leslie Capers, 23, who rented a room from
Henderson, has been arrested and charged with murder, said Moncrief, who
gave the following details:
Henderson was renting rooms in the house he owned and lived in to two men.
When one of them, Keith Daugherty, 25, arrived home from work Saturday
morning, he found the garage door ajar, several rooms in the house ransacked
and a pool of blood on the kitchen floor.
After the police were notified, they began a search for Henderson and
Capers, as well as for Henderson's car, which was also missing. Two
neighbors who were familiar with Capers knew he liked to visit a remote
dumping area in a neighboring county. When police arrived at the area about
4 p.m. Saturday, they discovered Henderson's body, which had been hidden by
Police found Capers and the missing car in Fort Worth a short time later.
Capers is being held in the Keller jail on $50,000 bond.
The case is still under investigation.
Henderson was a machine operator for American Airlines.
His survivors include his wife, the former Laura Roberts; two sons, Bradley
and Gary Henderson, both of Milltown, Ind.; a daughter, Courtney Henderson
of Hilton Head, S.C.; his mother, Mildred Henderson of New Salisbury, Ind.;
his father, Carl Smith; his adoptive father, Gary Henderson of Corydon; two
sisters, Stephanie Riggle of Naples, Fla., and Sue-z Jones of New Salisbury;
and his grandmother, Ruby Henderson. Arrangements are being handled by
Gehlbach & Royse Funeral Home. Visitation will be after 6 p.m.

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