Allegheny County PA Archives- Obituaries: Bauman, Gerald, 11 May 1896 Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Martha Little, <>, Apr 2011 Copyright 2011. All rights reserved. ________________________________________________ from The Pittsburgh Press dated Tuesday, May 12, 1896 (page 9): Heroic Effort at Rescue Gerald BAUMAN, a 13-year-old boy living at 1800 Cliff street, was drowned in the Allegheny river near the dock of the Pittsburg & Western railroad yesterday afternoon. BAUMAN and a number of companions went in bathing at that point about 4 o'clock. BAUMAN could not swim very well and soon got beyond his depth. When he cried for assistance, John LICKS, a circus employee, went to his rescue but the boy had gone down for the third time before LICKS could reach him. LICKS dived into the water where BAUMAN had gone down and promptly recovered the body. It was carried to the circus mess tent and an effort made to resuscitate, but this proved fruitless. The body of the drowned boy was removed to the parents' home and and the coroner notified. This makes the third drowning that has occurred in the past 10 days. from the Allegheny City Death Records: Gerald M BAUMAN, aged 13 years, died May 11, 1896, drowned in Allegheny River; son of Arthur and Margaret J BAUMAN; born in Pittsburgh; lived at 1800 Cliff Street; burial in Highwood Cemetery on May 13, 1896.