Columbiana County OhArchives Obituaries.....Dawson, Thomas March 21 1894
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East Liverpool Crisis  21 Mar 1894  pg 4
Ben R. Little, of this city, received word today of the sudden death, this 
morning, of Mrs. Little’s father, Thomas Dawson, at his home at Bellvue, Pa. 
Mr. Dawson was a pioneer in the oil boom at Island Run many years ago, having 
owned at the beginning of the excitement practically all of the land in that 
vicinity, which was subsequently developed as oil producing territory. Mr. 
Dawson realized a handsome fortune, and died worth probably $150,000. He was 
twice married, three children having been born from the first union, and five 
from the latter – Mrs. Little, of this city, one son at home, and another who 
lives on the old homestead on Island Run being the three elder children. Mr. 
Dawson retired some twenty years since to Bellvue where he has since resided. 
Soon after this time he lost a leg in a railroad accident in the vicinity of 
his home. No character in the Island Run speculation possibly was better known 
than Mr. Dawson. He was aged eighty years. His second wife survives him. No 
arrangements have been announced in regard to the funeral.

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