Allegheny County PA Archives- Obituaries: Antonovski, Unknown, Jul 1892 Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Victoria Valentine, <>, Jan 2009 Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. ________________________________________________ Taken from McDonald Pa Outlook July 23, 1892 A sad accident occurred at the McDonald depot last Sunday afternoon by which a man named ANTONOVSKI, living at Willow Grove, was killed. He was waiting at the depot with the body of a child of his who had died the day before, intending to take it away on the train when he noticed an east bound freight approaching at a high rate of speed, and fearing apparently that the little coffin containing the remains projected too far over onto the track, ran to pull it back. But he was not quick enough in getting away and the train hit him, knocking him about twenty feet and injuring him so that he died in a few moments. His wife and little girl standing by were terribly affected at being thus doubly afflicted. ANTONOVSKI was a Hungarian and worked in the Willow Grove mine.