Allegheny County PA Archives Obituaries.....Bentley, John William January 24, 1936
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Rich Bentley February 24, 2008, 9:56 pm

Latrobe Bulletin, Jan. 25, 1936
John W. Bentley, cost clerk for the Carnegie Steel Company at their Pittsburgh
office, and husband of the former Miss Lillian Mowry, of Derry, died suddenly at
his home, 639 Greendale Avenue, Edgewood, yesterday. Heart trouble was the cause
of his death. He had been at work as usual the preceding day.
He is survived by his widow, who is a daughter of the late Mr. And Mrs. George
Mowry, of Derry, and a sister of Victor R. Mowry, Derry lumber merchant.
Two sons, John Jr., aged 14 years and Richard M., aged 13 years, also survive.
Funeral services will be held Monday, January 27, at 2 p.m.

Pittsburgh Press, Jan. 24, 1936
BENTLEY - - Suddenly on Friday, January 24, 1936, John W., beloved husband of
Lillian Lowry [sic] Bentley. Funeral services at his late home, 639 Greendale
Ave., Edgewood, Monday, January 27, at 2 p. m. Friends Invited.

Additional Comments:
Wife was Westmoreland county native, Lillian Mowry.
Burial in Monongahela Cemetery

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