Columbiana County OhArchives Obituaries.....Geer, Asa July 29, 1901
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Sheila Fritts August 12, 2005, 1:56 pm

East Liverpool Daily Crisis
Asa Geer, the oldest citizen of Hancock County, died at his home about three 
miles from Chester, near the Washington school house, on Monday night. Mr. 
Geer was aged 94 years and was one of the best known men in Hancock County. He 
had lived at the old homestead for over 50 years. Up until the last few months 
he was able to work in the fields. He was remarkabley well preserved, his 
intellect clear, vision bright, and up until a year ago had the activity of a 
man of 50 years of age. For several years he was the overseer of the poor in 
Hancock County and in early life took flatboats of produce down the Ohio and 
traded. Mr. Geer was highly respected, always a good neighbor and a friend to 
all. He leaves a good estate to be divided anong his children, E.W., B.A.; 
Marion and Mrs. George Moore and Mrs. O.A. Lowery. The funeral will take place 
on Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the late home. Interment at the Nessley 
chapel cemetery.

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