Big Sandy News
March 16, 1906

    Thomas Collinsworth was born in Pike county, KY, Dec. 19, 1833 and
departed this life Feb. 15, 1906, aged 72 years.   He moved to Boyd
county when very small.  Was married to Elizabeth Lovejoy and to that
union were born nine children of whom eight are living--five girls and
three boys.
    Uncle Tom, as we all called him, was noted for his kindness to his
family and his socialbility to his many neighbors.   He had no enemies
and was always ready to speak a word of good advice to his family and
neighbors.  The old family Bible of his home bears the marks of his
having searched the word of God and at some time unknown to all except
him and his God he was converted.  When his friends and loved ones began
to lose hope of his recovery  they were anxious to know his spiritual
condition, and when consulted by Bro. Cassady and others his reply was,
"Yes, when life goes out of this old body my sould will be safely housed
in heaven."
    As he grew weaker physically he grew stronger spiritually; and a few
moments before the breath left him he was hear to utter, "Heaven, O!
Heaven."   His funeral was preached by Rev. H. B. Hewlett, and he was
laid to rest on a high point on his old home farm.  The burial rites
were conducted by the Masonic Order, of which he was a member.
     God bless Aunty Lizzie and her children, and the many friends and
neighbors who were so kind to him during his last illness.   Let us all
so live that when we too must die we may be ready to meet Uncle Tom and
the rest of our redeemed loved ones."       Adam Harmon.

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