Big Sandy News
February 25, 1954

Jack Collinsworth, Prominent Farmer, Dies Of Injuries
    J. A. Collinsworth, 83, prominent farmer and livestock dealer of
Fallsburg, Ky., near here, died in Louisa General Hospital at 11 p.m
Wednesday night of last week, from injuries he suffered in a two-car
collision on U. S. 52, two miles south of Wayne, West Va, Wednsesday
    Mrs. Leo Crank of Lousa, Luther Kitts and Herman Wellman, boath of
Fort Gay, Wk. Va., all received treatment at the Louisa hospital.
Wellman was given emergency treatment and dismissed.  Mr. Kitts was
dismissed from the hospital on Friday and Mrs. Crank left the hospital
on Monday.
    Mr. Collinsworth was born Jul 21, 1870, at White's Creek, Boyd
county, a son of the late Thomas and Elizabeth Lovejoy Collinsworth.
He owned and operated a grocer and general merchandise store at Fullers,
KY., from 1901 until 1918.   He moved back to Fallsburg in 1918 and
entered the livestock business, in addition to operating a store.   he
was a member of the Apperson lodge F. & A.M. No. 195 of Louisa.
    He was maried to Miss Judy Moore, 59 years ago.   In addition to his
wife, he is survived by one foster son,  Edison  Daniels, of Dayton,
Ohio.  Two foster children, Mrs.  Marie Miller and Dr. G. C. Daniels,
preceded him in death.  Other survivors include two sisters, Mrs. J.M.
Brooks of Logan, W. Va., and Mrs. W. C. Heaberlin of Fallsburg, Ky.
    Funeral services were held Sunday at 2 p.m. at Savage Memorial
Methodist Church at Fallsburg by the Rev. Grant Raines and the Rev. Fred
Vanhorn.   Burial was in Rose Hill Burial park at Ashland.
    Funeral arrangements were under the direction of Curtright Funeral

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