Allegheny-Juniata County PA Archives Obituaries.....Bealor, Nancy Gilson June 4 ????

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Anne Stone December 14, 2004, 12:43 am

Taken from unknown newspaper in Perry Hist. Society

Mrs. Nancy Gilson Bealor, widow of D.R.P. Bealor died at Alleghney
City,Pa., on the 4th of June inst.  She was born at McAlisterville Juniata
County September 25, 1829 and was a daughter of John P. and Hannah G.
Thompson.  She was the eldest of a family of seven children.  Alexander
Thompson died in 1869, Col. J.M. Thompson, late of the 49th infantry, P.V.
died in 1874.  Major James B. Thompson of the 1st Pennsylvania
Bucktails, died in 1875, Jane G. who was the wife of E.P. Titzel of
Millerstown died in 1889.  Mrs. C.A.Smith of Lewistown died in December
last.  But one of the family remains, Mrs. D.G. Alter of Port Royal.
   Early in the fifties the subject of this sketch was married to Mr.
Bealor.  For several years they resided at West Fairview, Cumberland
County.  Then they move to this place and erected buildings on the farm
purchased from his father,  John Bealor remaining about twenty years.
After Mr. Bealor returned from the war they sold their property and
moved to Harrisburg.  From there they moved to Port Royal, going to
Alleghney City in 1883 where Mr. Bealor died in 1893.
Nine children were the fruit of this union.  Rebecca J. and James B. died
in infancy.  Seven survived as follows: John T, David G, Budd G, Jesse L,
Nanie, and Bertie all of Alleghney City, and Mrs. August Walkmyer of
Mre Bealor united with the Presbyterian church at an early age, but after
her marriage joined the Lutheran Church with her husband, living and
dying a devot member of the same.  She was an affectionate wife and
fond mother.  Her Christian virtues are worthy of emulation.
The body was conveyed to this place and inturred in the cemetery

****Note Allegheny City is modern day Northside Pittsburgh

Additional Comments:
There was no year given in the files of the Perry County Historical society and 
the obit was clipped from a paper with no reference to name or date.  It has to 
be before 1927 because the obit mentions her sister Mrs. D.G. ALter (Hannah 
Isabelle Thompson ALter) as the only living sibling and she was alive until 

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