Columbiana County OhArchives Obituaries.....Ramsey, Cazziah (Keziah) July 12, 1903
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Sheila Fritts November 6, 2005, 4:03 pm

East Liverpool Daily Crisis - 13 Jul 1903 - pg 2
Death Was Due To The Heat

Mrs. Ramsey, Lisbon’s Oldest Woman, First Victim of Immoderate Hot Weather

   Mrs. Cazziah Ramsey died at the Ramsey homestead, near Lisbon, yesterday 
afternoon, at the age of nearly 90 years. Although she had been sinking for 
some time, with the extremeties of age, she was not particularly ill until 
about a week ago, when she was taken down quite suddenly, her sickness being 
ascribed to the heat.   
   Deceased was a lifelong resident of this vicinity. Her maiden name was 
Cazziah Hamilton, and about 70 years ago she was married to John Ramsey, who 
died a number of years since. Of the 12 children born to them, five survive, as 
follows: Mrs. Jonathan Whitacre, Miss Kate, John D. and Robert Ramsey, all of 
Lisbon, and vicinity, and George Ramsey, an attorney of Springfield, Mo.
   For a number of years Mrs. Ramsey has lived with her son, John D., who 
became a tenant of the farm at the death of his father. The deceased has a 
number of relatives in East Liverpool and Wellsville.
   Mrs. Ramsey joined the Presbyterian church in 1835, and for a number of 
years has been the oldest living member of the congregation. Her father, 
husband, and son John, have all served the congregation as elders. Funeral 
arrangements have not been made.

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