Allegheny County PA Archives-  Obituaries: Bennett, John, 17 Jun 1889

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from The Pittsburgh Press dated Tuesday, June 18 1889  (page 6):

John BENNETT, one of Allegheny's oldest and respected citizens, died
at his home, No. 53 Pennsylvania avenue, yesterday afternoon, shortly
after 3 o'clock.  He was in his 80th year and came to this country
from Ireland 75 years ago.  For 35 years he was inspector of the
Cleveland & Pittsburg railroad, retaining the post until February
1888.  Mr BENNETT's wife and four children survive him.  The children
are W P BENNETT, the book binder; Hamilton, Ellen and Margaret
BENNETT.  The deceased was a member of the Third U P church.  The
funeral takes place at the family residence at 3 o'clock to-morrow

>From census listings, wife is Jane (also from Ireland) with children
Margaret, Nancy, Alex, David, John Thomas, Hamilton, Mary Ellen,
William P, George G, and Annie.