Randolph County AlArchives Obituaries.....Allen, Harva November 27, 1931
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Linda Ayres http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00031.html#0007674 February 4, 2023, 6:43 pm

Death Records
Harva Allen was charged and convicted of C.C.W. in Randolph County. He was sent 
to prison and died a few weeks later. The body was returned to Roanoke Randolph 

Additional Comments:
Name	Harva Allen
Sex	Male
Age	23
Burial Place	Roanoke, Alabama
Death Date	1931
Death Place	Montgomery County, Alabama
Birth Year (Estimated)	1908
Marital Status	Married
Occupation	Farmer
Race	Colored
Ethnicity	American
Father's Name	Daniel Allen
Father's Sex	Male
Spouse's Name	Simmie Allen
Event Type	Death
Source Details	cn 25269

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