The Big Sandy News, page 7
January 2, 1969

Funeral services for Mrs. Effie Moore Branham, 80, of Louisa, who died
Thursday Dec 26, (1968) were conductd at 2 p.m. Sunday from the
Curtwright Funeral Home with the J. C. Hager officiating. Burial was in
the Pine Hill Cemetery.

Born June 15, 1888, at Fallsburg, she was a daughter of the late
Lafayette and Fannie Collinsworth Moore.

Surviving are two dauaghters, Mrs. Ogden Stewart of Westminister,
Calif., and Mrs. Winfield McIntire of Los Alamito, Calif., a son, Edgar
A. Branham of Tampa, Fla.; two sisters, Mrs. Roscoe (John) Ruggles of
Rte. 4, Louisa, and Mrs. Hattie O'Daniel of Cincinnati, and five

She was preceded in death by an infant daughter, and a son, Jack
Branham, U. S. Navy, who died at sea (Pearl Harbor) during World War II,
first casualty from Lawrence County.

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