June 19, 1991
Joseph E. Dilger Sr., 72, died Tuesday at Methodist Evangelical Hospital.
He was retired branch manager of Van Waters & Rogers Chemical Co., an Army
veteran of World War II, past grand knight of Bishop Spalding Council of
Knights of Columbus, a fourth-degree member and past faithful navigator of
Monsignor Bouchet Assembly, past state deputy of Knights of Columbus and a
member of Order of Alhambra, American Legion Highland Post and St. Xavier
Alumni Association.
Survivors: his wife, the former June Dial; a son, Joseph E.
Dilger Jr.; three daughters, Mary J. Bolin of South Bend, Ind., Paulette M.
Ellsworth and Mildred R. Mason; three brothers, Lawrence W. Dilger of
Scottsdale, Ariz., Edwin N. and Robert J. Dilger; a sister, Marie M. Quilty;
and three grandchildren.
Funeral: 9:30 a.m. Thursday, St. Louis Bertrand Catholic Church, 1104 S.
Sixth St. Burial: Calvary Cemetery. Visitation: Bosse Funeral Home, Barret
and Ellison avenues, 9 a.m.-1 and 3-9 p.m.
Memorial gifts: St. Xavier High School or charity.

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