OBIT: Grace (BUNKER) ARMSTRONG, 1905, Wilkinsburg, Allegheny County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Patty Millich <> Copyright 2008. All rights reserved. _________________________________________ MRS. GRACE BUNKER ARMSTRONG, Wife of Mr. Gilbert Armstrong, a member of the firm of T. J. Armstrong & Son, 1008 Eleventh avenue, this city, died at 12 o'clock noon today at the home of her sister, Mrs. William B. Reed, on Hickory Street, Hollidaysburg. Mrs. Armstrong suffered an attack of appendicitis last week while on a visit to her sister, and last night an operation was performed in the hope of saving her life, without avail. She never rallied from the shock. Mrs. Armstrong was born in Hollidaysburg and was aged 23 years. She was a daughter of the late Henry L. Bunker. For the past several years she has resided at Wilkinsburg. June 15 last she was wedded to Mr. Gilbert Armstrong. A few days later they came to Altoona which was to be her future home. A handsome new residence at Eighth avenue and Fourteenth street, which she and her husband was to occupy, is nearing completion. Besides her husband, she is survived by her mother, Mrs. Hannah Bunker of Wilkinsburg and three sisters and four brothers - Mrs. W. B. Reed of Hollidaysburg, Mrs. Beresford Calvin, Mrs. Herbert M. Smith, Harry L., John G., Paul and Joseph, all of Wilkinsburg. Mrs. Armstrong was a member of the First Baptist church of Wilkinsburg. Altoona Mirror, Saturday, July 11, 1905 [page is dated July 8, but is page 10 in the July 11 newspaper]